Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 669: Read the article and bravely go south

Chapter 669: Read the article and bravely go south

"My slave is late, please forgive me, the Great Khan," Orros, the head of the Ten Thousand Households in Turghut, reported to Sultan in the sweat tent of Lotus Khan on the Orkhon grassland.

"It's not too late, it's just the right time. How many Turgut warriors have you brought to me?" Sultan asked with a smile. When He Orlek led the Torhut people to move westward, not all the Torhut people were willing to follow him. The remaining Torhut people were nomadic in the area north of Tarbahatai. After investing in Ben Sultan, it was classified as Torgut Ten Thousand Houses Prefecture.

"The slaves brought 4,500 Torgut warriors, all of whom are the most elite warriors in the clan. All of them are willing to die for the Great Khan," Orros expressed his loyalty.

"Okay! Pass on my order to hold a banquet tonight to entertain the loyal Turghut people," Sultan laughed. Among the 100,000 troops gathered in Mobei this time, there were 20,000 well-trained imperial guards, 40,000 from Otok, directly under the Khan, and 40,000 private soldiers of these Taijis. The Great Khan was always polite to these Mongolian noyans (lords) who maintained a semi-independent status and gave them many rewards.

The troops from Torgut Wanhu Mansion, which is the farthest away, have also arrived, and a hundred thousand troops are ready to go. Sultan was still patient and waited for almost a month. It was estimated that the Qing army had already reached Guizhou to fight the Ming army before ordering the attack.

In order to boost morale, he made a loud speech to his subordinates in front of a military formation of 100,000 people, inciting hatred against the Qing Dynasty. Five hundred soldiers with loud voices carried his speech throughout the military formation. Later, these words were called "Sultan Khan's Message on Conquering the Qing Dynasty":
"Mongol warriors, four hundred years ago, our ancestors' horses leaped over the Great Wall and established the Yuan Dynasty that will go down in history. However, the hateful Manchus defeated Lin Dan Khan and took the Khan's wives and concubines as their own, The national treasure seals are treated as playthings. They herd horses and sing songs wantonly on the grasslands where our ancestors have lived for generations, and let one noble head prostrate in front of the Qing emperor. Whether to die gloriously or live in espionage, at this important moment, I stand here to issue a declaration of war to you, vowing to take back the grassland left to us by our ancestors and restore the glory of the Yuan Dynasty. The enemy is far more powerful than you imagine. We will face an arduous battle, but we have courage, wisdom and unity. Strength. I call you to fight for the revival of the Yuan Dynasty! I order you to fight for the dignity of Mongolia! The horn of expedition has sounded. Warriors, follow me, south, south, and south again!"

"To the south~ to the south~ to the south~" The one hundred thousand guard tigers and wolves were aroused to their ferocity, and let out a thundering roar, their murderous intent reaching into the sky.

Tumochuan, also known as the ancient Chile River, is located in the southern part of the middle section of the Yinshan Mountains. It has fertile soil, many rivers and seas, and the Dahei River meanders through it. It was named after the Tumut tribe of the Mongolian people who lived here during the Ming Dynasty. It was also called Qiantao Plain or Hohhot Plain. Alatan Khan of the Tumut tribe established the Guihua City here.

During the reign of Dayan Khan's great-grandson Gartu, some Tumote people moved east from Hohhot to the Aomulun River area, and were called "East Tumote (today's Fuxin, Liaoning)"; those who stayed in Tumochuan were called "West Tumote" "Mete" or "Guihuacheng Tumut".

In this era, both Dongtumute and Xitumute have declined and can only grovel in front of the powerful Qing Dynasty. The once prosperous Guihua City has now become an important base for them to control Monan Mongolia. The Qing Dynasty organized the Tumut people living in Tumochuan into two banners, the left and right wings of Tumote in Guihua City.

