Crimson Dawn

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

"Comrades, now that Wen Qing has completed the tasks of the party organization, I would like to invite everyone to discuss the work arrangements of the Beijing party group." Shang Yuan announced at the party meeting.

The expressions of the people below are different, some people are eagerly waiting for the organization to assign work, some people think it doesn't matter and just listen quietly.There were one or two others with the look of being ready for a joke.

Looking at everyone's different expressions, Shang Yuan naturally knew it in his heart.He has seen too many people like this, even these comrades who are enthusiastic about revolution, they were born in the old era, so they inevitably have the habits of the old era.In their habits, interests and status are still very important.Looking at the comrades, Shang Yuan suddenly remembered the discussion with Chen Ke a few days ago.Chen Ke thinks that these people should just stay in Beijing.They may not be able to withstand such hard work when they go to the south.Shang Yuan thinks what Chen Ke said is right.Looking at it now, there are a few people who are really inappropriate.

The first one discussed was Chen Ke's work arrangement. Shang Yuan suggested that Chen Ke stop going out for activities and concentrate on party education.Shang Yuan will arrange how to contact Yuan Shikai next.

Chen Ke is the initiator of the Beijing Party Group, and Shang Yuan has always advocated this.Even a few days ago, Shang Yuan publicly stated that Chen Ke was Shang Yuan's teacher in terms of learning and revolutionary theory.Unexpectedly, after Chen Ke finished contacting Yuan Shikai according to the arrangement of the party group, Shang Yuan immediately began to give orders to Chen Ke to give lectures. This was a blatant seizure of power.If nothing unexpected happened, Chen Ke would definitely fight back.

Contrary to those people's expectations, Chen Ke didn't have the slightest resistance.He nodded, "Comrades, I think I should concentrate on lecturing at this stage. We are blind to things in Beijing and can't get involved. Besides, I have no intention of developing in Beijing for a long time. There is no need to do such useless work. I will obey the resolution of the party organization."

Such a statement surprised everyone, and some people began to wonder what Chen Ke meant.This "obedience to the resolution of the party organization" is quite interesting. What the party organization asks Chen Ke to do, what will Chen Ke do?If Chen Ke is asked to move bricks and mortar, will Chen Ke accept it calmly?

The next step is to vote. The result of the vote is eleven votes in favor and two votes against.The opponents are Chai Qingguo and Zheng Wenjie.Shang Yuan asked Chai Qingguo to explain the reason. This was the first time Chai Qingguo spoke in front of a group of officials. He put on an expression of Chen Ke's diehard loyalist and said: "Mr. If you see Mr. Chen, what should you do?"

It can be said so, but it is not the case at all.Everyone else here is either proficient in officialdom, or knows something about it.Chai Qingguo's speech made many people smile with good intentions on their faces.But no one spoke, and everyone's eyes fell on Chen Ke and Shang Yuan's faces.Chen Ke felt that he had failed in what he did. Chai Qingguo's thinking was understandable, but his approach was completely wrong.Chen Ke should talk to Chai Qingguo before the meeting.But after thinking about it, this is also a good opportunity for Chen Ke to understand the attitude of the comrades in the Beijing party group towards organizational discipline.

"Qingguo, it's not that I don't care about this matter at all. It's about what the purpose of contacting Yuan Shikai is. Everyone has the final say on this matter."

Chai Qingguo didn't understand this very well. Chen Ke was the one in charge, why did he listen to everyone's opinions?Things should be discussed with everyone, but Chen Ke has delegated power like this, isn't this a person who runs errands?How can this be the case?But Chai Qingguo finally got his position right. Since he decided to follow Chen Ke, since Chen Ke had clearly stated his position, he should listen to Chen Ke.He nodded, "Since Mr. Chen said so, I will change my vote to agree."

This kind of wise performance surprised many people. Except for Chen Ke's academic qualifications, these party members are all "famous".Originally, everyone didn't quite understand why Chen Ke wanted to be such a big boss. Not only did they look down on Chai Qingguo, but they also looked down on Chen Ke.But seeing that Chai Qingguo said something wrong, he was able to correct it immediately.This kind of heart is also quite redeemable.He even had some respect for Chen Ke.

Zheng Wenjie obviously wanted to see a joke. He voted to follow Chai Qingguo, and he was uneasy and kind.Unexpectedly, Chai Qingguo gave up like this. He was also a bachelor, and said directly: "I actually just wanted to see Brother Chai make some jokes, and then booed him. Since Brother Chai is so straightforward, I was wrong."

