LOL: Serve the country with loyalty, I have full attributes to resist Korea

Chapter 157 1537 The shortest record in history! "I'm actually fine"! 3 star Ueno rea

Chapter 157 1537 The shortest record in history! "I'm actually fine"! Samsung Ueno real person PK?

Accompanied by the crystal explosion in the Samsung base.

The vanguard danced in front of the door, the leopard abused the spring, and Silas above his head was still flashing his thumb.

The five three-star players in the frontcourt looked ashen.

The Samsung team in the backcourt was struck by lightning.

The LCK official in front of the screen even overturned the kimchi ramen in his hand.

The time of the game was fixed at 15.37 minutes.

"15.37 points flat push! 15.37 points!!"

"It seems like! This should be a record-breaker!"

The live view turned back to the commentary desk.

The doll obviously noticed this number.

After receiving the director's answer, the doll immediately shouted even more excitedly!

"It's true! It really broke the record! And it's more than one!"

"Suning has set a record for the shortest single game in the history of S-League! At the same time, it has also set a record for the fastest game in a BO5 match between China and South Korea in the S-League!"


"This also seems to indicate that the situation in the China-South Korea competition will change starting from this year!"

"This is Suning! The Suning that brings us endless surprises and expectations! As a new team in the World Championship, most of them entered the S competition for the first time! Now they have reached the semi-finals! They have not lost a game in the whole process! !”

"We don't know where they will go in the future, but right now."

"Let us first congratulate Suning!!!"

"Congratulations Suning!!" Gugu also applauded.

The scene erupted into roaring cheers.

Multiple entries instantly appeared on Weibo's hot searches, and "#SN sets the record for the shortest game", "#SN 3;0", and "SN advances to the semi-finals" all entered the top ten at one time and were extremely popular.

Among them, Cheng Ming's solo entries of "#Krd", "#K神宝女" and #K神狠 Spring are all very popular.

In the live broadcast, except for the crazy output doll.

Everyone also noticed the strange-looking Guan Zeyuan in the live broadcast.

The troublemaker showed up again: "Oh, it's a pity that we have to send away Samsung. I can see that the colonel is a little confused!"

Wawa also came closer: "Brother Guan~ Can I interview you about your current mood~~~"

Guan Zeyuan trembled slightly.

But facing the camera, he still curled up the corners of his mouth, pretending to be calm in a funny way.

"I'm actually fine."

The slightly trembling voice, the stiff and straight body, and the funny facial expression that pretends to be calm make this sentence full of fun.

The fun people in the Tieba forum have already started to have a carnival.

[Baby’s crazy output caused Guan Zeyuan to tremble all over! 】

["I'm actually fine"]

[“I’m actually fine (close the door) oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, and and ahhhhs!!”]

[Park Zeyuan really wants to transform into a canyon pioneer and smash SN's crystal base with his head! 】

[Colonel Guan, who we had high hopes for, collapsed at the explanation table (sad)]

[I really like Guan Zeyuan’s commentary when he shouted loudly: "One thousand yuan! One thousand yuan!" But I also like his silence after "Changing into a sheep! Transforming into a sheep!?"]

[If you ask me, why should we have a female commentator for this game? Why don’t we find OTTO to play the suona in the middle to cheer us up? The losing team and the commentator will happily send them off together! 】

[Real sketching at the commentary desk↓]

[Front row prompts the university’s today’s Weibo: (View picture)]

Guan Zeyuan posted 6 messages in a row on Weibo, and he took the time to post one just when the crystal was being bulldozed. It can be said that his emotions were quite agitated.

Highlight a mental journey!
[16:57]: XDM is in the commentary booth today with his guide, waiting for Gen.G to get off work quickly with a score of 3-0!

【18:43】:What kind of calamity is this? . . . . .

[18:51]: It’s okay, 3 to 1, that’s fine too!
[19:38]: I really like what Brother Bin said, “It’s cheaper to buy air tickets in a group.”

[20:35]: That’s outrageous! There are no normal people except Ruler!
That's not all.

The most damaging thing for Gu Gu was that just when the last wave of team battles started, he secretly took a "video" with his mobile phone nearby.

At this time, the video had been uploaded to Gugu’s social platform.

It can be clearly seen from the video that during the last wave, the baby was delivering crazy and passionate output! Mouth foam splashing! It seemed like he was shouting with all his strength!
Then the screen changed.

Next to him was Guan Zeyuan, whose face was stiff, his whole body was trembling in an extremely real way, and he let out a deep breath of breath!
The strong contrast between the two has a strong comedic effect.

The drumming beat can be regarded as contributing a "historical" famous scene to LPL.

In the live broadcast screen.

Both parties stood up.

"Get it!!! Brothers are in the top four!!!" Abin shouted excitedly.

"Look at your potential!" Angel put down the earphones and teased deliberately: "But this Samsung isn't as powerful as you say, especially the third one. Brother Cheng was stunned by that Clid! I thought it was a little peanut. !”

"We are strong, but they are also weak." Old Thief Sima said concisely and to the point. "Their lineup is a bit strange. It feels like they don't even understand the game, it's like they are playing hard." Snake also felt something.

"This lineup may be DWG's lineup." Cheng Ming said.

"Brother Cheng, how do you know? I remember that DWG didn't choose this set, right?" A Bin was a little surprised: "But if this is the case, it feels like Samsung is too bad. If Niu Guli is replaced to play Lulu, I guess the pressure will be more."