Prince An Yue Le, on the orders of Emperor Shunzhi, came to this famous city outside the Great Wall with three thousand Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners. When they heard that the prince was coming, Guluge, the left-wing commander of Tumut, and Hanggao, the right-wing commander of the Guihua City, hurriedly greeted him.

"Slave, please see me, Your Majesty." The two of them bowed respectfully and raised their buttocks high.

"Get up, hurry up and don't give up!" Although Yue Le is young, he understands the importance of winning people's hearts. He only brings 3,000 people. If he wants to recruit troops in Monan, he must rely on these two local snakes.

He did not doubt their loyalty to the Qing Dynasty at all, because these two were not descendants of Altan Khan, but subordinates of Omubu, the eldest son of Boshuktu Khan. In the hearts of the people of the Tumut tribe, they were traitors who betrayed their master. There was no choice but to rely on the Qing Dynasty. It’s a long story! In the sixth year of Tiancong of Houjin (1632), Huang Taiji conquered Lindan Khan in the west and passed through Tumote. Omubu, the son of Boshuoketu (Bu Luxun), a descendant of Anda Khan, returned to Houjin. Huang Taiji wanted to annex the Tumote tribe, and instigated Yue Tuo to falsely accuse Ermubu of treason, deposed the nobles on unfounded charges, gave the four garrison herders to provide for old age, and split his tribe into two capitals and banners on the left and right wings. As subordinates of Ermubu, Guluge and Hanggao should have supported Ermubu and rose up in resistance. However, they chose to cooperate with the Manchu Qing Dynasty and accepted the official positions of left and right-wing commanders appointed by the Qing court. Ombu died of depression. These two people also became the people who betrayed their master in the hearts of the Tumut tribe. In order to completely control Tumochuan, the Qing government also incorporated Ermubu's eldest son Boluo Te (Bao Bao) into the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and transferred him far away to garrison Xi'an.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." The two of them hurriedly thanked him.

"The lamb has been roasted. Please bring it in with your servant," said Guruge with a flattering smile.

"Okay! Today I want to have a drink with both of you!" Yue Le didn't show any pretense and generously followed the two of them into the account. After a feast of eating and drinking, the relationship heated up sharply. His Royal Highness Prince An began to get to the point, "Now Xifan's Lotus Khan is worshiping his ancestors in Mobei. The emperor is worried and ordered Gu to come here to monitor Xifan, but he only gave Gu three thousand soldiers and horses. It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so two people are invited. All the officials help each other."

"What did the prince say? This is the duty of the lower official. If we gather the young men of the Tumed Left Banner, we can get five thousand people," Gu Luge said, patting his chest.

"By gathering the young men of Tumut's right-wing banner, we can get five thousand people." Hanggao was not to be outdone.

At this time, the Qing court had ruled Tumochuan for more than 20 years, and the people gradually forgot about the old master of Borzhijin's family. The two men also secured official positions and were able to fully mobilize the manpower of the tribe.

Yue Le shook his head, "Not enough. That Lianhua Khan brought tens of thousands of elite soldiers (his intelligence was wrong, it was actually 100,000). Recruiting only 10,000 warriors is not enough, at least 20,000 are needed."

"Twenty thousand people!"

Guruge and Hanggao looked at each other. The original Tumote tribe had a sharp decline in population under the continuous attacks of Lin Dan Khan and the Qing court, with only tens of thousands of subjects left. After more than 20 years of recuperation, they barely had a population of 100,000. Twenty thousand people, equivalent to one out of five, armed all the adult men in the tribe. Tumochuan is close to the Han Dynasty and the soil is fertile. The people not only herd cattle, but also farmed and engaged in handicrafts. It was difficult to imagine that all the people were soldiers like other nomadic tribes.

"What? Are you in trouble? Both of you are pillars of the imperial court, and the emperor is waiting for news from us." Yue Le stared at them with bright eyes.

Gu Luge and Hang Gao looked at each other, raised their hearts, and shouted: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will try my best to gather an army of 20,000 people."

(End of this chapter)

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