This Zheng Wenjie brother was so frank, Chen Ke was not angry at all.Not only Chen Ke, several people in the meeting couldn't help laughing.Hearing these words and that laughter, Chai Qingguo immediately became furious.He suddenly got up.Chen Ke grabbed Chai Qingguo's shoulder and pulled him back to his seat.

"Brother Zheng, you have to clarify this matter." Chen Ke's voice was very serious.Things are on the table and that's a good thing.But since it is put on the table, there must be a public opinion.

"I have seen this brother Chai. I was in Shandong in the year of Gengzi, and I fought with brother Chai." Zheng Wenjie said solemnly, "Brother Chai led a team of cavalry at that time, and rushed out. It is also a talent But since Brother Chai is a Boxer, I don’t think Brother Chai really wants to make a revolution. He doesn’t understand revolution. I originally wanted to wait for it to start a fight, but in the end, Brother Chen, you had to let Brother Chai go. But I was wrong, I underestimated Brother Chai. Then I will say it straight now, because of different political views, Brother Chai is not suitable to be in the party organization."

Everyone thought Zheng Wenjie was just playing a prank, but it turned out to be a big hit.After hearing such fierce words, they didn't bother to pick up the words anymore.

Where is the superiority of the new-style political parties? Its superiority lies in the fact that the new-style political parties are based on political viewpoints, and people with the same political viewpoints form the new-style political parties.However, the current political organization in China is based on economic interests or political interests.This is Chen Ke's narration in the party class.Those present at the meeting thought that this way of thinking was very correct. Since it was a correct theory, it would be fine to implement it according to this theory.

Zheng Wenjie now raises the issue of political stance, and even Chen Ke cannot refute it.He knows that Chai Qingguo is not a suitable party member at this stage. Although the Beijing Party group has not yet held a party joining ceremony at this stage, it is obvious that the members of the group are of a high level.Zheng Wenjie is not the only one who agrees with him.

"I want to vote on whether Brother Chai should continue to participate in our meeting." Zheng Wenjie said loudly.

There was silence in the venue, and everyone looked at Chen Ke.Since the person was brought by Chen Ke, and Chen Ke hasn't spoken yet, everyone should give Chen Ke some face and let him make his statement first.

Chen Ke knew what to say, he had no other choice.As a party member, you must obey the resolutions of the party organization.This is what Chen Ke said to everyone when he explained the party organization program.Chen Ke was about to speak, but Chai Qingguo stood up tremblingly with anger, "I'm leaving now, you don't need to rush."

Chen Ke pulled Chai Qingguo back to his seat again, "Brother Chai, you are a member of the party organization. You can only leave if the party organization lets you go. If the party organization tells you to stay, you have to stay. You can leave as soon as you say so." Come on, are you still a member of the party organization?" After saying this, Chen Ke felt that he was slapping himself in the face.When he was in Shanghai, Chen Ke actually expanded the party organization by listening in and gradually pulling people in.But I didn't think about it carefully, and I did the same thing in Beijing, and I encountered such a result.Chen Ke didn't hate Zheng Wenjie, Zheng Wenjie did nothing wrong.

Chai Qingguo's face was livid with anger, showing the humiliation and shock after being wronged.But the more this is the case, the less they will be tolerated by the political structure of the party organization.Chen Ke suddenly understood a little bit, why the so-called "politically wronged" back then was what happened.If the party organization says to make you round, it will make you round, and if it says to make you square, it will make you square.You're still here waiting for the organization to make a decision.

And his thoughts didn't just stop there, suddenly, Chen Ke felt that he could understand such things as personnel struggles and crazy revenge.When Mao Zedong launched various campaigns, he repeatedly emphasized that "rectification is not a rectification of people."And under the prestige of Grandpa Mao back then, all kinds of things happened one after another.This is the bottom line to ensure that the rectification movement does not kill people.Now Chai Qingguo and Zheng Wenjie's Liang Zi is married.How high a quality is this so that we can "meet each other with a smile and obliterate grievances" in the future?In the future, together with the rectification movement, in case Zheng Wenjie falls into the hands of Chai Qingguo... "Start voting." Shang Yuan said.

