Immortal Will of Darkness

Chapter 1 This is Shelter World

Chapter 1 This is Shelter World This chapter is free

A round wooden board, covered with a layer of white iron, with a few laces fixed on the inside to act as wrists and hands, a simple shield is made. Li Zhi has made two sides of this shield, and now he is holding two shields Performing martial arts in the room, moving forward rapidly, changing direction, blocking, and stabbing with a short blade, after about a few minutes of performing, Li Zhi was a little tired. Although his physical fitness is very good, he is just comparing with a few friends. Even with the shield and weapon to do strenuous exercise, I still can't play a few times, but these few times are enough. 【】

Of course, the two shields are not held in two hands, but the shield is held in the left hand, and a triangular army thorn is held in the right hand, and the other shield is carried behind his back. In this armed mode, he still adopts a weapon called "Horse Riding and I learned from the game of Hack and Slash, the advantage of this is that there is a shield behind you, the left hand holding the shield in front of you can defend the left and front, and the right hand attacks the enemy.When the opponent attacks, put your left hand together with your body to block the forward rush and squeeze. If you stick too close, the opponent will not be able to use force. At this time, the military stab comes in handy. If it is used well, it is extremely sharp.

Anyway, there are teleportation gates, and there are only one or two opponents, so they can be easily dealt with. If there are too many and too powerful, then they will hide in the gate and come back, so limited physical strength does not matter much.

After his breathing became smooth, Li Zhi rested for a while, and after his physical strength fully recovered, he went to the bathroom to wash his face before starting to move.Li Zhi took a deep breath, and began to call for the gate of his heart, which was his secret for a long time, a gate that could lead to the world of the sanctuary.

Li Zhi had this door a long time ago, but he never used it, because the shock he received when he first came to that world was too great, and he was only a teenager at that time. His physical development is slower than that of ordinary people. In addition, his body has not grown, and he has no ability to survive in the shelter world. As a result, he was frightened by zombies, and he never went there again, and his thoughts deliberately avoided. After many years, He almost forgot about it, and only thought of it when he was looking for a stand-alone game on the computer after a break some time ago.

A blue elliptical "water polo" unfolded in front of Li Zhi. He squinted his eyes habitually in front of the blue light, and the speed of blood flow was a little faster for a while, which made him feel full of strength. There was no restriction inside his body, he licked his lips, his throat made a gurgling sound, and his breathing rate became rapid. This is the instinct of the body longing for fighting, and the desire of passion in the plain and boring heart.

Passing through the "water polo", Li Zhi appeared in a somewhat dilapidated village. He came from the deserted wheat field nearby. There were still people living here a year ago, but it was destroyed. People in the village died or fled.One thing is very interesting, when Li Zhi first came here ten years ago, it seems that there is not much change from now.

There is a slightly black land under the feet, which looks quite fertile. This can come from the wild grass growing on the land. In addition, it is also related to the fact that many people are buried here. When Li Zhike came here for the first time, Li Zhike was caught by the Bones screamed in terror, people's adaptability is undoubtedly very strong, many things, once you get used to them, are nothing, just like the skeleton under your feet, now Li Zhilai, is similar to ordinary stones.

The sky seems to be always dark and gloomy, the thick clouds still have a hint of blood, and the ground is covered by a thick layer of mist. Walking in this mist, the body will naturally feel a cold penetration, and the air he breathes is mixed with a trace of decay and blood. odor.

Li Zhi is walking on the road that has already started to grow grass. The road is lined with wild grass almost up to his waist. Being in it, he has no sense of security at all. Maybe he will be attacked by some snakes and insects, and the road is paved with gravel after all. However, it is still easy to walk when it is dry. The grass grows very scattered and does not grow high. Generally speaking, this is a good mud-bound gravel road. Not all the way to the end, but intermittent.

Walking on such a road, there are patches of dense grass around every not far away. Li Zhi walked very slowly and carefully, with the mentality of summoning the portal at any time and then running away. He has been here several times He already has some understanding of this land. There are not too many monsters here. They are not fallen demons, zombies, and some mutated small animals. The small animals are mostly bristle mice that mutate from mice, and there are few others. See, not too much.

According to the experience gained from the game, this is the bloody wasteland.The difference from the game is that this is a real world. The bloody wasteland in the game can be traversed in a few steps, but here, it is marginal. Li Zhi has already focused on that village and surrounded the surrounding area for more than ten miles. I have traveled all over, but I haven't gone out yet, and I haven't even seen the famous Rogge camp.

Vaguely, Li Zhi felt some movement beside him, he quickly squatted down, turned around at the same time, and naturally faced the bush with the shield. According to past experience, there might be a bristle mouse there.Li Zhi was shot by this monster before. Although the thorns shot by the mouse were not very strong, they could still pierce the skin. Sufficiently, it is different now, when Li Zhi poses in this position, the bristle mouse is no longer threatening.

"Bang!" Li Zhi felt a slight force on the shield in his left hand, and realized that the mouse's thorns had been opened, but he still maintained this posture, and at the same time paid attention to the movement around him. Quiet, that's why Li Zhi was able to detect movement in the grass.

