Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 567: Forced to Use Han to Control Han

Chapter 567: Forced to Use Han to Control Han (Part )
After reading the military newspaper, Emperor Shunzhi looked up to the sky and lamented: "I have never failed in my military use!"

Indeed, in the late Ming Dynasty, many civil servants and military generals became angry at the mention of the Eight Banners soldiers. Whenever the traitors encountered military emergencies, they often requested that "real Manchurians" be sent to participate in the war. "In short, the rebels are afraid of the Manchu soldiers, but not the southern soldiers. The southern soldiers are like clouds, so what?" A brigade full of flags." The Manchu nobles also regarded themselves as the proud sons of heaven and invincible. Unlike other troops, Nikan's 60,000 troops were genuine Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia. They were actually defeated, and his own head became a military merit of the Ming army, which greatly shocked the Qing court.

On the contrary, the anti-Qing forces rejoiced. Ming Anding Bo Ma Bao who stayed in Guangdong immediately sent troops to cooperate and conquered Yangshan, Lianzhou, Lianshan and other prefectures and counties; Hu Yiqing, Zhao Yinxuan, Yuan Laichao, Ou Zhengfu and other rebels all attached to Li Dingguo and harassed the Qing army; those who had already fled into the mountains and forests Liu Yuansheng, Minister of War of the Yongli Dynasty, Guan Siqiu of Zhongshu Sheren, Zhu Changshi, Director of the Ministry of War, and others also visited Li Dingguo from the Yao mountainous area to discuss machine affairs; even Zhou Kangeng, the minister of the Ministry of Industry of the Chongzhen Dynasty, and Jiangxi Governor Guo Duxian believed that ZTE was promising and was invited to visit Hengshan. Liu Jing, Li Wenbin and other anti-Qing armed forces operating on the border of Hunan and Jiangxi held high the banner of restoring the Ming Dynasty and called on the local people to regain their lost land. At the same time, they contacted Li Dingguo and requested to send troops for support.

The precarious situation made Emperor Shunzhi feel the pressure, and he hurriedly summoned the internal ministers and ministers of political affairs, Sony, and the ministers of political affairs, such as Aobai, Ye Bilong, Fan Wencheng and other close friends to discuss the response.

"Your Majesty, Sun Kewang, the puppet king of the Qin Dynasty, has entered Yuanzhou (now Zhijiang) in Hunan from Guizhou. His general Bai Wenxuan led his army to attack Chenzhou by water and land. Chenchang's general Xu Yong and deputy general Zhang Pengxing were martyred and defended separately. Liu Shengzuo of Chenchangdao and Wang Renqi, the prefect of Chenzhou, were captured. The most important thing at the moment is to prevent Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo from joining forces to encircle and annihilate the Qing army in Hunan. Tunqi must be ordered to immediately withdraw north to Baoqing." Ao, a straightforward and battle-hardened man Bai offered his own opinion. He looked depressed when he said this. He didn't expect that the invincible Eight Banners would be worried about being surrounded and annihilated one day!
"Your Majesty, what Ao Bai said makes sense. The most important thing right now is to maintain strength and protect Baoqing. However, it is inevitable that people will be upset after a new defeat. You should issue an order to severely punish the defeated generals and order them to perform meritorious service for their crimes," Sony suggested.

"Well, you are right. I immediately sternly reprimanded Tunqi, Bashan, Zakana, Mulyou, Handai, Yild, and Alashan, and ordered them to perform meritorious service for their crimes." Emperor Shunzhi heaved a sigh of relief .

"I have something to report to the Emperor. Wang Yipin, the governor of Guangxi, returned to Beijing due to illness and was spared the disaster in Guilin. The Ministry of Officials recommended that he be reinstated as governor of Guangxi, but this man avoided it and even bribed the servant to remove him." To show his loyalty, Ji Bilong complained.

"Wang Yipin is abominable! Since you are greedy for life and afraid of death, then don't live anymore. Promote my will and hang him wherever he goes." Emperor Shunzhi hanged a feudal official with just one sentence. He really accompanied the emperor like a tiger. .

"What do you think of Bachelor Fan?" Emperor Shunzhi looked with concern at Fan Wencheng, who was in his sixties and ranked first among the bachelors.