Twelve votes against, with one abstention.Chai Qingguo will no longer be able to attend the meetings of the Beijing Party Group.The abstention vote was cast by Chai Qingguo. Needless to say, this must be the best proof of "resentment".The party organization is so ruthless, even if you know that you are destined to be expelled, you must sincerely move closer to the party organization.Cannot resist passively.Chen Ke knew all of this, and he just knew it.Today he has fully understood what is going on with the organization.

After the vote, Chai Qingguo left.That distressed back was completely different from the usual performance of the bold Shandong man.Looking at it made Chen Ke feel bitter.

After such an incident, the meeting immediately entered a new realm, and everyone cheered up.The work assignment went quite smoothly.Chen Ke was in charge of lecturing, and the others also had their own duties.Before leaving Beijing, the purpose of the party organization was to recruit as many people as possible, especially members who could be sent to Anhui.After Shang Yuan left, the party organization not only had to complete the transfer of personnel, but more importantly, it had to transfer information.

"I can't do it if I want to make a real revolution. In the future, Anhui will be the Party Central Committee, and I will absolutely obey the Party Central Committee's decision. But now I can only do intelligence work in Beijing. I can't do anything else. " Zheng Wenjie said frankly.

There are quite a few people who agree with him.

After the meeting was over, Chen Ke immediately went to find Chai Qingguo. This meeting lasted for a long time.After Chen Ke saw Chai Qingguo, Chai Qingguo had already packed his luggage.Seeing Chen Ke, the hero from Shandong didn't get angry, "Mr. Chen, I'm not on the same side with these people. I don't dare to mention the matter of asking you to send some scholars last time. I'm going to Back to Shandong."

"Brother Chai, if the Yihequan brothers discussed things back then, it would be the same. Do you think we will be beaten like that by the Beiyang Army?" Chen Ke asked, holding Chai Qingguo's hand.

"Brothers in Boxer Boxing don't treat their own brothers that much." Chai Qingguo said angrily.

"So the Boxer brothers failed. If you want to succeed in the future, you must have this kind of organization and discipline." Chen Ke also wanted to persuade Chai Qingguo in the end.

"I can't do it for my brother to go out in such a meeting." Chai Qingguo couldn't understand.

"Everyone just asked you to leave the meeting, but they didn't let you leave Beijing. Brother Chai, I'm going to Anhui in a while. I really want you to go with me. Will you go?" Chen Ke said at last s hard work.

"Mr. Chen, you are a good person." Chai Qingguo first sent a good person card to Chen Ke, "But I also have face, and I can't do it if I am allowed to work under those people." Chai Qingguo said what was in his heart.

Having said all that, Chen Ke naturally couldn't say anything more.He sighed, and took out all the money from his pocket. Fortunately, Chen Ke didn't go out much these days, and he didn't have much money to spend.There are more than a dozen silver dollars in the pocket.He gave all these to Chai Qingguo, "Be careful on the road."

After Chai Qingguo left, Chen Ke was a little depressed.Chai Qingguo went back to launch a rebellion. If there is no correct theoretical guidance, the result can be imagined.Chen Ke only regretted this, but it was only limited to regret.For high-quality people, there is no need to complain about this kind of thing.Chen Ke has always felt that if a person's quality is high, his relationship will degenerate to a certain extent.The longer you can look at the problem, you will find that many things are destined to happen. Who has the leisure to feel sad for those tragedies that are bound to happen.

Grandpa Mao once said, "Revolution is not about entertaining guests, making articles, or painting and embroidering. It cannot be so elegant, so calm, gentle, and gentle. Revolution is a riot, a violent action in which a class overthrows a class."

Apart from silently wishing Chai Qingguo that "every calamity will be turned into good luck, and death will be prosperous", Chen Ke has no other choice.

After this meeting, Chen Ke has been giving lectures.Shang Yuan didn't let Chen Ke give lectures stupidly, because the capital city is a strange place, and the news is very fast.For example, on the third day after meeting Yuan Shikai, He Ruming was able to come to the Honeycomb Coal Factory early in the morning to visit Chen Ke.After Shang Yuan talked with Chen Ke about the process of visiting Yuan Shikai, he told Chen Ke that a wave of officials would come to visit in the next few days.Then Shang Yuan moved the location of the party meeting from the dormitory of the briquette factory to a house in the capital.Chen Ke's party class was held in another house near the factory.

