LOL: Serve the country with loyalty, I have full attributes to resist Korea

Chapter 113: Ending and harvest, martial soul fusion skills, shield, control and invincible support?

Chapter 113: Ending and harvest, martial soul fusion skills, shield, control and invincible support?

The main reason why the first game ended so quickly was that JDG's lineup, which basically had four guarantees and one, was indeed restrained by SN's lock lineup.

But the second one that followed was even a bit anxious.

In the second training match, iboy played.

This time JDG came to the red side, deliberately not banning Wei and Clockwork, just to see if the opponent would still choose, and to experiment with several countermeasures that Redmi had come up with.

However, SN did not continue to choose the lineup from the previous game.

SN selected the second set of "secret weapons" they prepared.

This thing has a high status in Cheng Ming's heart, and it is also something Cheng Ming brought back from the future.

To put it simply, this is a very exaggerated "Martial Soul Fusion Technique"!
When this thing first appeared on the court three years later, it shocked many commentators and anchors.

As for JDG, because of their aggrieved defeat in the first game, they also took out the lineup they prepared for the World Championship in the second game and showed real talent.

In this round, all five members of JDG played their personal strengths perfectly. SN also felt a lot of pressure in the early stage due to the lineup. There was always a small disadvantage in the early stage.

Until a wave of team battles in the mid-term.

Under the power of the martial soul fusion skills that were basically undefeable, JDG, which had a considerable advantage, was directly destroyed by a wave of counter-trend attacks!

The terrifying effect of martial soul fusion skills caused ghosts and wolves to howl in the JDG base.

After that, SN advanced steadily, relying on the combination with the "rogue" effect to force waves of advantages. Finally, in the decisive team battle at 45 minutes, with the miraculous effect of fusion skills, they won again.

The second training match is not only a test of combinations for SN.

It is also a comprehensive test for a strong team.

It was also in this game that Cheng Ming intuitively felt that when facing players from a strong team, his personal attribute advantages were no longer enough to crush him mindlessly, and he could not change his destiny again.

This SN obviously still has many areas that need to be adjusted and strengthened.

But for JDG.

The losses in the first and second games can all be attributed to SN's 'weird' midfielder combination!

It is also because of this that JDG in the third round once again changed its tactics and selected a lineup that seemed to be inconsistent with the current version.

In the third round, SMLZ comes on stage.

This time, JDG, who had lost two games in a row, had let themselves go a little bit and decided to try a new idea to break the game.

In fact, this idea is not new. It is to choose "unconventional bottom lane" to speed up the game rhythm and try to play the ultimate early fast-paced game.

The reason why I say it is not new is because the peak era of "letting a hundred flowers bloom" in the bottom lane was last year's S9 season!

In last year's S9 World Finals, the bottom lane was, to put it mildly, a hundred flowers blooming.

To put it bluntly, it’s like “a bunch of demons dancing around”!
Like Cat Garen, Gem Piano, Bomberman, Swordsman Gale, and even Crocodile Sword Girl Dual Warriors! Syndra's twin mages of brilliance!
As for why this phenomenon disappeared again in the S10 season, or it was abandoned by various teams.

It is also because everyone has discovered that although this kind of unconventional bottom lane can help the team gain advantages in the early and mid-term, the disadvantage is also quite obvious, that is, it will greatly lower the upper limit of the team's lineup, especially the upper limit of the lineup in the later stage.

This can also be seen from the fact that Cheng Ming Xiaoju was the main C when facing LNG.

That was because the ADC couldn't stand up in the middle and late stages. Even with such a naturally advantaged jungler, it was almost difficult to end the game.

Even the last wave would have been a bit difficult if the opponent's jungler hadn't been stupid.

Therefore, among traditional ADs, those who are not weak in lane and difficult to kill, who can provide guaranteed functionality in the mid-term, and who can still have high output if they really hit the late stage, have naturally become more popular ADs. Favored choice.

In the eyes of everyone, the version of the S10 season seems to be a fast-paced version dominated by the middle and jungle.

The priority of the bot lane seems to have dropped again and again.

But in fact, the problem of the bottom lane is no longer a matter of this year, but has been the case since the death of the incense burner monster in S7.

Riot Games is increasingly emphasizing the concept of "glass cannon" in its bottom lane changes.

That is to say, it has a long development cycle, a fragile body, and low damage in the early and mid-term, but its ability to take over the game in the later stage is extremely strong and indispensable.

In the S10 season, this phenomenon became more and more serious, and the designers even directly weakened the experience gain of the two-person line! As a result, the dual road level will lag far behind other roads under normal development!

So this is also the direct reason why the top three usage rates of the bottom lane in the current version are: Ice, Jhin, and EZ.

Two are functional leaders, and one is the choice with the highest fault tolerance rate between the two.

But in the understanding of JDG coach Hongmi.

He believes that although the carry ability of the bottom lane has been weakened in S10, in fact, the importance of the bottom lane has actually increased!

The reason lies in Xiaolong!
The S10 season added a more powerful [Dragon Soul] mechanism for the first time, causing the already important elemental dragon to become more important again.

This change resulted in many herbivorous junglers whose early fighting ability was too weak to be directly kicked out of the version.

This also leads to a wave of 4v4 or even 5v5 situations often appearing in the bottom lane ten minutes ago.

