Exorcist Princess

Chapter 28: Such beautiful eyes grow on pigs!

Although Feng Yiying scolded her in his mouth, he cared very much in his heart, it was extremely difficult for him to deal with that weird baby, let alone Yi Qingchen with ordinary martial arts?Seeing it suddenly attacked her.Can't help being anxious, just wanting to forcefully break through Yu Shengxiang's blockage to join Yi Qingchen.Suddenly, the baby let out a frightening scream, the sharp nails on the two small hands stretched and retracted, and the expression on the small face changed rapidly, but they didn't grab it.And Yi Qingchen held up a blue shirt with one hand, and held the exorcism sword tightly with the other hand. When the little ghost saw the shirt, he stopped suddenly, with a look of admiration on his small face, and a burst of admiration from his mouth. There was a sound of crying, and the little hands were opened wide, as if they wanted to hug the owner of the clothes.Yi Qingchen's heart sank suddenly: "This little ghost is indeed the owner's wife! It turns out that he has been refined into a 'Little Ghost Jiang'!" Feng Yiying was also stunned by this scene, this little ghost fought fiercely with him. For a long time, his body was invulnerable, which gave him a terrible headache.Unexpectedly, when Yi Qingchen came, he blocked the little devil's attack with a piece of ragged clothes, and judging from the little devil's expression, it seemed that he wanted to recognize Yi Qingchen as his mother.Yu Shengxiang was taken aback. This little ghost was born by him more than ten days ago from a person. The person only taught him how to control the little ghost with spells, but did not tell the origin of the little ghost. "Could it be that this girl is really this brat's mother?" Although Yi Qingchen is wearing men's clothing at this time, Yu Shengxiang has almost grown up among the women, her pair of eyes are very vicious, and Yi Qingchen can be seen at a glance As his daughter, he kept looking Yi Qingchen up and down.Yi Qingchen felt a little terrified of being stared at by his peach blossom eyes, and said angrily: "Dead monster, what are you looking at? Hmph, did you refine this little ghost? Hmph, you have such a vicious heart!" Yu Shengxiang blurted out Said: "Are you this little devil's mother?" "Fart! Which eyes do you use to see that I am this child's mother?" Yi Qingchen blushed and cursed inwardly: "Damn, I I don't even have a decent boyfriend, how can I get such a big kid? I look so old? The eyes of this damned monster are really unflattering, such beautiful eyes grow on pigs!" Feng Yiying glanced away Arriving at Yi Qingchen's side, he said in a low voice: "Smelly girl, didn't you leave? Why did you come back again?"

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