Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 587: We are both fallen people at the end of the world

Chapter 587: We are both fallen people at the end of the world (Part )
"Zhasaktu tribe was defeated?" Luo Shuo pondered silently.

Although he was only the deputy envoy, Sunahai knew that the deputy historian was familiar with classics and history and had many ideas. He did not speak and waited silently.

"Bachelor, I think the defeat of the Zasak tribe is a good thing for the Qing Dynasty," Luo Shuo finally said, "We have contacted the Zasak tribe, the Chechen tribe and the Sainoyan tribe before, but they have already He defected to the Wei Kingdom and rebelled against the Qing Dynasty. On the contrary, Tuxie Tubu had a warm attitude. Tuxie Tuhan Gunbu had been working hard for many years and accumulated strength. His ambition was not small, but he could contain Erut (Oirat). useful chess pieces".

"Although what my dear brother said is reasonable, Gunbu is so ambitious that he is afraid of driving away wolves through the front door and attracting tigers through the back door." Sunahai was a little worried.

"Whether it is a wolf or a tiger depends on the situation. Now the Erut Mongolia is powerful, and the Khalkha Mongolia is divided. Only Gunbu has the ability to contain Weiguo, and supporting him is a good choice. More importantly, if Gunbu wants to unify Kharkistan Erkha is bound to conquer the Zasaktu, Chechen, Saiyinnoyan and other tribes that are close to the Wei State, which will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the Wei State. If they fight, our northern border of the Qing Dynasty will be much safer!" Luo Shuo talked eloquently and had the style of a famous scholar.

"Yeah." Sunahai thought for a while and finally nodded slowly.

"Report! A troop of troops has surrounded us." The two were having a lively discussion when an entourage came to report.


They hurriedly went out of the tent to check, and saw densely packed torches everywhere outside the tent. They didn't know who the gods were. They spent the night in fear, and it was not until the early morning of the next day that they discovered that the people surrounding them were carrying the military flag of the Tuxie Tu tribe.

A general came up on horseback with his sword drawn across the horse, and shouted loudly: "I am Jamusu, the fourth son of Dalai Nuoyan (referring to Lahuli) of Tuxietu tribe. Who are you?"

"We are a mission sent by the Qing Dynasty to the vassal Khalkha. We want to meet your Khan." Sunahai tried his best to maintain the demeanor of an imperial envoy from the higher country.

"Wait," Zamusu came to Bentar, "Brother, the people in the camp are not Tuxietu people, but envoys from the Qing Dynasty."

"Envoy of the Qing Dynasty?"

Bental thought for a while and said: "If you treat him well, he may be a great support for us in the future."

The four brothers left Sunahai and Luo Shuo in the camp and entertained them for three days before taking them to see Gunbu. During these three days, the two sides forged a profound friendship.

"If Taiji encounters difficulties in the future, he can go south and join the Qing Dynasty. The emperor will definitely welcome him," Sunahai said confidently.

"Thank you angel, my four brothers have been admiring the heaven for a long time," Bental also expressed his true feelings.
While talking and laughing, they came to Gunbu's camp. Unexpectedly, Tuxie Tuhan actually stood at the gate of the camp to greet him.

When he saw the envoy, Gunbu put a smile on his face, shouted "He Saiyin Bainu" (well be well), put his right hand on his chest, bowed slightly, and invited the guests to sit in the tent.

Sunahai and Luo Shuo smelled the aroma of milk skin, milk tea, milk wine, fried fruits, fried rice, and hand-chopped meat. These things are all served on Hada, showing respect for the distinguished guests.

"The two angels have come a long way to work hard. Let's have something to eat and drink a bowl of wine to warm up," Gunbu said gently. Sunahai felt excited. Before coming, they went to the Saiyin Noyan Department of the personal guard. The great monk Denjin excused himself from illness and refused to receive them at all. He only sent his son Tashibu to do some perfunctory work, which was not as warm as the reception given by Tuxie Tubu. He said gratefully: "I have caused trouble to the Khan."

"Where are these words? Our Tuxie Tubu is a vassal of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. It is our honor to entertain the envoys of the Celestial Dynasty." Gunbu lowered his head a little more, his expression becoming more groveling.

