In front of the gate of Cao Junying, a Shichang led his subordinates and stood lazily. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Shi Chang is an out-and-out Fancheng native. He served in the army for ten years, first serving Liu Biao, and then Cao Cao.Now he is used to working for Cao Cao, knowing that Liu Biao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan in the south are their enemies.

As a veteran in the army, he also knew that Cao Gonggong worked hard to eliminate Yuan Shao's sons in the north.For the time being, there is no intention of going south, which means that the past few years will be very stable.

Therefore, both he and his soldiers are a little lazy.

"Brother, who is the person in the carriage that went in earlier? It looks really nice." A corporal under Shichang chatted, thinking of the carriage that went in earlier and the people on it. The nobleman leaned over curiously and asked.

"How do I know who that is?" Shi Chang pouted and replied.After a pause, he continued: "However, when that person came, our general greeted him personally, so he must have a lot of background."

He also clearly saw the person who came earlier.It is true to say that he has a good manner, among the people Shi Chang has met in his life, he can be regarded as the best.

But that's none of their business.

Seeing the change in Shi Chang's expression, Wu Chang involuntarily stopped speaking, and did not ask any more curious questions.

"Hey, there is the sound of horseshoes, be on guard." Shi Chang suddenly let out a cry of surprise, with a slightly dignified expression.The soldiers around him, including the corporal leader, immediately tensed up and looked to the south.

It shows that Cao Jun is well-trained.

But immediately, Shi Chang's complexion softened, but he could tell that the person who came was just Yiqi, so it shouldn't be a serious problem.

When the figure of the visitor appeared in the distance, Shi Chang's face completely calmed down, and he regained his previous lazy aura.

A fairly robust war horse sat on a young man who seemed to be fifteen or sixteen years old. Although he had a sword hanging from his waist, his threat was too weak.

Shi Chang is a bit disrespectful.

"It seems that some family's son escaped to play alone, don't mind." Shi Chang turned his head and said lazily to the soldiers.

The expressions of the soldiers also calmed down completely, and one soldier even smiled and said: "This young master only travels alone, and he is not afraid of being abducted."

"Yes, you must know that the current world is very difficult. There are people who commit crimes and rob houses." The other person nodded approvingly, and looked at Liu Feng with some pity.

In his opinion, Liu Feng basically ended up being kidnapped or robbed.

"Young people know." Regarding the surrounding discussions, Shi Chang only used a young person to sum up.

But the boy in front obviously didn't go all the way north along the main road as they imagined, but turned a small corner and came to their camp gate.

Watching the young man tighten the rein of the horse, it stopped not far away.

This boy is naturally Liu Feng who said goodbye to Zhang Fei and came alone.

Shi Chang's complexion changed slightly, and he stepped forward with a spear in his hand and shouted: "The children of which family don't know the important places of the military camp. Hurry up and leave, or don't blame me for the spear."

The surrounding soldiers also picked up their spears and pointed at the young man following Shi Chang's words.But no matter how you look at it, it looks like a threat.

Liu Feng was unmoved at all, smiled slightly, clasped his fists and said, "Of course I know that the barracks is an important place, and there is no room for trifling." Then, the young man solemnly said: "Please also ask the sergeant to report to your general, saying that I am an old friend of Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi, I’m here to send Xu Shu north, and I ask your general to be tolerant and let me meet Xu Shu and say goodbye to him.”

Although Liu Feng looked like he was fifteen or sixteen years old, he didn't look like he was fifteen or sixteen years old when he talked about it. Instead, he was old-fashioned.Self-possessed.

This performance made Shi Chang put away his contempt for Liu Feng.My heart tightened, and I solemnly clasped my fists to pay back the etiquette, but then my face showed doubts, and I asked, "Who is the Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi that the master is talking about?"

Liu Feng was a little surprised that this person didn't know Xu Shu. It stands to reason that Xu Shu was a famous figure who defeated Cao Ren, the general of the Cao army, and became famous all over the world.

Surprised, Liu Feng thought for a while, and it was too troublesome to follow others to explain who Xu Shu was.So, he replied: "There should have been a carriage passing by here not long ago. The gentleman on the carriage has a dignified appearance and extraordinary bearing. I'm talking about this person."

When Shi Chang heard the words, he said in his heart, that's why.Think of the demeanor and appearance of the person who came earlier.Look at the fifteen or sixteen year old man in front of him, but he claims to be that person's old friend.

Not daring to be negligent, he bent down and saluted: "Mister, please wait for a moment, I will go to report right away." After speaking, Chief Shi ordered a few words to the corporal chief next to him, and immediately got up and entered the camp.

The soldiers around saw that Liu Feng and Shi Chang were answering each other fluently, and they didn't show a trace of timidity in front of the important place of the barracks.It also swept away the previous contempt, and carefully put away the spear facing Liu Feng.Quietly waiting for Shi Chang to come back.

The first pass is over.But Liu Feng was not at ease. He looked up at the "Zhang" flag erected in the center of the camp not far away, and prayed that this general named Zhang would not be too shrewd.Let's add more details to this matter.

Soon, the one who went in to report came out.

"Sir." After coming out, the chief first bowed to Liu Feng, and then said with one hand: "Our general has an invitation."

"I'm sorry." Liu Feng nodded towards Shichang and walked into the barracks.At this moment, Liu Feng's sleeves were fluttering as he walked, and his hand was slightly resting on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Shi Chang, who was following Liu Feng, only felt the aura of the children of the aristocratic family blowing towards his face.

From now on, it doesn't matter whether the visitor is fifteen or sixteen years old, as long as he is well dressed, he cannot be underestimated.The children of the current aristocratic families are all ghosts and spirits.

Shi Chang thought in his heart.

Of course, Liu Feng didn't know the seemingly respectful elder who was following behind him. When he saw him, his mind changed three times.He just wanted to see Xu Shu as soon as possible.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, a tall man was sitting on the commander's seat.

This man was only 30 years old, but he exuded a fierce murderous aura all over his body.At first glance, people know that it is the kind of mighty general.

The man's name is Zhang Hui, but he is just a general under Cao Ren's command.He originally served in Cao Ren's headquarters, but later Cao Ren was defeated by Liu Bei and Xu Shu's plan in Xinye.

He was sent here to guard against Liu Bei.

Although it is said that it was released, the power and authority are much higher than those in Cao Ren's headquarters.But the responsibility is also greater.Therefore, Zhang Hui did not dare to slack off at all, and was full of vigilance.

But that vigilance has now been swept away.

Liu Beineng rose up and defeated General Cao.But it was all due to Xu Shu's plan. Today, Mr. Cao came to take a drastic step and brought Xu Shu under Cao's command.

Liu Bei is like a wolf whose teeth have been pulled out, no longer a threat.

However, when Zhang Hui heard that the pawn came to report that a person who claimed to be Xu Shu's old friend asked to see him, he was still surprised.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to meet him.When Xu Shu went to the north to be an official, it was normal for friends to send him off.

What's more, Zhang Hui also felt that he and Xu Shu would be regarded as colleagues in the future, and Xu Shu must be a high-ranking official.There is no need to offend him at this time.

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