Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 701: Ancient Xiong City Now Belongs to the Guards

Chapter 701: The Eternal City Now Belongs to the Guard (Part )
"General, the Gudian is closed ten miles ahead, and there is no trace of the Guards," his subordinates reported to Liu Chengyi, the commander-in-chief of the Victory Battalion.

"Okay." Liu Chengyi felt relieved. He had been worried about encountering the Guards along the way, and now he was finally approaching his destination without any danger. This place is only ten miles away from Gudian Pass. There is a friendly army stationed at Biao Right Camp in the pass. The Guards should There will be no ambush here.

"Speed ​​up the march and get to Gudian as soon as possible," he shouted. The military orders were like mountains, and the Qing army's marching speed suddenly increased and they hurried to Gudian Pass.



There were dense sounds of cannon fire and shouts of killing everywhere. The Guards troops rushed out from the reeds by the river like a tide, cut the Qing troops into sections, surrounded and annihilated them.

"Uu~uh~uh~" Liu Chengyi was inexplicably horrified. He got off the horse and seemed to feel the fear of his master, and kept spinning in circles.

"Poof", a big gun was stabbed into his chest. Because of the pain, the veteran's face twisted and he fell off his horse.

After killing Liu Chengyi with one shot, King Baoyin of Chu, who was not afraid of tigers even after he was born, continued to kill the remaining enemies. In this battle, the Guards suffered more than a hundred casualties, killed and wounded more than 800 enemies, and captured more than a thousand people, annihilating the Qing army's victorious camp in one fell swoop.

"Congratulations to your highness on your victory." After the war, generals Babu and Tanggut Erdeni congratulated Baoyin.

"It's too early to celebrate now. Ahead, Gudian Pass is still in the hands of the Qing army. It's not too late to celebrate after we win this pass." Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and young Baoyin's voice is full of ambition.

"I am willing to listen to your highness's order." The generals cheered up, marshaled their troops and went to Gudian Pass to kill.

The guerrilla Ren Zhongying of the Biao Right Battalion in Datong Town who was guarding Gudian only had a thousand troops and was weak in strength. Therefore, he clearly heard the shouts of killing in front of the pass, but he did not dare to open the switch to meet Liu Chengyi, the general of the victorious battalion. Now that Liu Chengyi's troops were destroyed, the guard's troops immediately fell on him. The cannons roared at the gate, and as soon as the sound of the cannons stopped, more than a thousand feeble "siege troops" appeared in the Guards formation. Except for cutting off their braids and changing their flags, they were exactly the same as the Qing army, even their uniforms were the same. The Qing army made samples and just wore them backwards.

These were all prisoners of the Qing army captured by the Guards. It was an old tradition of the Guards to use prisoners to attack the city. The prisoners are in front, and the supervising team is behind. If anyone dares to escape, he will be attacked by knives or arrows.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

"Mother," a young prisoner had a nervous breakdown and ran back. The Mongolian Chechen leader Taiji Tangut Erdeni, who was supervising the battle, chopped him down with a knife, glared at him, and shouted: "Come on, charge forward if you want to survive!"

Driven by the war team, the prisoners carried long ladders and began to attack the city, while the archers of the Guards shot arrows at the top of the city to cover it. At first, the prisoners were a little reluctant to let go, but when they saw their comrades in the city shooting themselves mercilessly, they also let go and fought with each other. After attacking for more than an hour, more than half of the prisoners were killed or injured, but Gudian Pass was still in the hands of the Qing army. Baoyin was very satisfied. He had never expected to rely on these prisoners to capture Guancheng. The meaning of their existence was only to consume the opponent's defense supplies and damage the opponent's morale. Sure enough, after more than an hour of fierce fighting, the guns and bows and arrows were obviously sparse. They had to shoot the prisoners who were their own side, which also made the morale of the city low, and it was time to pull out the city.

"Choose a vanguard to attack the city", King Chu decided to issue a military order.

