Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 761 To establish prestige, Gui massacres the city

"What! Wu Sangui led his army north to attack Songping Pass. The governor of Longzhou sent Zhang Zhaoyuan to cause chaos and colluded with the Qing army to attack Puji Division and Miyishao. Vice General Zhang was surrounded in Huichuan Acropolis?" After receiving this military report? , the second-class Pali Bopala Gesang who was stationed in Jianchang could not sit still and called the generals for discussion.

"Commander Wu Sangui is a strong general. He must ask the general for help immediately." Anmeng, a native of Lizhou, suggested.

"Well, I've asked General Feishu for help. But Vice General Zhang is surrounded in Huichuan and he probably won't be able to hold on for long. I want to send troops to rescue immediately, but I'm afraid Jianchang will be lost. What can I do?" Para Gesang said with a sad face. .

"Commander, just go south with peace of mind. I am willing to lead my headquarters to defend Jianchang. If Jianchang fails, I will be willing to accept the military law." An Taining, the commander of Jianchang Weitu, shouted.

Let you guard Jianchang alone? Who doesn't know that the Erlili chieftain family is the king of Daliang Mountain. If they gain control of Jianchang again, wouldn't it be extremely difficult to control it? Para Gesang murmured in his heart that he did not trust An Taining. He thought about it and said with a smile: "Jianchangwei is the jurisdiction of Sichuan Xingdusi, so there is no room for error. Let's do this. Anmeng, a thousand households in Lizhou, An Taining, the commander of Jianchang Weitu, each led a thousand troops to garrison Jianchang, and I led the army south to Huichuan Wei for rescue."

"Yes", the second general accepted the order happily.

After making arrangements to defend the city, Pala Kesang led an army of nine thousand to Huichuan Guard.
Wu Sangui's army arrived at Huichuan Guard City. As soon as they arrived, they received news that Zhang Zhaoyuan, the local magistrate of Weilong Prefecture, Zhang Lianpeng, and Zhang Lianchen had captured Puji Division and Miyi Suo, and led 1,500 native soldiers to join him. . He was so happy that he ordered people to prepare wine and entertain him in the army.

"Zhang Zhizhou understands the great righteousness, so I would like to offer you a glass of wine." Wu Sangui picked up the wine glass with a smile.

"Serving the prince is a blessing for a low-ranking official. Even if he goes through fire and water, he will do whatever he can." Zhang Zhaoyuan hurriedly thanked him and drank it all.

"These two are the descendants of Commander Zhang, right? Sure enough, the tiger father has no sons, so I would like to toast you two." Wu Sangui also paid tribute to brothers Zhang Lianpeng and Zhang Lianchen.

What an honor it is to be praised by King Pingxi! The two brothers' faces suddenly became red, and they raised their glasses and drank heavily without daring to shout.

Wu Sangui also ordered the generals to toast, bringing the banquet atmosphere to a climax. He asked Zhang Zhaoyuan again: "Zhang Zhizhou has been here for a long time. Does he know what strategy should be used to quickly pacify Shu?"

"The lower official believes that if you want to pacify Shu, you must first establish your authority. Your Majesty should quickly capture Huichuan and slaughter Zhang Mingzhi and all the rebellious chieftains. If the news spreads, those who stubbornly resist will be frightened, and Shu will be pacified." Zhang Zhaoyuan said this His words concealed selfishness. He had just captured Pujisi and Miyisuo, and taken away the territories of the Ji, An, and Xian families. He heard that An Wen, the head of the An family, and Ji Rongtai, the head of the Ji family, are currently in Huichuan City. , intending to use the hands of the Qing army to eradicate these chieftains. However, this idea coincided with Wu Sangui's desire to massacre the city and establish his power. "What Zhang Zhizhou said makes sense! Huichuan is the key to Sichuan and Yunnan and the gateway to Shu. It leads from Dali and Yongchang in Yunnan in the west; in the south, it leads from Dian to Mengzi, directly to Annan and Myanmar; in the southeast, it leads from Zhaotong to Chongqing and Xuzhou. Directly to the two lakes and Jiangxi. Because it is the strategic transportation hub between Sichuan and Yunnan, merchants have been coming and going since ancient times. The products are rich and the people are prosperous. The production is rich, but it is very rich." Wu Sangui smiled and boasted about the richness of Huichuan Acropolis, which aroused the generals. After being greedy, he coldly ordered, "Pass on the military order, all battalions will take turns to attack the city day and night from tomorrow. If the city is broken, it will not be sealed. Those who enter the city first will select the streets and alleys to search and suppress them one by one."