Seeing this, Luo Shuo nodded secretly. This person can pick up and put down, and he is capable of great things. He said with a smile: "I heard that the Great Khan defeated the Zasak tribe. I wonder where you want to point your riding whip next?"

"Zasak Tukhan Norbu secretly surrendered to the Wei Kingdom and betrayed the Heavenly Dynasty. I am seeking rebellion on behalf of the Heavenly Dynasty." Gunbu's eyes rolled around, and he saluted the two of them again: "I would also like to ask two angels to stand in for me. There are many kind words in front of the emperor. No matter when and where, I, Tu Xie Tubu, are the most loyal servants of the emperor, and I hope to get the support of the emperor."

Sunahai and Luo Shuo heard what the other party meant: they hoped that the Qing Dynasty would clearly support him in unifying Khalkha and provide material assistance.

Sunahai glanced at Luo Shuo and saw him slightly nodding towards him. Understanding in his heart, he laughed and said: "The emperor is very touched by your loyalty. Don't worry, I, the Qing Dynasty, will never treat my vassals badly."

The two sides negotiated smoothly, and soon reached an agreement for the Tuxie Tubu to exchange military supplies with the Qing court in the form of cattle, sheep, horses and camels.

"Brother, the strategy of using the Tuxie Tubu to check and balance Erut Mongolia has been successful. Can we return to the capital to report to the emperor?" Sunahai asked Luo Shuo with a smile.

"Bachelor, the Wei Kingdom is not what it used to be. It is very powerful. Just relying on one Tuxie Tubu is not enough. I intend to go to the Zasak Tubu again," but Luo Shuo refused to return.

"Go to the Zasak Tribe?" Sunahai was greatly surprised. "The Zasak Tribe has already defected to the Wei Kingdom, so there is no point in going. Besides, they have just been defeated and are in danger, and will soon be defeated by the Tu Tribe. Annexation. We went to the Zasak Tube just after we reached an alliance with the Tuxie Tube, and I am afraid that Gunbu Khan will be dissatisfied," Sunahai said worriedly.

"You have misunderstood. I am not talking about the main Zasak Tu tribe, but its branches and the Tuohite tribe. I heard that the newly appointed Hetuohite tribe, Huitai Ji'ephoqin Luobuzang, is very ambitious and wants to complete the task. The legacy of his grandfather Shuolei Ubash to conquer Erut (Oirat) is a force that can be fought for. If Tuxietu and Tuohite join forces, it will be enough to contain Weiguo." After Luo Shuo said this, he stopped. Say more and wait quietly for Sunahai to make the decision.

After a long time, Sunahai let out a long breath and said, "My dear brother, this is a very good plan. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs? Let's go to Tangnu Wulianghai immediately."

Hutai Ji'e Phosin Luobuzang of the Tohuite tribe was indeed very ambitious. He could not forget the glory of his grandfather Shuolei Ubash, the war god of the Khalkha Mongolia, who almost conquered the entire Oirat with one force. In order to complete his grandfather's unfinished business, he preserved his strength in the battle between the Zasaktu tribe and the Tushetu tribe, and watched the defeat of Zasak Tuhan Norbu.

One sweat dies, one sweat stands. In order to become the new Khan of the Zasak Tube, he won over the Noyans of the Zasak Tube while seeking support from external forces. The negotiations with the Oros people went smoothly. The Oros people agreed to trade with the Tohuite tribe in the Yermak River area and called him "Altan Khan (Golden Khan)"; however, the negotiations with the Wei State required It was much more difficult. Bobei, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites who was stationed in Khalkha, was very cunning and would not make his position clear no matter how he tried.

Eluoqin Luobuzang was distressed when he suddenly reported that an envoy from the Qing Dynasty had arrived. Envoy of the Qing Dynasty? He was stunned for a moment and felt that the Qing Dynasty was far away from the Zasak Tu tribe and was currently fighting the Southern Ming Dynasty, so it was beyond his reach to claim the title of Khan. An alliance with the Qing Dynasty would most likely offend David and make his plan to become Khan a failure. However, after all, the Qing Dynasty is also a powerful force and should not be offended easily.

After thinking about it, he called Gon Buyileden and said, "Third uncle, the Qing envoys are here. I have proclaimed myself a minister to the Wei Kingdom and it is not good for me to receive the Qing envoys again. You must receive them for me, and your attitude must be kind!"

(End of this chapter)

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