"Bang!" Another shot, Li Zhixin said, you are addicted to ejaculation.He was already sure that there was only one mouse around, and his bent legs straightened in an instant. He bent over and rushed in the direction of the mouse. If the mouse didn't mutate, Li Zhi might not be able to catch up with it. , but after all, it has been mutated, and it is impossible for it to run fast with hundreds of bristles on its back.

The method of killing the bristle mouse is very simple. Although it is full of thorns, it is not very easy to kill, but Li Zhi has a lot of experience in dealing with it. The shield is always facing the mouse to block its flying thorns. Smash it down with your hand, and after the blow, you can still hold the mouse down. No matter how mutated the mouse is, it is still a mouse, and its strength is limited. Once the mouse is held down, then, whatever Li Zhi wants, the mouse will also have the ability to resist.

The skilled general pierced the small head of the mouse hidden in the needle, and the bristly mouse soon stopped struggling. When the mouse died, a hot current poured into the body from the outside and quickly spread to the whole body, just like bathing in a hot spring. It was extremely refreshing. Li Zhi knew that the mouse was dead, so part of the energy released from the body was absorbed by him. He hurriedly tidied up the mouse and put it in the pocket he had prepared earlier. This mouse is very good. thing.

"It's a pity that the equipment can't be lost." Li Zhi let go of the shield and returned to the road. He carefully looked around and recovered his physical strength. Although he killed the mouse just now, the burden and consumption of the body were quite a lot. In this world, Li Zhi's physical strength recovered very quickly, and the atmosphere seemed to have some kind of heaven and earth vitality, which was always drilling into his body from the pores and acupuncture points of his whole body.

This is a beautiful world. Li Zhi has sighed more than once. The so-called "heaven and earth vitality" and killing mice, zombies, etc. overflowed instantly and only a small part of the energy was absorbed by him. It is Li Zhi who is so passionate about this world. , the root cause of the desire to kill demons here, although there are not many demons killed in this world, and he has not stayed here for a long time, but Li Zhi can clearly feel every point of gain in his body, every Growing up, this is a more fulfilling feeling.

Everyone has a fairy dream of flying to the sky and escaping from the earth, so does Li Zhi. Unlike others who only exist in dreams, he has really pursued it. Unfortunately, reality is reality after all. The novel opens up the two veins of Ren and Du It’s just that super masters are different. It’s nothing to open up Ren Du’s two meridians. He just opened up all the meridians in his body. Although his physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people, he is not really extraordinary. It is good to maintain his body. The kind of immortal in the book is just dreaming, and those Taoist descendants, the Taoist masters taught by immortals, are even worse than Li Zhi. He is only fifty or sixty years old, but his face is wrinkled and his head is full of white hair. , is not at all different.

It has been a long time since the meridians and acupuncture points of the whole body have been opened. As time goes by, the body is still a mortal. The dream of childhood has begun to be forgotten, and only the habit of long-term practice is still persisting. At this time, I suddenly remembered that there is still a magical portal in the heart. Why didn't this make him happy, and when he came to this world again, Li Zhi knew that a door leading to immortal gods had been opened to him.

"The sky seems to be getting brighter?" After a while, Li Zhi felt that the surrounding environment had changed, so he raised his head to the sky, and the sun's rays penetrated through the dark clouds in the sky, which made the clouds intermittently dyed with a layer of gold. Going up from the ground, it was as if golden talismans had been stitched out of the dark clouds, mysterious and beautiful. This was the first time Li Zhi had come to this world to see such a scene. A trace of gloom dissipated.

As the sky became brighter, the mist in the air dissipated rapidly, and the atmosphere began to become more transparent. Standing on the road, one could see far away at a glance. Fortunately, Li Zhi found: 50 meters away, a group of fallen demons were walking along the road. The trail is coming this way.

Fallen Demons are humanoid demons. They are all red in color. Their skin is somewhat different from the skin of ordinary creatures. It has a horny structure and is very strong. If the knife is soft, the soft fruit knife will be broken. I have to say that the fruit knife now is less and less lethal. The fruit knife last time put him in a dangerous situation. Because of this, Li Zhicai replaced it with a military stab.

Shen Shen's stature is usually not tall, about 1.3 meters [-]. Its appearance is quite difficult in terms of human aesthetics. They also have horns on the top of their heads, and beside the horns are long ears with pointed ears. , Another thing that impressed Li Zhi the most was that they always exuded a stench mixed with the smell of sulfur.

In this piece of land, within a radius of ten miles, Li Zhi was also the first time to see such a group of fallen demons, the number exceeded ten. Li Zhi was a little lucky, if the fog didn't dissipate, he might bump into them At that time, it will be dangerous. Even if you can escape, you will have to suffer some injuries.

This group of fallen devils is different from the scattered fallen devils that Li Zhi encountered in the past. This group of fallen devils is equipped with weapons. Although they are not complete, it is not the same as before. The largest fallen demon was also wearing armor, holding a scimitar in one hand and a shield in the other.

"La Kanishu!" A fallen demon suddenly screamed, and then all the fallen demons came towards Li Zhi.

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