Nine Realms Climbing God

Chapter 313 : Chapter 127 Fist Killing Demon Immortal

Huang Ling used to be a leader in the world, so naturally he knew a lot about some treasures in the world, Gu Tian didn't doubt that, if Mo Lingyun and others hadn't run fast, he might have taken the things from Mo Lingyun just now.

"The Key of Fengdu, it is rumored that it is the key to open the gate of hell. There are six keys in total, each of which is in charge of one of the four powerful disciples who blocked the gate of hell in the past. This ancient demon saint is probably the successor of one of them."

Huang Ling said longingly, the more he talked, the more excited he became, as if he wanted to rush over immediately and grab the key of Fengdu.

"The gate of hell, what is that..."

Gu Tian was stunned when he heard the ghost gate. The ghost gate has always been a legend. Ordinary people often say that after death, people will enter the ghost gate and reincarnate. He thought it was just an excuse for ordinary people to comfort themselves. exist.I just don't know if that ghost gate is the legendary ghost gate. [

"You don't understand this now. If you have the opportunity to see it yourself, it's best to get a key of Fengdu. Remember, if you don't get the key of Fengdu, it's best not to go."

Wild Spirit reminded her, then fell silent.

Not far from him, the fat and thin brothers happened to meet a big piece of fat.

"he got hurt……"

"It seems that the injury is not serious, fat brother, do you want to do it?"

The fat and thin brothers began to discuss, there was a person cross-legged less than [-] feet away from them, and that person was Moxian. , indicating that he suffered serious internal injuries, and was entered by a dead spirit, so he couldn't move for a while.

Otherwise, at a distance of thirty feet, the fat and thin brothers would have already died.

"What if he is fine again..."

The fat man worriedly said that he dreamed of robbing the immortal-level powerhouse before, but now that the immortal-level powerhouse is in front of him, whether he dares to go up or not is one thing.

"Why doesn't he come back after he's dead? Isn't this a problem?"

The thin man scolded, if you want to give them something to make their dreams come true, then you should send them a dead person, and they dare not go up after getting a half-lived one, how uncomfortable it is What if he is really seriously injured? It's not just a missed opportunity. If he's not seriously injured, if he goes up like this, it's not courting death.

"You stupid, how did he come here after he died?"

The fat man looked at the thin man and cursed, how could this dead man come to them by himself.Unless they turned into ghosts, and if they turned into ghosts, it would be ghosts instead of corpses, then the two of them would be miserable.

"Fat brother, shall we go or not..."

The two of them have been discussing, but there is no result.

"How about this, try, let's try with magic"

The fat man and the thin man became more and more anxious as they saw the time passing by bit by bit. The magic fairy is injured now. They are the ones who will die, try it, and if it doesn't work, run away.

"Okay...water cone..."


The two fat and thin brothers used spells to attack the protective shield of the Scrooge Immortal. They cast spells more than a dozen times, but they did not hurt the Scrooge Immortal. This is because their spells are very simple. It may be possible to break through the protective shield of the demon fairy. They are stupid. They use this simplest and ultimate attack spell to attack the immortal-level strong. Even the immortal-level strong does not need a protective shield. Only their own strength It has fully withstood this level of attack, and it is impossible to try anything out.

"Ah... not good, he came back to life"

The thin man was startled when he saw Moxian's eyes suddenly opened, and shouted.

"What is alive, he is not dead at all, run away"

The fat man knew that the situation was not good, so he ran away.

"I want to leave, the two of you are looking for death... If you had shot with all your strength just now, you might have killed me, but now you have no chance. "

Xiao Moxian opened his eyes to the fat and thin brother and shouted.

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