He Ruming can be regarded as one of the promoters of the briquette coal factory anyway, and he got a lot of benefits from Chen Ke during the founding process.Chen Ke somewhat hoped that He Ruming would still come to talk about money.It's a pity, He Ruming just chatted casually, and then said with a strange smile: "I heard that Wen Qing paid a visit to Lord Yuan a few days ago?"

Have an egg relationship with you?Chen Ke thought.But on the surface, Chen Ke said with a serious look: "Master Yuan took time out of his busy schedule to meet me. It is really an honor."

"Does Wen Qing know that Mr. Yuan and Mr. Yan Fu have an irresistible relationship?" He Ruming continued to ask.

Chen Ke knows some of these old things. These days, as the relationship with Qin Tongren gets closer, Chen Ke has heard many things from Qin Tongren.When He Ruming's father, Mr. He, was in Tianjin, he had a close relationship with Yan Fu and Yuan Shikai.Both Yan Fu and Yuan Shikai were members of the New School, and they formed the "Reformation Salon" with a large number of New School people when they were in Tianjin.Mr. He is also an important person.According to Qin Tongren's deduction, Yan Fu's book should have been sent to Mr. He, not He Ruming.At first, after Chen Ke learned that He Ruming had received Yan Fu's book, he thought He Ruming was someone, but he didn't expect that he would make such a big mistake.Chen Ke felt a little unhappy.

"I know something about this." Chen Ke probably didn't take this issue.

"When my father was alive, he had a very close relationship with these two adults." He Ruming did not avoid suspicion at all.

"Is that so?" Chen Ke pretended to hear it for the first time.

"So, Wen Qing and I are kind brothers." He Ruming laughed.

It seems that He Ruming's visit this time should be to connect the "old relationship" between the He family and Yuan Shikai through Chen Ke's relationship.Chen Ke thought it was normal, so he said a few perfunctory words.Seeing that Chen Ke's attitude was acceptable, He Ruming was quite happy.It was He Qian's suggestion to come to see Chen Ke this time.Yuan Shikai was recognized as the Queen's party, and was consistent with the political faction of the He family.But for some reason, Mr. He doesn't like Yuan Shikai very much.During the Gengzi Incident, the relationship between Mr. He and Yuan Shikai became cold. When Mr. He passed away, He Ruming had no way to continue the relationship.Although Yuan Shikai desperately recruited people, he turned a blind eye to the He family.So He Qian felt that it was logical to take advantage of Chen Ke's relationship.Seeing that Chen Ke didn't intend to refuse, He Ruming was quite happy.

After He Ruming left, several officials came one after another, all of whom were old friends of Yan Fu.The purpose is basically the same as that of He Ruming, to make friends with Chen Ke.A few days later, someone came to report suddenly, and an official surnamed Sheng came to visit.The party group once discussed, if an official came to approach, who would it be?The result of the discussion was that if the people who came from Beiyang were either Yuan Shikai's direct lineage, they should be Yang Shiqi's subordinates, or they should be the subordinates of Beiyang's "economic No. 1" Sheng Xuanhuai.

Shang Yuan spoke at the party committee, thinking that since everyone's purpose is to create a new political system, there is no need to pay attention to the broken things of the old era.The only thing to note is that if Sheng Xuanhuai sends someone to come, there must be room for meeting in the future.Sheng Xuanhuai has great influence in Anhui, so there is no need to offend this person before the base area is established.Sheng Xuanhuai can still provide a lot of support before completely raising the banner of rebellion.Sheng Xuanhuai is a very accomplished figure in Chinese history. He is a reformer. During the Westernization Movement, he founded and operated ships, telegraphs, textiles, coal and iron mines, railways and other industries, founded banks, and opened modern Chinese universities.Also considered a big man.

Shang Yuan even thinks that as long as he can get in touch with Sheng Xuanhuai, he can even consider Anhui affairs now.

"..." Shang Yuan thought for a long time before saying this. Generally speaking, people who can say this have either irreversible relationships or ulterior motives.In the end, it was Chen Ke's words in the party class that made Shang Yuan make up his mind. The Beijing party group provided a lot of information. The conflict over the management rights of the "Two Lundian Companies" that began in 1901 was quite subtle.

