Nine Realms Climbing God

Chapter 509 : Chapter 30 The City Lord Arrives

Shan Zhishui is not a simple character. The Wan family is the designated family in Kushui City for generations, but today is different from the past. With the continuous change of the city lord, this generation of city lords has some ties to the Shan family. (www>

Especially Shan Zhishui, who has an affair with the current city lord.

"what do you mean……"

Wan Qiong looked at Shan Zhishui angrily, and he heard that there was something in Shan Zhishui's words. Kushui City has always been partial to Wan Family, because Wan Family has contributed to Kushui City.

Otherwise, Wan Qiong would not ask for help at this critical moment. [

"Haha... Wan Qiong, you don't know yet. My Shan family is not a brainless fly. The Wan family genius you have worked so hard to cultivate is the son of the city lord of Kushui, that is, my daughter and the son of the city lord. He is now What do you think of being the head of the Wanjia family and mastering the Wanjia Town?"

The head of the Shan family laughed loudly, and looked at the Mu family and the Bai family while talking. The reason why the Shan family dared to challenge the Wan family was of course their reliance, otherwise would they dare? They can't afford it.

"What, you... Pfft~~~~~~~~"

Wan Qiong heard that Shan Zhishui actually put on a green hat for him, and he had been wearing it for more than 20 years. Could he not be angry, and was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

The head of the Shan family said that this incident had a great influence, and the faces of the two Patriarchs, Mu and Bai, suddenly changed. The fact that the Shan family and the city lord still have such a relationship, it is not something they can afford to offend.

Especially the young master of the Wan family turned out to be the illegitimate son of the city lord and Shan Zhishui, this matter can be big or small.

The city lord plotted against thousands of families, and when the news got out, their heads were lost.

"Mom, it's not's not true"

Wan Dayi's complexion changed drastically. After a long time of messing around, he is the bastard of the Wan family. How can he accept this? Even if he is the son of the city lord, so what, an illegitimate child is an illegitimate child, and he was born by his mother through an affair with the city lord Yes, this is [-]% purebred.

"Yi'er, shut up and just stay there..."

Shan Zhishui stopped Wan Dayi. Although Wan Dayi is her illegitimate child with the city lord, he is not recognized by others and cannot be recognized by the city lord, but it doesn't matter. Isn't she trying to make her son happy? The position of the Patriarch of the Ten Thousand Families will be followed by the wind and the rain in the future.

Wan Dayi was extremely frustrated, like a noble bird suddenly turned into a pheasant, how could he accept it.

"Okay, Wan Qiong, you have no choice, either let the old man take action and destroy your Wanjia, or just submit obediently."

Patriarch Shan said brazenly that Wan Qiong was overly sad at this time, and his strength was greatly affected. As long as he made a move, he could capture Wan Qiong within a few moves, and then he could directly help his nephew to sit in the Patriarch's position. .

"Don't Hurt My Father"

Wan Xiaofu stood in front of Wan Qiong with a gun, glaring at Patriarch Shan.

"Little bastard, you can't find death..."

When Patriarch Shan was speaking, he grabbed Wan Xiaofu with one hand. He thought that Wan Xiaofu would retreat, because his target was not Wan Xiaofu, but Wan Qiong. For his opponent, he stabbed with a gun.


Wan Qiong didn't have time to save him, Wan Xiaofu was slapped dozens of feet by the Patriarch Shan, and directly knocked down a beam.

"Xiaofu, my child... Shanli, I will fight with you..."

Wan Qiong saw that Wan Xiaofu was seriously injured by Patriarch Shan's slap, and became angry, and rushed forward to find Patriarch Shan desperately.

"The city lord has arrived..."

Wan Qiong was about to start a fight with the head of the Shan family, the scene became tense for a while, the Wan family swore to die, and were ready to go all out, but they were startled by a loud shout.

When the city lord arrives, Wanjia Town, Muhu, and Baishui Town are all under the jurisdiction of Kushui City. Who would dare to make a mistake when the city lord arrives?

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