Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 714 Blood-stained naturalized brotherhood

Chapter 714 Blood-stained naturalized brotherhood (Part )

In Guihua City, two young generals with sharp eyebrows and eagle eyes were also arranging military affairs. With their appearance, one could tell at a glance that they were of the blood of the Yikmingan family. The sixteen-year-old fourth son of the emperor, Prince Jin Ergalang, and the fourteen-year-old fifth son of the emperor Biligendalai had fierce disagreements over how to defend the city.

The mother of King Ergalang of Jin, the fourth son of Great Khan Lotus, was a special beggar (princess) of the Turgut tribe and the noble concubine Yaruo of Emperor David. She had a noble bloodline and her status among the princes of the Kingdom of David was second only to the crown prince. Zhuoli Getu and Qi King Melas are the chief generals of Guihua City. King Zhao Biligendalai was born to the Yeerqiang noble daughter and concubine Gulishati. Her status was inferior to that of Biligalang, and she was the deputy general of Guihua City. No matter from any aspect, Biligendalai should listen to his brother, but he didn't do it very much. He had not dealt with his fourth brother since he was a child. When Su Letan's army moved south, he deliberately left 10,000 elite soldiers behind because he was worried about the safety of Guihua City. From Biligenda's perspective, it was not necessary to defend the city and should go out to fight. Unexpectedly, Ergalang was "as timid as a mouse" and didn't dare to go out of the city to fight. He also recruited the young and strong Tumote troops in the city to help strengthen the city defense day and night. Today he will solidify the wall foundation, and tomorrow he will Repairing the arrow stack and planting a wooden fence the day after tomorrow made the soldiers miserable.

"Everyone, the Qing troops outside the city have been building forts in the east city these days. In my opinion, they will attack the city soon, and the east city may be the focus. Bagabandi, you move all the artillery to the east city and prepare for a big battle."

"Yes", Bagabandi, the head of the Duqian household from the Junggar tribe, happily accepted the order.

"I have written a letter to my father Khan and the head of the ten thousand households in Babai. I believe that reinforcements will arrive soon. You must not fight rashly, just stick to the city. Anyone who goes to battle without orders will be killed!" Ergalang ordered seriously. Although he is only sixteen years old, he is already a qualified warrior. His grandfather Nomudale and his father Suletan both led an army at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

"Fourth brother, there is no invincible city in the world, and it cannot be defended if it is trapped in an isolated city. In my opinion, we should lead an army out of the city to defeat the enemy's prestige." Biligendala objected dissatisfiedly, and his fourteen-year-old age was full of enthusiasm. A newborn calf is not afraid of the vigor of a tiger.

"Fifth brother, Eqi Ge repeatedly warned us when we left that Guihua City is the lifeblood of our army and cannot be lost. Bahana is a veteran Manchu general who is cunning and wise. We should not underestimate the enemy. It is better to hold on to the city." Ergalang shook his head. allow.

"Humph~ Fourth brother might as well stay in the city and take command, and I can just bring my own two thousand troops to fight." Biligendalai showed disdain on his face, and the words "sit and take command" were said in a strange way.

"Bang~" Ergalang was furious and slammed the table, "I have just given an order. Anyone who goes to battle without an order will be killed. Military law is like a mountain. If you dare to disobey orders, don't blame military law for being ruthless!"

"You~" Bi Li Gendalai turned livid with anger and sat down angrily.

Ergalang ignored him and continued to arrange defenses calmly.
"Tu Mian, how many warriors have we recruited in total?" Under the Exixi Peak, Ba Bai, the head of ten thousand households in Monan, asked Tu Mian Batu. In David's official system, the chief of ten thousand households is the first rank, and the soil cotton is the first rank. The Kingdom of David, which built its country through force, did not practice the practice of using culture to control force. What's more, Babai was a member of Dulbert's tribe and was related to the Queen, while Batu was just an Ordos tribe who had just defected to the Kingdom of David. Taiji's foundation in the court was far inferior to that of Babai, so he naturally did not dare to compete with him.

"Ten thousand households, there are two thousand Oirat warriors and three thousand Ordos warriors in Xifeng, Exi. These days, I have tried my best to recruit soldiers from Ordos, Maoming'an, Wulate, and Khalkha right wing tribes, and recruited another two thousand warriors. Now there are seven thousand troops," Batu replied respectfully.

