Exorcist Princess

Chapter 8: Master Feng?And maple leaf too!

Yi Qingchen then instructed: "From now on, don't speak and don't move! When the pursuers leave, you can do whatever you want." She took out another green talisman and threw it into the air, muttering something, then Zhang Lvfu suddenly shone with green light, completely enveloping the two of them.As soon as she finished casting the spell, she saw more than a dozen people emerging from the valley, and these people were dressed in the same clothes as the two unlucky ones before.And judging by his demeanor and actions, his martial arts are obviously not weak.These people looked around, and suddenly saw the corpses of the two unlucky bastards on the ground, and they all surrounded them with a whoosh.One of them seemed to be the leader. He randomly flipped through the two corpses and frowned, as if he was a little puzzled about the cause of their death.While his eyes flickered, he suddenly saw the small sword stuck in the chest of one of the corpses, he pulled it out casually, his eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice: "This is the hidden weapon of that guy! Liu Long and Li Bi must have encountered him. That fellow has been hit by our Sect Master's Li Soul Palm, so he shouldn't be able to escape far. Let's chase after him!" This valley is not big, and there are only two exits. These people came from the east, so naturally they chased west past.These people passed in front of Yi Qingchen and the two of them, some even brushed their cheeks with the corners of their clothes, but they didn't notice it.A look of surprise finally appeared on the man's face, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at Yi Qingchen.Yi Qingchen's face was full of pride, his small mouth was slightly hooked, and he made a grimace.When those people were all gone, Yi Qingchen took back the purple and green talismans with a casual move, and looked at the man with a smile: "How is it? Is my bodyguard not bad? It's easy to handle!" The man's eyes brightened. Shen felt that everything about the little girl in front of him was so unbelievable, and suddenly said indifferently: "Little girl, do you know that witchcraft is a taboo technique in this country? If you are caught, you will be beheaded. "Cut! I'm not witchcraft, I'm magic! If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Yi Qingchen didn't expect that he would not only not praise himself, but also pour a bucket of cold water on his head, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed .He glanced at the man.The man said indifferently: "No matter witchcraft or magic, it is forbidden in this country, believe it or not. By the way, those people really couldn't see us just now?" Yi Qingchen glared at him: " Why can't I see it? But I used a blindfold, they see us as two big trees!" They glanced at the man again: "Hey, anyway, I will be your bodyguard in the future, you should tell me your name Right?" The man pondered for a moment: "My surname is Feng, Feng of Fengshu, you can call me Master Feng from now on." "Master Feng Feng? Cut, cheapskate! Even the name is stingy, it's really insincere! Master Feng, return Maple Leaf! From now on, I will call you Big Maple Leaf!" Yi Qingchen curled her small mouth with a look of displeasure.

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