Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 726 Jiexiu Fan has guests coming

Chapter 726 Jiexiu Fan has guests coming

"Cough~cough~cough~" The long robe, mandarin jacket, melon skin hat, and ravine-like wrinkles reflect the vicissitudes of time. Fan Yongdou lay on the recliner and coughed, struggling to breathe the air in his hometown. He was old and no longer had the ambition and vitality of the past. He just wanted to stay in his hometown and retire like a fallen leaf. In any case, his life can be considered wonderful, and he fulfilled his youthful wish to revitalize the Jiexiu Fan family.

Jiexiu Fan family started trading in Zhangjiakou and Mongolia in the early Ming Dynasty, and it has been passed down to Fan Yongdou for seven generations. Back then, Fan Ming, Fan Yongdou's father, was beaten and scolded by Fan Yongdou's grandfather for picking a few immature green dates and eating them. In anger, he took his three sons Yongkui, Yongxing, and Yongdou to Zhangjiakou to do business, and got acquainted with them. Many Jurchen nobles earned thousands of gold in ten years, laying the foundation for the prosperity of the Jiexiu Fan family. After Fan Yongdou took charge of the Fan family, the interests of the Fan family and the Jurchens were tied together and they became the first of the famous "Eight Imperial Merchants". In addition to operating the Hedong and Changlu salt industries, they also monopolized ginseng in Wusuli, Suifen and other places. In the market for precious medicinal materials such as silk, cloth, tea, grain, iron and other industries, the business tentacles are involved. As a businessman, his achievements can be described as great; but as a Han Chinese, he only pursues profits and has no feelings for his family and country, but he is shamed by the world. None of this matters, as long as it can revitalize the Fan family, what's the point of being shameless?
"Father," Fan Sanba called carefully, fearing that Fan Yongdou would be unable to breathe due to coughing.

"Uh~ If you don't stay in Zhangjiakou, what are you going to do back home? But something big happened?" the old man asked with difficulty while coughing.

"The boy got the news: Cao Sanxi sent his son Cao Yufan to visit Shanxi Chief Envoy Si You Shen Zheng and Wang Du of Datong Road, and presented a large amount of food to the guards. The Taigu Cao family is most likely to be interested in the iron ore and smelting of Datong. If you go to the market, I'm afraid it will have an impact on my Fan family's iron trade," Fan Sanba said anxiously.

In this era, the strength of Shanxi merchants was extraordinary. In addition to the "Eight Imperial Merchants" headed by Jiexiu Fan, there were many other large merchants. Taigu Cao is one of them. At that time, Cao Sanxi of the Cao family went to Guandong alone to make a living. He came to Santa Pagoda in the Northeast (today's Chaoyang, Liaoning), where he first worked as a servant, then rented land for farming, and later opened San Tai Lao Hao Tofu Shop, Gongyi Dian Pot Making Workshop, and Sanlong Grain Store, Santaihao Money Store, Sanlongyong Grocery Store and many other shops are engaged in the silver industry, silks, cloths, pigments, medicinal materials, furs, groceries, foreign goods, wine making, grain stores and other industries. They are powerful and innovative businesses. A big arm-wrestling business.

Cao Sanxi was very discerning. He had made friends with the Great Khan Lianhua before the founding of the Kingdom of David. He also had friendships with Liu Haogu, Xue Zongzhou, Fu Shan and Ji Jike, important ministers of the Kingdom of David. Over the years, he had many affairs in the Kingdom of David. Few industries, huge profits. Moreover, he is very business-savvy. He came to San Pagoda empty-handed. He first rented land to grow vegetables and soybeans, then opened a tofu shop and turned the soybeans into tofu. He also used tofu residue to raise pigs and turn the tofu residue into pork and pig manure. Then he used it as fertilizer and then planted vegetables, soybeans and sorghum. In this continuous cycle, his wealth increased significantly and he quickly made his first pot of gold. It is said that the Lotus Khan of the Kingdom of David was full of praise after hearing about this incident, and even coined a new term "circular economy", saying that this person was the first person to engage in "circular economy". For a time, Cao Sanxi became famous in the Kingdom of David.

"Well, the Taigu Cao family really shouldn't be underestimated." Fan Yongdou opened his cloudy old eyes.

