Exorcist Princess

Chapter 32: Girl, who are you talking to?

Stretching her fingers, chanting the incantation, the blue light became smaller and smaller as she chanted, and finally turned into a leaf. Yi Qingchen was about to pick it up from the ground when suddenly a blue light appeared from the shopkeeper's wife. A wisp of faint white smoke quickly condensed into a human shape.It was exactly what she had been like during her lifetime.Her eyes seemed a little dazed, she looked down at the child who was tightly bound in the blue light, and suddenly began to cry, her empty body hugged his child tightly, refusing to let go, her eyes looked at Yi Qingchen , showing a trace of fear and pleading.Seeing her expression, Yi Qingchen knew what she meant.Sighed softly: "Since that's the case, you should be with your child. I'll find an eminent monk to rescue you together." Feng Yiying stood aside, but didn't see the soul of the shopkeeper's wife, and gave a slight glance. Frowning: "Girl, who are you talking to?" Yi Qingchen glanced at him, then suddenly smiled wickedly, took out a small bottle from her arms, opened the lid and shook it in front of Feng Yiying's eyes, Feng Yiying only felt her eyes There was a layer of water vapor on the bed suddenly, he rubbed it hastily, and when he looked up again, he saw the faint soul of the owner's wife.He didn't believe in the theory of ghosts and gods before, and thought it was something with supernatural powers. Even this "little ghost descending" he didn't think it was a ghost under the manipulation of magic at first.Thought it was some kind of strange creature.Now that he really saw that faint shadow, he finally believed Yi Qingchen's words, and greatly appreciated her status as an exorcist.Yi Qingchen chanted a spell and put the poor mother and child into a porcelain vase.She turned her head to look at the crazy shop owner, feeling a little miserable in her heart.She might cure the ghost, but she could do nothing for the madness of the living.He said bitterly: "NND, I must find out the culprit and avenge this family! There are still many children missing in this city, and I'm afraid they were all made into ghosts, but where is their lair? "Feng Yiying pondered for a while: "This Yu Shengxiang is not very skilled in manipulating this little devil. It seems that he is not someone who knows this kind of magic. I haven't heard of children missing in other places, so their lair should be near or in the city..."

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