"The last general will obey the prince's order and swear to destroy Huichuan City." After hearing the eight words "First select the streets and alleys to search and suppress them one by one," the generals understood and their fighting spirit was high.
Since it is the key to Sichuan and Yunnan and the gateway to Shu, Huichuan City is naturally built solidly. "The city is two feet and three feet high, seven miles and three points in circumference, one thousand three hundred and fourteen feet in total, one foot and two feet thick, with one thousand five hundred and fourteen crenellations and thirty city pavilions; its width is three feet and its depth is eight feet. It is one thousand three hundred and twenty-two feet wide." Although it is only a small city, it has four gates and the city is high and the river is deep. The original earthen city wall was covered with bricks and stones, and the bricks and stones were bonded with a mixture of lime, glutinous rice juice, pig blood and other adhesives. This "gold-coated silver" construction method made the wall bricks closely connected and strong.

Therefore, it is not easy to capture Huichuan City.

Wu Sangui thought that a mere earthen city would collapse with a single blast from the cannon. The artillery camp concentrated its artillery bombardment for half a day, but the city wall actually did not move at all. In anger, he ordered each battalion to attack in turn and attack the city. Groups of Qing troops pushed forward with ram carts, goose carts, ladder carts, and pallet carts. Arrows and bullets rained down on the city. Although the earthen cannons used by the soldiers defending the city could not shoot far, they were extremely powerful in close combat. , one shot down, and it became a powder.

Two days later, the Qing army filled in the moat outside the city; five days later, they finally captured a section of the Nancheng wall and killed the Nancheng garrison Malatu Qianhu A Shixun; the defenders did not surrender, and another five days of fighting ensued. Days of brutal street fighting, every street and alley, state offices, government offices, pharmacies, examination sheds, academies, filial piety offices, temples, and residential buildings have all become battlefields. Anwen, a member of Qianhu in Miyi Tu, was hacked to death on the west city wall; Ji Rongtai, the chief envoy of Puji, died at the hands of Zhang Zhaoyuan, the local magistrate of Weilong Prefecture. Zhang Zhaoyuan knew that the heads of the An family and the Ji family had died in the battle, and he was finally relieved. Now he could completely control Puji Division and Miyi Suo. The most tragic thing was that deputy general Zhang Mingzhi was surrounded in the state office, and Wu Sangui's general Hu Guozhu was surrounded for a long time. Unable to capture, he ordered the wood to be piled up and set on fire. The raging fire burned the state office and Deputy General Zhang to ashes. "Don't kill me, I am a monk," Muli comfort envoy Songdian Rongbu put on his monk's robe and shouted. He is indeed a monk, not only a comfort messenger in Muli but also a great monk with profound Buddhist teachings. But so what? The red-eyed Qing army didn't care whether you were a human or a Buddha. One of the soldiers raised his sword and struck hard with the sword, causing the monk's head to fall to the ground.

The military orders were like mountains. Stimulated by the massacre and looting, the Qing troops turned into wolves, tigers and leopards, burning, killing, raping and committing all kinds of evil. Jianchang was completely reduced to a hell on earth.

Terror had a terrifying effect. After hearing the news that King Pingxi's army captured Jianchang City in just ten days and slaughtered the entire city without leaving any chickens or dogs behind, the chieftains from all over the country were greatly frightened. Yuzhu, Gucypress Tuqianhulang Junwei, Bijulu Tumuge Zhongchen and others were surrendered to the Qing Dynasty again. Yanbian, Ningnan and Huidong all fell into the hands of the Qing army.

Para Gesang received the news as soon as he led his army to the city of Dechang. At the same time, he found out that Wu Sangui's troops numbered fifty or sixty thousand. His previous arrogance turned into panic. He only had nine thousand troops. , and most of them were poorly equipped local soldiers, how could they resist the 50,000 to 60,000 Qing soldiers?

I am anxious, there is no end to the road! General Xirimo, commander of the South Route Army of the Guard, sent Kangrong General Lalm, Diaomen General Gao Junxi, and Zishiguan guerrilla Jiang Qifeng to lead an army of 6,000 to aid Jianchang. Although the number of reinforcements was small, they were all elite soldiers of the Guards. After the two armies joined together, the strength reached 15,000, and the military strength was restored.

Lalm is a veteran of the Guards, much older than Para Gesang. Para Gesang did not dare to make any mistakes and obediently handed over the command of the army. Lalm did not refuse. After taking over the military power, he immediately ordered the entire army to withdraw north to the Jianchang Acropolis area, relying on the steep terrain of Daliang Mountain to hold on. He also ordered the chieftains from various places to move all their subjects into the mountains and not to provide supplies to the Qing army. . The Qing army captured Dechangsuo and Changzhou Division without spending a single soldier, but only got two empty cities without a single citizen. When we came to the vicinity of Jianchang Acropolis, the terrain suddenly became higher and there were many mountains. Even if we had the advantage of troops, we couldn't use them. Wu Sangui had no choice but to lead his army to confront the Wei army in Jianchang, and slowly planned to take action. (End of chapter)

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