Immortal Will of Darkness

Chapter 61 Lina's Proposal

Chapter 61 Linna's Proposal

When the moon rose into the sky, the Marquis’s dinner ended with laughter and laughter. Although Li Zhi’s beauty essence and potpourri essence became the theme of the dinner, the dinner did not deviate from the original path. The biggest significance of this dinner is not What happened at the banquet means, who did he invite?To put it bluntly, the dinner was just a signal to the old Candelas nobles, nothing more. 【】

However, for some down-and-out nobles, this dinner is extremely rare. They have already gnawed on the black bread that even dogs would not eat for a long time, and some nobles could not maintain their decency at the end. The private camp went to drink the batter.And for the entourage of the nobles, this dinner is undoubtedly extremely rare. How can they enjoy such good food in normal times, but in the eyes of Li Zhi's entourage, the food here may not be as good as Li Zhi's. The daily food rations for them include cakes and instant noodles with a lot of spices, but there is one thing that Li Zhi doesn't have, and that is wine.

At the end of the show, there were still many ladies complaining about Li Zhi. Although this Mr. Winster sold a few boxes of beauty essence and potpourri essence to the Marchioness, the price was too expensive in their eyes. Before the demon god revived, they would feel pain if they wanted to buy a box. The treasure that can make them more beautiful is right in front of them but they can't get it. Why don't they complain?

Li Zhi sold three bottles of Beauty Essence and Hundred Flowers Essence to the Marchioness, and received [-] gold coins. The high profit made him speechless. Lin Na was also surprised. Although she was a wizard, she also lived in a wealthy family since childhood. It is not uncommon for aristocratic families to see such a large sum of money, but they have never handled it personally. What is even more frightening is that Li Zhi took out a few items and sold them for such a high price.

She knows about Li Zhi's deeds. She knows that Li Zhi has the Horadrim's lost space technique and alchemy. She also knows the huge impact Li Zhi has caused in just a few days. And the Zakarum Church has reached a big business about paper. Li Zhi has alchemy, and he doesn't know how much he can make from paper alone. At this time, Lin Na looked at Li Zhi almost like a dragon who likes gold coins. In her eyes, Li Zhi almost turned into a big gold mountain.

"It's all over, why are you following me?" Standing outside the Necromancer Guild, Li Zhi frowned, but this Linna followed out lingeringly, as if determined to cling to her and refused to let go. "Didn't you hear what they said?" Linna gave Li Zhi a resentful look, and Li Zhi felt a chill rise from the bottom of his heart.

"What are you talking about?" Li Zhi just now focused on dealing with the ladies and selling his products, but he didn't pay attention to other things. "Those nobles say Mr. Winster's wife is so beautiful." What, madam?Li Zhi felt chills for a while, just because it has nothing to do with it now, it is so difficult, it will be even more serious if she really becomes a wife, now Li Zhi's idea is to stay away from her.

"You are in such a hurry to drive me away, do you want to let the Rogge camp hear that Mr. Winster and the beautiful lady have broken up? At that time, all the gentlemen will flock to you. You are not afraid that I will dye your head. Is it a layer of green?" Linna's face became extremely fast, almost a single sentence was an expression.

It's true that the head won't be dyed green, but it doesn't sound good when you say it, Li Zhi thought. "What exactly do you want? It's fine to just say it directly. Why bother to beat around the bush like this? It's not interesting to play around. If there is something to discuss, as long as it makes sense, just say it to me."

How could Li Zhi want to waste brain cells with this woman now?Linna lived in a noble family, and was used to the intrigues of adults. Seeing Li Zhi's huge influence these days, and his flexible methods tonight, she naturally thought that he was also that kind of person, but she didn't expect him to be so straightforward , it's hard for her to say it like this, but since Li Zhi said so, it's not like she can't change.

"I said I want to be your wife, what do you think?" Linna suddenly looked at Li Zhi very seriously. Once she was serious, it was Li Zhi's turn to vomit blood. Please, don't say that I already have someone in my heart. No, it's too exaggerated for a stranger to start talking about marriage after only a few meetings, especially if you are a woman!too exaggerated!

"Aren't you joking?" Li Zhi was inexplicably astonished up to now, unable to turn his head. "Do you think it's a joke for a beautiful lady to seriously tell a man that she wants to be his wife?" Linna said quietly to Li Zhi. The Supreme Council pursued her, even if the enemy had her beauty, she would not kill her, so she escaped all the way, but she didn't want to get hurt in front of Li Zhi.

She has her own wise plans, but she doesn't want to suffer in front of Li Zhi again and again. Li Zhi's several small calculations were turned upside down by Li Zhi, and she turned passive into active to make two big deals. She is really aggrieved. When the time came to Li Zhi's embarrassment, although there was resentment on his face, he secretly smiled inwardly.There is a good saying that a gentleman can bully him, and now Li Zhi is facing this situation. Sure enough, the old master Confucius is right, it is difficult to raise a little girl and a villain!

"Is my beauty really so insignificant in your eyes?" Seeing that Li Zhi was deflated, Lin Na quickly took advantage of the victory to pursue her, giving full play to her advantages. In front of a man, as long as the man is not sexual and truly cruel A pervert, a beautiful woman often has a great advantage, whether it is her being a woman or her beauty.

"In addition, don't you think that the combination of you and me is beneficial to everyone? Although the current Horadrim is determined to be established, are we really of one mind? It is the two of us, and it is even more so. Needless to say about them, after all, we still have a common goal now, but what about in the future? I become your wife, first of all, we can trust each other and be of one mind."

"In addition, didn't Mr. Winster discover his own flaws? Your management ability and your lack of foundation, yes, sir has the Horadrim's superb alchemy, and I have also achieved the ability to make money. It is indeed very powerful, but No matter how much money you have, it can only make you a rich man and a big businessman, but it cannot be transformed into real power, whether it is personal or organizational power. Sir, you have a lot of money now, but what have I got? Little Chicken and Duck Three Two, not at all climate."

"I was born in a noble family of wizards in Kurast, the Eastern Continent. My grandfather was a member of the Supreme Council. I received an elite noble education since I was a child, and my management ability is beyond doubt. Besides, sir, don't want me to be alone now, but sir Do you think that a noble family whose grandfather was a member of the Supreme Council can be destroyed so easily?"

"Sir's alchemy, my management ability, plus my old family power, rooted in the way of strength cultivation passed down by me and my husband, such a combination can produce qualitative changes in an instant and release a huge force. Strength, does Mr. Winster think this is bad?" If Lina was joking before and wanted Li Zhi to look embarrassed, now she is telling the truth.

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