Cheng Ming indeed recalled some memories about this lineup.

Speaking of which, the strength of this lineup should not be so miserable.

The main reason for this is that Samsung has not understood this lineup at all and is simply copying it mechanically.

For example, top laner Lulu simply does not have the suppressive power that this hero should have in the laning.

In Cheng Ming's memory, the top laner Lulu was able to suppress most traditional top laners in the lane. She was a line dominance level existence. It was normal to suppress the top laner by dozens of knives, but this Turning Chunchun into an auxiliary tool for Ye He as a dog.

Then there is the gap in the level of junglers. Clid's operational level is obviously not enough to support the role he plays in this lineup.

Also like the Cluster Blade Male Gun and Ignite Punishment, Clid didn't really understand why he wore them like this. He just saw Canyon wearing them, so he also wore them like this.

There is nothing wrong with the routine of Cong Ren igniting the male gun, but it can only be used to defeat "melee warrior" heroes such as Mantis, Blind Man, and Xin Zhao who have strong fighting abilities in the wild. It can be used to extremely strengthen the male gun in the wild. Ability to fight hard.

But facing a hero like Leopard Girl who has long hands and is extremely flexible at the same time, using a method with zero mobility like Cong Ren Li is courting death!

In other words, looking for a show!

When Cheng Ming saw the opponent's choice at the beginning, he immediately guessed that the opponent might not have a deep understanding at all and was just copying homework.

In comparison, the problems in the middle and lower parts are relatively minor.

Of course, this would have to be the case if Chikutei's Bomberman skills after the two waves didn't become distorted.
The hidden "City-State Duel" that appeared was actually a bit like the "Fateful Duel" easter egg in the canyon.

Because of this, Cheng Ming began to think more broadly.

Will there be similar effects between Mantis and Poodle, Crocodile and Doghead, Yasuo and Yone, Thresh and Lucian and Senna?

Although this is a temporary thing, the effect in the game is quite obvious, and it also gives Cheng Ming more room for imagination in thinking about the lineup, which can be tried in the future.

"Let's go, Brother Cheng, go shake hands, why are you in a daze! Are you seeing things slower like me?" Abin pulled Cheng Ming who was thinking.

"Bah! You're dizzy because of too many rewards! You thought Brother Cheng was you!" Angel also joked with a smile.

"Brother Cheng is single, so what's the problem?"

"Oh no, who got too many rewards! Gou Xiangtao, you are dead!"

Snake drooped the old thief Sima's shoulders. The two mature little old men looked at the two guys fighting like children and shook their heads with a smile.

The five SN people went to the opponent's players' bench and shook hands.

And although the [Weak Explosion] that Cheng Ming finally lit up in the spring water had extremely strong penetrating damage.

However, the Samsung players at this time seemed to have other more important grievances.

The live broadcast camera that followed Suning to shake hands obviously noticed this scene, and the director deliberately kept the scene in the camera.

And even though I noticed there was a camera next to me.

But Clid and Rascal still couldn't control their expressions.

Rascal first turned his head with some disdain, glanced sideways at Clid behind him, and then seemed to curse something.

Clid behind him also stared directly at him without showing any signs of weakness.

The way the two sides looked at each other, it would be no exaggeration to say that they would start fighting in the next moment.

This scene was immediately made into a GIF and posted to the Tieba forum, cementing the reputation of the "Bullying Team".

[(View picture) Rational analysis, is this Samsung Ueno going to fight? 】

[Real PK off the field, right? 】

[If there is a camera, I will show this expression, but if there is no camera, I will start fighting directly in the ring! 】

[Bdd panicked when he saw me turning around, so I could only follow the tactics and turn around! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed. Is it normal for me to look back when I have a PING signal? 】

[Everyone knows Korean culture. 】

[Brother is worthy of being a brother, but with this look in his eyes, he’s not the team leader? 】

[Clid’s eyes are not timid. This little look doesn’t mean he’s looking at you! 】

[Clid: When I was bullying the youth training in JDG, you didn’t know where you were. You dared to glare at me. You are not qualified! 】

In fact, when Suning shook hands with his opponent, he also noticed that Samsung's Ueno and Ueno looked at each other and there seemed to be something wrong.

However, Cheng Ming didn't pay much attention and turned around and walked back after finishing the formality.

As for whether the other party will actually have a fight after he returns, who knows, and he doesn't really care.

Cheng Ming is now anxious to go back and do business.

Samsung is not only the only two remaining teams in the LCK, but also has high hopes from the entire LCK. Before the game, it received unusual attention because of Cheng Ming's off-court factors.

The end of this game caused an uproar in more than one place.

There are many people who are also watching this game, and they are also surprised to varying degrees.

 Today is almost 10,000 yuan. Yesterday I agreed to finish writing this but I didn’t finish it, so the 10,000 yuan in the past two days will be used as compensation. Tomorrow I will start to officially pay off the debt and continue with the daily 10,000 yuan.

  There’s a lot to do in tomorrow’s post-match session!
  Thanks to Mr. Shi丨Yue for the 666 points reward!

  Thank you brothers for your monthly votes! I’ve been feeling dizzy every day lately, and it’s now past three o’clock to finish revising the article and making the video. I can’t thank you one by one for now, but I’ll keep them all in my heart! Thank you very much for your support!
  Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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