Like Yuan Shikai, Sheng Xuanhuai is also the backbone of Beiyang. After the death of Li Hongzhang in 1901, the former Beiyang switched to the latter Beiyang presided over by Yuan Shikai, and the succeeding Beiyang Minister was Yuan Shikai. At that time, Yuan Shikai and Sheng Xuanhuai cooperated very closely because of the same political views.But when Sheng Xuanhuai's father died in 1902, when he went home to "keep the system", Yuan Shikai began to intervene in the "Luandian Company" presided over by Sheng Xuanhuai. "Luandian Company" refers to the two new enterprises founded by Beiyang, namely, steamship and telegraph.Sheng Xuanhuai has always been the host.

Honeycomb briquettes, until now, the daily profit is much higher than expected.Chen Ke once thought that there would be some manual workers to compete.He miscalculated.These days, there is still the restraint of handicraft guilds, and it is not easy for handicraftsmen to switch to production.More importantly, people in this era have not adapted to fierce competition. The situation of copycats flying all over the sky in the 21st century has not happened at all.In addition, Chen Ke went through an investigation from the beginning, and the price was kept very low, which firmly pushed the bottom line of the craftsmen.The efficiency of mechanical production is not something that handicrafts can compete with.The price is low, the supply is sufficient, and the users are stable.Honeycomb coal can be sold for 3 yuan per day, and the sales volume is 20 Wen per day.In addition to repairing stoves and selling stove tiles, the income is quite high.And the number of users is steadily increasing.If it is popularized in Tianjin and Beijing, there should be no problem with a daily income of more than 10 Wen.This is a transaction of more than 10 taels of silver a year.And the investment is quite low.It's just a few factories.Compared with the tens of thousands to tens of thousands of taels of investment, this is nothing at all.If it can be implemented in several big cities in Hebei, or even in places across the country where conditions permit, the income will be huge.But that's all for later.Don't even think about it now.

At this stage, honeycomb coal is just a trick, so Yuan Shikai should not see it.As a show of favor, it is also possible to let Sheng Xuanhuai run the business.

This official Sheng is the nephew of the Sheng family. He is in his 30s. He is fat and looks quite friendly.Of course, he might be so kind because he should know about Chen Ke's background.I don't know if it was luck or something else, He Ruming came to visit again not long after.Chen Ke simply invited the two of them.

At the banquet, official Sheng informed that Chen Ke and the others were doing the honeycomb briquette business privately, and Beiyang wanted to put a name on it.It is impossible for the government to do it, because too many procedures are involved. Since it involves coal, it belongs to the Beiyang Shipping Company, and it can be operated after a value of "payment" to the court.Moreover, official Sheng said that the amount of "reward" can be negotiated slowly.

Since it is necessary to "talk slowly", it means that it depends on the attitude of officials Sheng.He is what he says.Chen Ke didn't quite understand the techniques involved, so he simply said that he didn't understand.But if there is anything he can do, he will never refuse.

Official Sheng chuckled, "Brother Wenqing, I heard that you have a batch of medicine to give to Mr. Yuan. I don't dare to take anything from Mr. Yuan. But, do you have any more prepared..."

The two parties finally reached an agreement, and Chen Ke provided 200 copies of the medicine to officials Sheng for "trial use".Chen Ke emphasized that the drug is highly toxic.Official Sheng said with a smile: "We all know about this medicine. My home in Tianjin City, someone in my family knows about this medicine. Brother Wen Qing reminded me, I know it was Brother Wen Qing's kindness."

After talking like this, Chen Ke couldn't say anything.On the contrary, after He Ruming heard it, his complexion was not very good-looking.

After talking about the business, everyone started chatting.While talking, they informed each other of the situation.It is learned that Chen Ke is 25 years old and has not yet married.Official Sheng said with a smile: "At this age, we should get married early. If Wen Qing has a girl he likes, I will help Wen Qing propose marriage."

Speaking of this, Chen Ke suddenly thought of He Qianlai, and couldn't help but glance at He Ruming.Official Sheng is really a thief. He thought for a moment and suddenly smiled and said, "Could it be that Wen Qing, you have a crush on Mr. He's daughter."

Chen Ke was taken aback, he couldn't help asking: "Brother Sheng, how do you know?"

"I guessed at first, but now I know." Official Sheng said with a smile.

He Ruming looked embarrassed, and Chen Ke also felt that he had made a slip of the tongue.Official Sheng saw that everyone was embarrassed, so he didn't say anything more about this issue.

The banquet was over and Official Sheng was sent away, and Chen Ke didn't know how to explain it.But He Ruming suddenly said: "Wen Qing, do you know that you have caused serious trouble?"

Chapter 73

No. 73, to URL

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