warm dragon

Chapter 112 Ambitious Goals

Chapter 112 Ambitious Goals
"Black market?" Russell shook his finger, "I am a lord and a noble, and I will not allow the existence of the black market."

When Halls heard this, he immediately became dejected: "I'm sorry, sir, I was too talkative."

But the next moment, Russell said: "However, the Xiangshui River Caves do not need a black market, but according to your idea, we can build an open and legal cave trading market, and pay taxes normally for normal transactions."

"Ah." Halls was stunned.

Then he was overjoyed: "Your Excellency, you are so right. Please forgive my stupid brain. The dark environment of the cave has obscured my eyes. My Lord, you are a member of the noble Fluorescent Mushroom family. You can completely build a legal underground transaction." market!"

Although the free people of the underground caves have always been looked down upon by the nobles.

However, the freemen of the Burrow are not legally criminals. On the contrary, they have the status of civilians in the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame. It's just that they don't belong to the territory of Youguang River Valley, so they can only live in the caves around the territory.

Russell established a trading market in the Xiangshui River Caves to provide services to the freedmen of the caves, which was completely in compliance with the law.

It won't violate the rules of Youguang Valley.

However, Russell only said that he would not establish a black market. As for whether to build a cave trading market, further investigation is needed.

"Report your proposal to Charles later, and then you can discuss whether or not to do this business." Russell said, "Send the final discussion results to me, and I will decide whether to do it or not."

After all, the underground cave trading market involves all the underground caves around the Youguang River Valley, and involves more than 3,000 free people in the underground caves.

Including the concealed population, it is possible that it is even 4,000.

There were also some fugitives and even murderers, so Russell had to ask his father for advice on whether business could be done and how to do it. Even with his father's permission, he still had to say hello to several other lords.

Howles didn't know Russell's concerns.

At this moment, he was already excited and said immediately: "Sir, I will go to the small market to find Mr. Charles and report to him about the underground trading market."

Russell waved his hand: "Go ahead."

After Howles left, he and Eric also took two phantom beasts and prepared to go back. The road was a bit dull. Eric was never a suitable chat partner. He didn't like gossip, gossip, or talking about porn.

So Russell simply asked out of boredom: "Eric, do you think it is feasible to build a trading market in the cave?"

"I don't know." Eric muttered, "But don't worry, sir. When the free people of the underground cave come to the trading market, they must abide by your rules. Whoever dares to cause trouble in the territory, I will be the first to take them down." !”

He doesn't care about the economic effects of the trading market, he only cares about public security issues.

Russell chuckled, chatting with Eric, and describing his own thoughts: "What makes me excited about Halls' proposal is not the small money earned by the free people in the underground cave, but with this trading market, I might More freedmen could be brought in from outside.”

Eric listened quietly without interrupting.

Russell continued: "The population of the territory is too small, and even the population of the entire Youguang Valley is too small."

The entire Youguang River Valley covers an area of ​​approximately 2600 square kilometers.

This area is not small. After all, in Russell's hometown, this area is larger than the area of ​​many counties. It is even larger than the area of ​​some big cities, such as Shenzhen, Xiamen, Sanya, Zhuhai, etc.

But the total population of Youguang Valley, including the free people in the surrounding caves, as well as those who concealed, misreported, and underreported, did not even exceed 7.

This resulted in the fact that the territory was not short of fields to support people, but lacked people to farm the fields.

certainly. This is also related to the low output of the fields. The fields that a serf family can cultivate are limited, but most of the field output must be turned over to the lord. After all, the lord needs a lot of resources to train knights and participate in snowfield battles in the future.

The serfs did not have enough to eat, and many knights died in the snowfields every year, which slowed down the growth of the territory's population over time.

The Fluorescent Mushroom family has been cultivating the Youguang River Valley for several generations, and so far, they have only accumulated a population of over 60,000.

"If I want to develop the territory, I need a large number of people. If I just rely on the people to have children, I don't know how many years it will take to double the current population of less than 4,000. And once I start training knights, the people will We need to tighten our belts.”

This is a dead end.

If humans want to open up territory and open up trade routes, they have to fight snow ghosts and snow demons, and knights are needed to fight.

Training a qualified knight requires a huge amount of resources. Basically, dozens of households of serfs tighten their belts and dig food from the land day and night to provide a knight with normal training needs.

There are only more than 700 households of serfs in Wuyao Snake Manor, which cannot provide many knights with training and training.

"Sir, you are still young and can afford to wait." Eric comforted him, but he couldn't quite understand why Russell was anxious.

In his opinion, it would be a great success for Russell to spend decades to win a title of baronet.

Even if Russell cannot complete it, Russell's children continue to complete it, which is also a great success.

Like the creation of the fluorescent mushroom family.

And in this life, if he cannot help Russell win the title of baron, he still has a son, and his son can continue to assist Russell's son. One generation succeeds the other, and as long as each generation works hard, it will sooner or later be able to create great achievements.

After working hard for three generations, he was able to complete the advancement from common people to nobles. For him and his descendants, this is the most inspiring story.

Something worthy of being engraved on an epitaph.

"Haha, although I am young, I often have a sense of urgency from time to time." Russell smiled calmly and said, "Maybe it is because I am too ambitious. I am not willing to stay here for the rest of my life... Black-waisted Snake Manor is just a starting point."

Hearing this, Eric patted his chest and said, "Your Majesty has ambitious goals, which is our luck. We are willing to work for you!"

"Teacher Eric, let's work together."


The plan to build a trade market in the Xiangshui River Cave was quickly discussed and approved at the office meeting - the manor office has not yet been built, and the current office is a wooden house near a small market. It will have to wait for the slack season before anyone can build the house. .

Then Russell's letter to Baron Roman also received a reply.

Baron Roman agreed with him to build the underground trading market, but he had to warn Russell not to be too ambitious and blindly increase the population of the territory. He believed that the stability of the territory was more important than anything else, and he also asked Russell to cultivate honestly.

"The Baron's way of governing the country is not my way of governing the country... I am a man who wants to ride a dragon, how can I bury my talent in a country manor."

Russell shook his head and laughed.

Then he started writing again and wrote a letter to Lord Erthras of Kestrel Manor, Lord Sally of Gray Cat Manor, and his uncle Rosen Fluorescent Mushroom, expressing his intention to build a crypt trading market. .

The estates of these three lords are all adjacent to the underground caves, and they often interact with the free people of the underground caves, so it is necessary to say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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