Five hundred carefully selected Mongolian warriors, holding small bucklers and scimitars, climbed up the city along the ladder truck below the city. As long as they climbed to the top of the city, they would form groups of three or five and fight with the defenders, killing each of the defenders on the city. The Qing army was originally small in number and exhausted from fighting for a long time. How could it defeat this tiger and wolf? Soon the guards selected a vanguard to capture the city wall. The guard came down the steps and opened the door.

"Haorui~Haorui~Haorui~" the Mongolian warriors roared and rushed in.

"Don't kill me, I'm willing to surrender." Ren Zhongying, a guerrilla from Zhenbiao Right Camp, lost the courage to resist and knelt down to ask for surrender.

"You dog slave, why didn't you surrender just now?" Babu, the first-class Chechen Houbabu, became red-eyed and slashed Ren Zhongying with his sword, leaving him in a pool of blood.
Two battle reports were sent to the camp of the Great Khan of Lotus.

King Baoyin of Chu not only annihilated the Qing army's Victory Battalion and beheaded Liu Chengyi, the commander of the Victory Battalion, but also captured Gudianguan, an important stronghold in the north of Datong. The loss of Gudianguan and Gudianguan Pier meant that the Guards could not only march straight along the Yuhe River to the foot of Datong City, but also cut off the connection between Baideng to the east of the Yuhe River and Leigong Mountain to the west, tearing apart the Qing army's defense system. A big hole was made. The Great Khan, who boasted that he was a god in military use, would not give up this good opportunity. He immediately ordered Baoyin to use the ferry on the pier to cross the river immediately, cutting off the Qing army on Baishan Mountain from returning to Datong, while leaving some troops to garrison Gudian Pass. .

King Sumur of the Liao Dynasty did not have the good luck of his nephew. He set up an ambush at Weilu Fort to the west of Leigong Mountain for many days, but he did not even see a hair of the Qing army killing Hukou Xie Town.

"Hu Qing, the Qing army's killing of Hukou Xie did not return to aid Datong as we expected. What should we do?" Suletan asked Hu Liangqi.

"I made a mistake. Killing Hukou is a place of great wealth for the Manchu people. Peng Youde was afraid of being blamed by the Qing court and did not dare to give up Killing Hukou. However, Killing Hukou can only be joined by three battalions with 3,000 troops. Even if one battalion is added to guard Killing Hukou, The head, the tax collectors of the Hubu Yamen, the postmen of the Yichuan Yamen, and the Yamen servants of the Daotai Yamen are only five thousand people. You can ask His Highness the King of Liao to march westward, and we will surely capture the land easily." Hu Lianqi also Offer a strategy.

"Although there are only 5,000 people in Shahukou, the Great Khan, there are more than 2,000 people under the command of Weiyuan Camp Commander David Fan. Together, there are more than 7,000 soldiers and horses. His Royal Highness the King of Liao's subordinates are only 8,000, and the military strength is not the same. We don’t have much of an advantage. And the enemy is familiar with the terrain, so it may not be easy to kill the tiger.” Bobei, the Minister of Rites, had a different view.

"No, Weiyuan Battalion Commander is not under the control of Deputy General Sha Hukou, and may not be willing to rescue Sha Hukou. Although the number of enemy troops is about the same as that of the King of Liao, they are scattered in various places and can be defeated one by one. Our army actually has absolute power everywhere "The superiority of troops", Suletan ordered in deep thought, "Order the King of Liao to immediately capture Zuoyunwei, Youyuwei, Shahukou and Weiyuan Road".

"Great Khan, now that our army has captured Gudian, we must immediately move south from Gudian Pass, go around to the back of Leigong Mountain, and wipe out all the enemies on the mountain," Hu Liangqi suggested again.

"Haha, you and I want to go together. However, there are only two thousand enemies on the mountain, and the people we rely on are not as dangerous as the mountain. There is no need for me to lead the army myself. I have ordered Orros, the head of ten thousand households in Turgut, General Talbahatai led ten thousand soldiers to surround and destroy them. As for me, there was only one thing I could do, which was to immediately go south to surround Datong and prevent Peng Youde from escaping to Taiyuan." Sultan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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