Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 575: The devil’s hand reaches out to Khalkha

Chapter 575: The devil’s hand reaches out to Khalkha (Part )

Yanran Mountain (Hangai Mountain) is tall and majestic. The right wing of Khalkha Mongolia (Mobei Mongolia) is long, and Orkhunut Otok, directly under the former Mobei overlord Zhasak Tuhan, is located at the foot of Yanran Mountain.

In the era of the old Khan King Subadi, Zhasak Tubu was actually the uncrowned king of Mobei, and no one dared to offend his power. But even the most ferocious tiger will die of old age one day. When Subadi died of old age and his son Norbu succeeded to the throne, the tribe began to decline. The reason started from that internal strife: when Norbu first succeeded to the throne, the two elders in the tribe, granduncles Saiyin Batma and Congshu Celin, were dissatisfied. The hot-blooded new Khan directly contacted Congshu Ombu Erdenihun. Taiji sent troops to attack the two elders and took for themselves the Erjigen Otok and half of Busute Otok they owned.

The great Khan of the Zasaktu tribe actually led an army to attack Otok of the Zasaktu tribe, which greatly damaged the reputation of Zasaktu Khan Norbu. Under the manipulation of the "benevolent and righteous" Tuxietu Khan Gunbu, the herdsmen of Erjigen and Busute defected to Tuxietu's tribe one after another, which made Gunbu's strength surpass that of Norbu. In addition, the Tuxie Tube has always been the nominal Khan of Khalkha, and Gunbu's son is Jebu Zundamba of the Juonang sect. The Tuxie Tube can confidently replace the Zasak Tube and become the new emperor of Mobei. leader.

Today, Yanran Mountain is still Yanran Mountain, and the herdsmen still herd horses and sing songs, but Olehunut Otok has lost its glory. Except for some Taijis from the Zasak Tu tribe, there are almost no envoys from other tribes. .

"Drive~" Riding Juechen, the knight on the horse was more than forty years old, with a long beard, elegant and majestic. He was Bobei, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Kingdom of David.

"Drive~" A horse chased after him. The rider was more than 20 years old, young and handsome, with excellent riding skills. He was Mamut, the son of Bobe.

Two people were racing horses, one chasing after the other, running towards Orhu Nut Otok, it was so lively. The more than a hundred cavalry followers who followed were left far behind.

"Hello", Bobei held the horse's head in front of him, waiting for his son to catch up.

"I pray that Ge is good at riding, which is beyond my reach," Mamut said with a smile.

"No, I'm too old! I no longer have the physical strength of you young people!" Bobei smiled, his eyes a little sad.

"You are not old. I tried my best and still can't catch up with you." Mamut admired him from the bottom of his heart and suddenly asked: "Eqige, what do you think Zasak Tuhan's intention is in inviting us to the banquet?"

"What do I think?" Bobei asked back, with some points in his exam.

"I think that the Zasak tribe is now in decline. Norbu is not a person who wants to be inferior to others. He must have invited us to drink because he wanted to use David's power to compete with the Tuxie tribe."

"Well, what I expected is not bad. The Great Khan has the intention to interfere in Mobei. In the past few years, I have been working hard to plant the seeds of doubt between the Zasak Tube and the Tuxie Tube. It seems that the harvest will be soon. Here we are." Bobei smiled, with hope in his eyes.

"Eqi Ge, if there is a war between the Zasak tribe and the Tuxie tribe, which side should we support?" Mamut asked an important question.

"Weak tribes are more obedient than powerful tribes. If you want to control Mobei, you must suppress the strong and support the weak. Do you think the Zasak Tube and the Tuxie Tube are stronger and weaker?" "I understand, we should support Zasak. Ketu. No wonder Zasaktu Khan invited you to the banquet, and you immediately agreed."

Geers (yurts) are dotted one after another. After all, it was once the political center of Khalkha Mongolia. Orkhunut Otok is still lively, with many herdsmen and many Geers.

Zhasak Tukhan Norbu was very enthusiastic and ordered his fourth brother Gonbu Zak Bingtu Ahai to greet him at the border of Otok early. Bobei and his son entered the camp, and Norbu was waiting outside the tent in person.

"Oh, how can I, the humble official, be so virtuous and capable? How dare I go to the trouble of personally welcoming him?" Bobei hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Norbu supported him and said, "You are sent by Sultana Anda. Respecting you means respecting Sultán Anda." After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and entered the account with a smile.

In the big tent, Sonamu Ahai Chuhu'er, Siqibu Erdeni, Gonbuzak Bingtu Ahai, Gonbuzak Darhan, Ishar Yosutuahai, Dashalche Chen Ahai, Wangshuke and other members of the Zasaktu tribe gathered together.

Mongolians are the most hospitable people. They serve endless amounts of wine and meat and sing endless pastoral songs. Soon both the host and the guest are drunk. Norbu suddenly sighed heavily and said under the influence of wine: "Bobetaiji, we were friends when you were in Junggar, and we are even more close friends now. To be honest, I invited you to come because I have something to ask for."

It came, and it was just as I expected. Bobei sneered in his heart, but it was as sweet as honey on his lips, "Who on the grassland doesn't know that you and Lianhua Khan are sworn sworn brothers? Speaking of which, you are still the brother of our great Khan. I can't afford to have one." The word 'ask' means if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions."

"Alas! In that case, I will tell you the truth. A few days ago, there was civil strife in the Zasaktu tribe. I sent troops to wipe out Saiyin Batma and Cerin who were rebellious. I hate that Tushetu Khan Gonbu They actually took the opportunity to instigate the herdsmen of Erjigen and Busute Otok to defect to the Tushetu tribe. According to the "Mongolia-Oirat Code", this is absolutely not allowed. I have repeatedly asked Gunbu to return the Zasaktu tribe. of his subjects, but he pretended to be stupid and refused to pay him back. You may want to use force with him. You also know that after the civil strife, the strength of the Zasak tribe was greatly reduced, so it is really impossible to defeat him. Oh my, it is really I’m so worried! I want to ask Sultan Anda to uphold justice, and also ask you to say a few more kind words for me.”

"I heard that most of the herdsmen in Mobei believe in Juenang. Why don't you ask the eminent monks of the Juenang sect to mediate?"

"Hmph," Norbu snorted loudly from his nose and sneered: "You don't know something. Now the Jebtsundamba of the Juonang sect is the son of Gunbu. If you ask them to mediate, they will naturally favor the Tuxietu people." .

"What the Great Khan said is true. This behavior of Gonbu Khan violates the "Mongol-Oirat Code", and Lotus Khan will definitely support you. It's just that Khalkha Mongolia has not yet surrendered to Lotus Khan, and there is no name for his interference." Bobei took the opportunity to request that Zasak Tubu become a vassal.

"This~" Norbu looked at his eldest brother Sonamu Ahai Chuhu'er without saying a word. Sonamu Ahai Chuhu'er has a high prestige in the tribe, but because he is a commoner, he has no chance to take the throne. In the past few years, he has worked hard without complaint and has been willing to serve as a foil to the green leaves of red flowers. Therefore, he is deeply trusted by Norbu, and his opinion is first sought on all major issues.

Sonamu Ahai Chuhu'er nodded slightly. Norbu breathed a sigh of relief and spoke slowly, "What you are saying is that I, together with Ombu Erdeni Hutaiji of the Tuohite Department, will surrender to Lianhua Khan and ask him to uphold justice." Although the Hetuohite tribe is powerful, it is only a branch of the Zasaktu tribe. Ermbu Erdeni was an ally with them when they attacked Saiyinbatma and Celin, so Norbu took him with him.

(End of this chapter)

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