Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 557 Who is Deja Vu?

Chapter 557 Who is Deja Vu?

For seven days in a row, Great Khan Padma had no intention of receiving the Shiva envoy. The waiting was the most unbearable. Anusha and Rouzi were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, constantly asking people to pry for news.

On the afternoon of the seventh day, Prince Anusha was pacing anxiously in the tent. Deputy Rouzi rushed in and said, "Your Highness, it's not good. The followers I sent to inquire about the news found that these Heavenly Guards have been hoarding food and grass. Ordnance, it is said that they will soon go south to attack our country."

"Oh, what should we do?" Prince Anusha, who was just fourteen years old this year, had no idea and looked at Rouzi for help.

"Your Highness, we must meet with Lotus Khan before the Guards set out to persuade him to change his mind," Rouzi suggested.

"But Lotus Khan doesn't want to see us," Anusha looked helpless.

"If he doesn't see us, we will make a noise to see him. Make the noise louder, the bigger the better."

There is a clear distinction between black and white, the ruler and the minister.

"Pa", Hu Lianqi, who was holding the white chess piece, dunked a piece hard and cut off one of Sultan's big dragons. This person is good at everything, but he doesn't know how to be flattering. He won't give in when playing chess with the Supreme Being, and often makes the Supreme Being fall into disgrace. Everyone was sweating for him, but he remained the same. However, the Supreme loves to challenge the strong. Every time he is defeated, he refuses to accept it and still looks for him to challenge him. Occasionally, when he wins, he laughs like a child and even raises his beard with joy.

A while ago, there was an order to change Hu Lianqi from the right deputy capital censor to the left deputy capital censor. Although the rank is still the third rank, the official custom is that the left is bigger than the right. Take it to the next level. There are good things to say, this is all due to Yi's contribution.

"Hu Qing, if this move lands, I will be besieged on all sides!" Suletan was thinking hard and was about to admit defeat when suddenly there was a faint noise. Long's eyes widened and he asked, "What's going on?"

"Great Khan, hundreds of people from Khiva's mission are clamoring outside the camp to see you," the Imperial Guards reported to Qianhu Zamubi.

"The envoy of Shiva wants to see Lotus Khan! The envoy of Shiva wants to see Lotus Khan! The envoy of Shiva wants to see Lotus Khan!" A shout came from the hidden corner. Sultan's secret music can make hundreds of people's voices sound in unison, which really took a lot of effort.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the heat has come and it's time to lift the lid." Hu Lianqi smiled.

"Well, envoy Xuan Xiwa, please check in." Suletan waved his hand, leaned lazily on the fearless lion in the west, and stretched.

Shiva was bringing Prince Anusha and deputy envoy Rouzi into the big tent. Along the way, they saw bright armor and swords and guns. The guards on both sides were looking at each other with anger, as if they were going to tear the two into pieces. This was done deliberately by the Great Khan Lotus, in order to make him aware of the strength of his army and make him fearful. It was very effective. When the two of them entered the tent, they were sweating profusely and trembling all over.

I saw a strong body leaning lazily on the Leo throne, with his eyes slightly open and one leg inelegantly crossed over the other. It is said that this sitting posture was invented by the Great Khan and was called "Erlang Legs".

"The envoys of Shiva, Anusha and Rouzi, met Lotus Khan." Although they were slighted, they did not dare to show any anger, but bowed respectfully. Weak countries have no diplomacy, and this has been true throughout the ages.

"Bold, Shiva has already professed his vassalship to David, why don't the envoys kneel down when they see my lord?" Duqianhu Jambi shouted loudly, which was also a planned attack. As soon as he finished speaking, the guards accompanying him drew their swords.

In fact, Khiva had only verbally professed vassalage to the Kingdom of David before, and its relationship with the Kingdom of David was more of an ally than a vassal. Anusha was young after all and was too shocked to speak. Rouzi, however, was very experienced. He looked lovingly at the Supreme Being on the fearless Leo throne and said affectionately: "Great Khan, it's me, Rouzi, your loyal Rouzi."