"Well, you lead two thousand troops to guard Exi Xifeng, and I will lead five thousand troops to rescue Guihua City," Babai said calmly.

"You are the head of ten thousand households, and the Qing army is very powerful. If you only bring five thousand people, will it be a little less?" Ordos right-winger Bosha Keza felt that he lacked confidence.

"Guihua City is an important place for our army. We must not lose it. Even if there are few people, we will go there." The words coming out of Babai's mouth were as firm as iron. "Chief of ten thousand households, I am a clan member and should be the vanguard!" Alanidun Ayuqi, a member of Thousand Households, loudly called for battle. He was the eldest son of King Sumur of Liao. After Sumur pacified the Yikezhao League, he was ordered to join the Great Khan of Lianhua, leaving his eldest son's two thousand troops to guard the Exi Xifeng. These two thousand soldiers and horses are all soldiers of the Kingdom of David, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the defenders recruited on the spot.

"Alanidun Ayuqidu Qianhu is worthy of being a member of the David clan, so I will use you as an arrow to move the entire army forward and fight to the death without retreating." Babai was overjoyed.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom~"

Fierce artillery sound rang out at the east gate of Guihua City. The Qing and Wei armies fired at each other. The Qing army had more artillery and had the upper hand in the artillery battle. It overpowered the Guards and fired fiercely, but it was difficult to collapse the repaired and reinforced Guihua city. Transform the city wall.

At the same time, the Qing troops at the south, north, and west gates began to attack. At the north gate, Prince Dorji led a thousand Abaga right-wing banner warriors and rushed towards the city wall on long ladders. Although it was a feint attack, they fought effectively. At one point, some sergeants rushed to the top of the city; At the gate, the county king Souse was about to lead a thousand Sunit right-wing banner warriors to attack the city, but his brother Teng Jitai persuaded him to stop him. "Brother, why do our Sunit tribe have to sacrifice our lives for the enemy?" He gave up with just this sentence. In his desperate thoughts, he only led his men to fire arrows from a distance under the city wall; what was incredible was that the 1,500 real Manchu warriors under the command of Yirtehe, the Manchurian Jia Lazhangjing with a red flag, who was responsible for the "feint attack" on the west gate, actually also fought with They also fired arrows from a distance under the city wall and did not climb the city.

"Send the order to the east gate, strengthen the alert." Hearing the fierce sound of the cannons at the east gate, and the painless attacks from the other three gates, the guard general Ergalang quickly judged that the main attack direction of the Qing army was the east gate. Duqianhu Bagabandi, who was guarding the east gate, was ordered to step up vigilance.

It seemed that the endless bombardment finally stopped, and before the guards guarding the city could breathe a sigh of relief, "Dong~dong~dong~", the Qing army's marching drum sounded again. Hearing the sound of drums, the two generals Seleng and Dong Yisi Labu, who were eager to try, led two thousand warriors of the Abahana tribe to roar and rush towards the city wall carrying long ladders. The Abahanars are powerful warriors. Although most of them only wear leather armor made of animal skins, they are extremely ferocious, not afraid of death, and are especially good at close combat.


Arrows rained down from the city, and one after another Abahanar warriors wearing only leather armor fell in a pool of blood. However, they did not even look at their fallen companions. They let out wolf howls in their mouths and rushed toward the city head regardless of their safety. Ascend. As long as the city is conquered, they can enjoy the spoils first, and the tribesmen will no longer have to worry about food and clothing this winter.


The defenders' muskets began to fire, causing even greater casualties this time. Many soldiers hit by the muskets rolled on the ground in pain. Finally, some people started to get scared and the charging speed slowed down. Sai Leng gritted his teeth and personally supervised the battle. Anyone who dared to retreat would be stabbed. Under his supervision, more and more warriors boarded the city.

"Hmph~ After resting for so long, it's time for us to go into battle." Bagabandi snorted and pulled out his scimitar, leading the reserve team that had been resting to drive off the enemies who had boarded the city.

The battle at the east gate was brutal and fierce, but little did they know that the real war had yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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