Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 730: Zelu Zhihu reveals himself

Chapter 730: Zelu Zhihu reveals himself (Part )
The man with triangular eyes and a sinister appearance is Qian Yi, the chief arrester of Changzhi County. Although this person's name carries the word "righteousness", he most lacks benevolence and righteousness. He often bullies men and dominates women by doing things for the government. Seeing that it was him, Du Yuan calmed down and asked, "It turns out to be Mr. Du. He climbed over the wall and entered the house in broad daylight. I don't know why?"

"What a Du Yuan, how dare you pretend to be like me! What you said just now is true to what I heard outside the wall. You are so brave. It's just a plan to escape to Datong. You actually want to rebel. An, Zezhou, Pingyang Yu Weijun. How dare that guy say anything: "Zelu is full of weavers who can't survive. As long as you climb up and shout, you will definitely see the scenery." Bah! I really don't know how to write the word "death" " Qian Yi spat and pointed towards Miao Da with a finger.

"Oh, Mr. Qian, six of our brothers were drinking here just now. That brother had a few too many drinks. What he said was all crazy, but it can't be taken seriously," Du Yuan explained hurriedly.

"Yes, this official, this is just what we were talking about while drinking. I hope Haihan will do it." Gong Qi and others also smiled.

"Haihan? You are putting it lightly. As a catcher, you have the responsibility to catch thieves. How can you let it go if you hear rebellious words? Mr. Du, you are the leader of the craftsman's family. Tell me. , what should we do about this?" Qian Yi sneered. The meaning in the words is clear and clear: you can't let it go lightly, but if you give enough money, it's not that you can't let it go.

Du Yuan felt cold in his heart and said bravely: "If Qian Baotou can forgive me, I will thank you very much!"

"Okay! I know Du Jiangtou is a happy person." Qian Yi stretched out six fingers, "One life is a thousand taels, and you and the other six people will receive six thousand taels in forehead, not much, right?"

A few years ago, the Orihu households still had some savings on hand. But in recent years, the war has been chaotic and government exploitation has become increasingly serious. Du Yuan and others have already lost everything. How can they afford six thousand taels? Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel bitter.

"Captain Qian, you also know our situation. Not to mention six thousand taels, even six hundred taels, I really can't get it. Please be lenient," Du Yuan begged.

"Yes, please be lenient," everyone begged in unison.

"Straight bitch, you are a stingy guy who gives up your life rather than your wealth. I want to see if you want your life or your money. Come on, follow me to the Yamen." Qian Yi was furious and tried to drag Du Yuan out.

"Dogs kill talents!"

Suddenly, a tiger roar was heard, a strong arm tightly wrapped around Qian Yi's neck, and the other hand stabbed Qian Yi's throat with scissors. The official who was so arrogant just now turned into a pile of dead flesh in a moment. The scissors were commonly used by weavers for cutting cloth, and the murderer was also a well-known person: the servant Miao Da.

"Oh, brother Miao Xian, if you kill this person, you will have no room for maneuver, and you will be killed!" Du Yuan rubbed his hands anxiously.

"Brother is confused! That Qian Yi is famous for his evil intentions. Don't say that we can't get the amount he wants, even if we really gave it to him, you think he won't sue the government after taking the money. Is that so? In my opinion, even if this guy takes the money, he will still sue the officials and ask for reward. Why not kill this guy and get it over with?" Miao Da was not afraid at all.

"It's easy for you to say, that Qian Yi is the county government's arrester. If the county magistrate finds out that he is missing later, he will be suspicious. There is no airtight wall, and disaster will come!" Du Yuan said anxiously. "So brother, there are only two ways to go now. One is to listen to what the younger brother said, mobilize Zhihu to carry out righteousness in Changzhi, seize Lu'an, Zezhou, and Pingyang and offer them to the guard. Not only is it innocent, but it has great merit; the other is Bind your younger brother to see the officials to see if the Qing court will forgive his brother. The Manchu government has always been harsh on the Han people, so it’s hard to say whether you can escape danger," Miao Da sneered.