"Do you want me to take care of the relationship in Beijing and punish the Taigu Cao family for having liaison with the enemy?" Fan Sanba said gloomily.

"Nonsense! Third brother, you are now the head of the Fan family, how can you be so ignorant of the importance of doing things? Merchants have spread their goods all over the world, and the Cao family of Taigu has connections with the Kingdom of David. Is it possible that the Fan family has nothing to do with the Kingdom of David? No contact? Once this fire is started, it will burn to you sooner or later. Besides, the Wei army is not far from Fenzhou, and Cao Sanxi has close contacts with the powerful people of the Wei Kingdom. If the Taigu Cao family is harmed, He might be retaliated by the guards, and if nothing else, the Fan family's business in Killing the Tiger's Mouth would be completely ruined. From the looks of it, David is now powerful and has the strength to compete with the Qing Dynasty for the world. Not only can they not offend The Taigu Cao family needs to win over them, and at the same time make great efforts to make friends with the monarchs and ministers of the Wei Kingdom to plan for the future. A few iron mines and iron smelting yards are nothing, you should look further," Fan Yong glared fiercely. Taking a look at his third son Fan Sanba, he no longer looked old, his eyes were full of light.

"What my father taught me is," Fan Sanba was so scolded that he didn't dare to look up, and said after a while: "There is also news: The Kang family in Pingyang Prefecture and the Qu family in Qixian County also sent people to donate a large amount of money and food to the Guards." The Kang family in Pingyang was a big salt merchant, a big grain merchant, and a big pawnbroker. It was rumored that there was a severe drought in Shanxi one year, but the head of the Kang family threatened: "There is an old sky above, and there are millions of people below. If it doesn't rain for three years, there will be no old grain." Wan Shi", so he got the nickname: "Kang Wanwan"; the Qu family in Qixian County has also been doing business for generations, starting from a small business of trafficking. As time went by, they worked tirelessly and gradually opened ticket accounts and set up tea shops in various provinces. They own a village, a salt store, a money store, a pawn shop, a silk and satin store, a medicinal herb store, etc. The family is extremely wealthy.

"Oh, they have also taken action." Fan Yongdou's eyes became brighter and he said decisively, "Immediately prepare another 200,000 taels of silver notes and send them to the camp of His Highness Sumur, King of Liao."

"But father, the last time the Guards captured Guihua City, the eight major merchants on the right side of Emen Mountain had sent more than 1.5 million taels of supplies to the Lotus Khan. The Guards captured the Killing Tiger Pass and blackmailed five Emen One hundred thousand taels. Why do you want to give it away?" Fan Sanba was a little reluctant to give it up. Shanxi businessmen in this era were very hard-working. Despite the great business of the Jiexiu and Fan family, Fan Yongdou was reluctant to eat or wear clothes. Fan Sanba's clothing, food and clothing were also very ordinary. It’s not easy to make money, and one gift costs two hundred thousand taels, so how can you give it up?
"It's different this time. The first two times, the eight major merchants in Shanyou gave it away together, but this time it was delivered by Emen Fan alone. We must let the monarchs and ministers of the Wei Kingdom feel the goodwill of Emen Fan!" Fan Yongdou's tone was as firm as iron.

"Yes", Fan Sanba responded quickly. Seeing that his father was old and didn't want to hinder his recuperation, he was about to leave.

"Old Master, Master, there is a man named Damuding outside the door who wants to see the old master." Fan Wen, the steward, came in to report.

"Damuding? I don't know this person. He's gone." Fan Yongdou shook his head and refused. A generation of wealthy businessmen has his own arrogance, which is not common to everyone.

"This person claims to be a Weiguo official, and he gave it to me." Fan Wen held up a waist badge with both hands.

Fan Yongdou squinted and looked carefully, but he saw a dark wooden sign with the words "Thousands of households in Wuyiwei Shanxi Province reach Muding" engraved on it. The businessman travels all over the country and is well-informed. He has heard about what kind of organization Wuyiwei is. He couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart, and slowly said to Fan Sanba: "Third brother, you said that I am bedridden and cannot see guests. Here I am. If people make other demands, they will agree to it, but if they ask us to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, we must not agree to it. Before the Qing and Wei countries can decide the winner, the Jiexiu Fan family must hedge their bets. No one can offend anyone."

(End of this chapter)

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