"Do you know me? But why don't I remember knowing you?" Suler pretended not to know, and after observing carefully for a long time, he said: "It seems familiar. Have I seen you before?"

"What? You don't recognize me anymore?" Rouzi's face turned red with embarrassment and anger. I am ashamed because I have humiliated myself and put my hot face on my cold butt; I am angry because the person on the throne is so good at pretending! I had been on mission twice before, and each time the man welcomed me warmly, holding hands, wishing I could kowtow to the ground and say goodbye. But now that his power has increased, he has turned against others and even said that he does not recognize himself. Pack! So good at pretending! How can this not be annoying?

I feel ashamed and annoyed, but I never dare to offend. The other party said that he didn't know him, which was a hint. There was no friendship in today's matter, only interests. "I have been on my first two missions to David, and you have not abandoned me. I have treated you as a distinguished guest, so I feel that I have an old relationship with you. I don't know how high the heaven and earth are, and I am ashamed and ashamed. I am guilty and guilty!"

Rouzi knelt down respectfully to plead guilty, saying "Ashamed" one after another and "Guilty" again and again. Even though Suletan's face was thicker than the city wall, he couldn't help but feel "Ashamed".

"Ahem~ Oh, I remembered it. It's You, Rouzi." The Great Khan of Lotus showed his signature warm smile, "Since we are old friends, I will give you a seat."

The guards brought two chairs. The chairs were specially made, short and small, and could barely accommodate half of the buttocks. Sitting on them, one could only look up at the Great Khan on the fearless lion throne. People under the eaves had to bow their heads, so the two of them sat down with shame and humiliation to thank them.

"Why are you two here?" Suletan asked calmly.

"Father Khan sent us here to congratulate the Great Khan on his capture of Saraysk and the unification of Kazakhstan," Prince Anusha said.

"Oh, your father is thoughtful," Sultan praised at first, then suddenly changed the subject, "But how did I hear that Abu Khazi Khan secretly supported Saraishk and David's enemy?" If you want to accuse him, there is no need to worry. word? Since forming an alliance with David, the Khiva Khanate has blocked the border with Saraishk and secretly supported the Guards. Unexpectedly, it was slandered as secretly supporting Saraishk.

"The Great Khan has a clear warning. Father Khan's loyalty to you can be seen in the sun and the moon." Anusha defended hurriedly.

"This must be a slanderous statement by a villain. If Abu Khaqi Khan supported Saraishk, why wait until now? Please let the Great Khan learn from this," Rouzi also said.

"How can I trust the Khiva people's loyalty?" Sultan sneered, waiting for the envoy to "show loyalty."

"Father Khan ordered us to bring an official seal of submission, and we will pay tribute every year from now on." Anusha expressed his sincerity, thinking that the owner of the fearless Leo would be satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Suletan touched the melon along the vine and said with a smile: "You are willing to pay tribute every year, which is true. I pity you that the journey is far away and it is not easy to prepare gifts, so I will convert it into silver. The annual tribute is one hundred thousand. Two, I will forgive you for your crime of collaborating with the enemy."

"The annual tribute is one hundred thousand taels!" Prince Anusha was shocked, "My country is a small country and it really cannot afford such a huge sum of money."

"Hmph! The so-called loyalty is nothing more than this, retreat." Sultan ordered them to retreat in disgust.


Rouzi burst into tears suddenly, "If we agree, the people will starve and suffer from cold; if we don't agree, David's cavalry will destroy our home. God! What have the Shiva people done wrong to deserve this?" punishment?"

Seeing his "old friend" crying so miserably, Sultan suddenly "felt guilty" and sighed: "For Rouzi's sake, I will give you a discount of 50,000 taels per year. You can't miss even one tael." ".

(End of this chapter)

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