Du Yuan's back was dripping with sweat. Miao Da was right. Now that the Guards were approaching and the government was busy searching for spies of the Guards, how could the magistrate of Changzhi give up this opportunity to make a great contribution? It seems that the only way to do this is to listen to my brother and fight for his life. After thinking about this, the craftsman finally made up his mind and glared at Miao Da fiercely, "Who does Brother Miao Xian take Brother Yu to be? I will never do anything to betray my friends for glory!" He looked at Gong Qi and Li Man, Wu Xingcai, and Zhang Cheng said: "Brothers, if we don't kill the officials now, it won't work. Why don't we risk our lives to fight with the officials and raise an uprising flag in Changzhi?"

The situation is stronger than the person. If an official dies, no one can escape his involvement, so he can only work out a way to survive. The four of them looked at each other and finally agreed. Everyone agreed to try to stabilize the government and Qian Yi's family first, and immediately summoned the trustworthy Orihu to secretly gather in Changzhi to prepare for an uprising. After the discussion, they dispersed to prepare, and Miao Da also returned to his home.

"You're back, how are things going?" Suddenly a silvery voice came.

The beautiful woman in front of her has a face like a peach blossom and a waist like a water snake. She is clearly a creature in the world. However, Miao Da did not even dare to raise his head and replied in a nagging tone: "In response to your instructions, I will follow your instructions. If they kill the official Qian Yi in front of them, they will have no way out and will definitely fight back."

"Okay! This is a reward for you." Liu Yan'er, the head of a hundred households in the sixth rank of the Wuyi Guard of the Kingdom of David, smiled brightly and threw a thick silver bag to Miao Da.
In the Changzhi County government office, the county magistrate Yu Gongyin has been a little uneasy these days. He received an official document from Li Wenhuang, who participated in politics. In order to raise military pay, the households in Lu'an Prefecture and Zezhou needed to donate 200,000 taels. It is said that it is a donation, but in fact it is an apportionment. Changzhi County alone needs to apportion 70,000 taels. The scientific expedition was fiercer than the tiger, and Changzhi Orihu was already overwhelmed. How could he afford the 70,000 taels? While he was troubled, his right-hand man Qian Yi disappeared again. It turned out that Qian Yi had sent someone to ask for leave, saying that he was feeling unwell and needed to rest for a few days, but he didn't take it seriously. But after five or six days of absence, someone was sent to Qian Yi's home to ask, but his family members said that Qian Yi had asked someone to tell his family that he had been working in the Yamen for the past few days and would go home flawlessly. How is this going? So where did Qian Yi go? Yu Zhixian felt that something was going to happen and sent people everywhere to look for it, while he waited for news in panic inside the Yamen.

Things are often like this in the world. Good things don't work and bad things don't work. The more he feels that something is going to happen, a big thing happens. Suddenly, there were shouts of killing all around the county government office.

"What's going on?" Yu Gongyin asked in panic.

"Sir, it's not good, there is a rebellion among the households and they are coming to the county government office," one of his subordinates reported.

"Let's go through the small door quickly." Yu Gongyin was so frightened that he ran away.

As soon as he reached the small gate, he was stopped by three people, a thin scholar, a fat businessman, and a young beauty. "In Magistrate County, Changzhi Zhihu has been under tyranny by the Manchus for a long time, and they want to revolt in response to the guards. You are the official of Changzhi, why don't you lead the people to do it together?" The thin Confucian scholar at the head said to Gong Yin with a smile.

On the eighth day of September in the 1659th year of Qianyuan (), Yu Gongyin, the magistrate of Changzhi County, "led the people in an act of righteousness" and captured the government office. He beheaded the magistrate of Lu'an, Yang Jun, and captured Huguan, Changzi, Lucheng, Pingshun, They stationed in various counties and approached Xiangyuan. The urgent documents drifted towards Taiyuan like snowflakes.

(End of this chapter)

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