Redmi believes that since the early dragon is so important, in addition to the hero selection in the jungle position, can we continue to select stronger heroes in the early stage to enhance the competition for the dragon?
Coupled with the previous two games, Kanavi's grasp of the situation and rhythm is obviously somewhat overpowered by Cheng Ming.

Although these red rice won't be said out loud to undermine the team members' confidence, they can still see it in their eyes.

So this is also a trial of ideas for JDG. Since your operation and rhythm control abilities are not as good as yours, then try an ultimate fast-paced fighting lineup!
For this reason, he came up with the "retro" version of the interpretation. Without any pretense, he directly showed the double rushing warrior combination of monkey + crocodile in the bottom lane when top laner Jess and mid laner Zoe were already out!

This choice was obviously beyond SN's expectations.

But the most surprising thing is actually Cheng Ming!

After all, the S9 season is just last year for others. The era of the crazy dance has not even passed a year yet, and it seems to be still vivid in their minds, so they are not too surprised.

But in Cheng Ming's impression.

S9 was nearly four or five years ago!

So when Cheng Ming first saw the two warriors in the bottom lane, he was extremely surprised and surprised at first, and then he seemed to be suddenly enlightened!
When it comes to coquettish combinations, he has too much stuff in his belly.
Then he suddenly realized that the hero pools of the current few people in his team seemed to overlap to a certain extent.

Cheng Ming seemed to have a new "Swing Pick" idea in his mind.

During the third selection stage, an interesting scene also occurred in SN's team voice.

"Old thief, what do you want to play if you choose these two things?" Snake asked his old partner.

"Anything is fine." Old thief Sima still cherished his words and did not express too many opinions.

Looking at the two heroes opposite, Cheng Ming thought of a strange thing that he could deal with.

And old thief Sima really knows how to play with this weird thing!

"Brother Ma, do you want to play with me?"

The old thief Sima heard Cheng Ming's voice, glanced at the hero, and said "hmm".

The hero Cheng Ming has revealed is Qian Jue!
The old thief Sima had selected Qian Jue AD in this year's spring split, and he was also the first person in the LPL to select Qian Jue AD.

Everyone vaguely remembered that game, so they didn't say much.

"Then what kind of assistant should I match?" Snake asked.

"What's the name of the auxiliary? It's the one with shield, control and invincibility!" Cheng Ming forgot the words as he picked up his pen and suddenly forgot the name of the auxiliary he just wanted to say.

"Is there a shield, a control, or an invincibility?" Snake thought for a while, and then named a hero.

A hero with W for control, E skill for invincibility, and a shield in his left hand!

But as soon as this hero appeared, Old Thief Sima's stiff and paralyzed face seemed to suddenly twitch!
"No, it's a gem." Cheng Ming remembered.

Although this version of Snake Point's thing can really assist, and the selection rate is not low.

Unexpectedly, what Cheng Ming thought was actually a "little generation" routine that would be popular for a long time in the future.

"Baojue Combination"!
Kindred's design is based on a dueling hero in the jungle, so it has a very powerful short-term burst, and has an extremely good killing ability when fighting in the bottom lane.

At the same time, Kindred and Gem’s two ultimate moves are a perfect match!

It is almost possible to achieve 100% invincible effect for everyone!
This combination is definitely not low in intensity, whether in laning or team battles.

Everyone just briefly thought about the many possibilities of this combination, and everyone in SN also showed surprise.

The third Baojue combination indeed produced perfect results when facing the two idiots Crocodile Monkey in close combat.

Qian Jue's extremely flexible mobility, coupled with the protection of gems, the two warriors who originally wanted to gain an advantage in the early and mid-term have directly become the toys of Bao Jue's combination!

Also because JDG let himself go in the third round, the third round ended faster than the first round.

The three-game training match ended quickly with unexpected results for everyone.

JDG, which had double-killed Suning this year, was actually beaten 3:0 in these three training games!
However, everyone will not take the results of the training match too seriously. The purpose of the training match itself is to allow both sides to discover problems, test their playing styles, and improve their lineups. If something is gained, it is good.

For both sides, the results of this training match can be said to be quite fruitful!
JDG discovered many of its own problems. At the same time, because of the fantastic ideas shown in the three training games of SN, the Redmi coach also had more tactical thinking, which may have an impact on JDG's results in this world championship. Influence.

SN, on the other hand, not only perfectly verified two lineups that can definitely be called "secret weapon" level.

At the same time, Cheng Ming also expanded his thinking because of JDG's third test idea.

I thought of the "super swing" that maybe only their SN can achieve!
Moreover, Cheng Ming also perfected a new and powerful lineup in his mind based on this Baojue combination!

+1 to the arsenal again!

Of course, for Suning.

The most important purpose of these three training games is still about the selection of AD.

 This one may be written a little strangely, because it was overturned and rewritten.

  I wrote four to five thousand words during the day, but deleted them all. I felt like I was drowning in writing too much about training matches, and I didn’t want to be in the water.

  The one from yesterday is enough. The main thing is to show the preparations between the protagonist and the team.

  Then I also know that everyone definitely wants to watch the World Championship as early as possible, and I think so too, but in reality, after the Summer Split in August, you have to wait until October to play the World Championship, and the two months in between will definitely happen. A lot of things.

  Of course, it's definitely not watery. Everything that happens has an impact on the plot.

  You can also look forward to how the protagonist will change the lottery order of the historical timeline in the end.
(End of this chapter)

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