"I think that after the fierce battles in Huguang, Guangxi, and Sichuan, the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia suffered heavy losses, so it is better to select some useful soldiers and horses from the Mongolian, Han military flags, and green battalions to suppress the rebellion. In addition, after Wu Sangui and Li Guohan entered Sichuan from Shaanxi, Shaanxi It's empty, I'm worried that the evil wolf from the west will take advantage of it, so I need to order Meng Qiaofang to recruit soldiers on the spot and strengthen the defense," the white-haired Fan Wencheng said. "The evil wolf in the west" refers to the Kingdom of David established by Suletan. Unknowingly, the Kingdom of David has become a powerful enemy that makes the Manchus fearful.

"Well, this is the advice of a mature man who plans to build a country. I will order the Eight Banners Han Army to be organized and trained in Liaodong, and the local green battalions will be recruited. I will also order Meng Qiaofang to expand the recruitment of 30,000 green battalion troops in Ningxia and Shaanxi." Emperor Shunzhi adopted the model article All suggestions from Cheng.

Suddenly, a confidant eunuch Wu Liangfu came over on tiptoe and said, "Master, the Empress Dowager Zhaosheng has sent you a handwritten letter."

"Oh, Huang Eni's handwriting? Show it to me." Emperor Shunzhi opened the handwritten letter written by his mother to him. There were only a few lines of beautiful small characters on it, "It is imperative to control the Han Dynasty with the Han Dynasty. He can use Hong Chengchou to manage the southwest, use Zheng Zhilong to appease Zhu Chenggong, and then order Shang Geng and Geng Fan to counterattack Guangxi and Wu Sangui to hold on. Sichuan".

"Hong Chengchou?"

Emperor Shunzhi didn't react much to the other names mentioned in his mother's handwriting. He only had a special liking for Hong Chengchou and told everyone with a smile: "The Empress Dowager Zhaosheng suggested that I use Hong Chengchou to manage the southwest. What do you think?"

Upon hearing that it was the intention of the master of Cining Palace, none of the important ministers present dared to say "no" and all agreed.

Seeing that there was no objection, Emperor Shunzhi granted Hong Chengchou the title of "Essays on the Five Provinces", the full name of which is "Emperor's Order on the Strategy of the Five Provinces". He was appointed governor of Huguang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, as well as in charge of military affairs and in charge of food and wages. , Minister of the Ministry of War and the right deputy censor of the Capital Inspectorate."

As if to prove that using Han to control Han was feasible, God slapped Emperor Shunzhi several times and then gave him a sweet date. Wu Sangui and Li Guohan reported that the Qing army won the Battle of Baoning, not only defending Sichuan, but also forcing the Nanming army to withdraw to Guizhou.

The Battle of Baoning was actually a narrow victory, and the blame was on the Ming army for being careless and underestimating the enemy. Liu Wenxiu gathered a large number of troops in the north of the city and personally climbed to the top of the northeast mountain to command the battle. Wu Sangui discovered that Zhang Xianbi's tribe was the weakest in combat effectiveness among the Ming army, so he decided to concentrate his forces to attack Zhang's tribe first. In order to confuse the Ming army, he ordered Li Guoying's green battalion soldiers to fight the Eight Banners Zhengbing Banner instead. Who would have thought that Liu Wenxiu was a ruthless character who was used to life and death, and was not afraid of any "real Manchuria". His soldiers and horses "covered the mountains and descended, and the sound of cannons shook the sky." "The battle elephants were in the front line, using artillery, muskets, playing cards, flat knives, bows and arrows, and spears in layers to swarm the city."

The Ming army attacked fiercely, and Liu Wenxiu was so proud that he did not expect that the Qing army in the city would dare to fight back. At Chen time, Wu Sangui led his army out of the city to directly attack Zhang Xianbi's army. Zhang's troops could not resist the enemy and fled one after another. The defeated troops turned Wang Fuchen and other troops into a mess. The Qing army took advantage of the situation and attacked bravely. The Ming army was in chaos and could not stand its ground. By noon, it had completely collapsed. General Wang Fuchen, commander-in-chief Yao Zhizhen, Zhang Xianzhen, Wang Jiye, Yang Chunpu and others were captured and killed by the Qing army, resulting in the loss of soldiers. Most of them, three war elephants, more than 2,300 horses and mules, and Liu Wenxiu's Golden Seal of the King of Funan were also captured by the Qing army.

After Wu Sangui's narrow victory, he sighed: "I have never seen such a powerful enemy in my life. I really need to hear it."

Seeing the good news of Wu Sangui, Li Guohan and others, Emperor Shunzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. While issuing an edict to award rewards, he also transferred the Qing troops originally used in Sichuan to Huguang. According to the decree, Alzin was changed from General Dingxi to General Dingnan, and Tonggu Shaner Zhenma Laxi led the soldiers to "conquer Huguang".

(End of this chapter)

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