Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 550 Alliance in Salesh

Chapter 550 Alliance in Salesh (Part )
After pacifying the Beauty Country and winning a great beauty, Great Khan Lotus did not stop his conquests. His next target was the important town of Xiaoyuzi and the city of Saleshk, the territory of Alei Khan.

This city is an important barrier connecting the Torgut tribe and resisting the Oros. Alyi Khan heads two sides. On the one hand, he is professing his vassalship, and on the other hand, he gathers Xiaoyuzkaraseke, Adayi, Tielwu, Alash, Ailimuul, Karakesike, Kete, and Amcai. Forty thousand soldiers and horses from the (Alqin Alliance) and Zedur tribes were stationed in the city of Saraishk. What does he want to do? How could such an important place be in the hands of someone who couldn't control it?
In fact, there was another important reason why Sultan wanted to seize Saraishk. He had great ambitions and wanted to restore Genghis Khan's hegemony and build a huge empire that spanned the east and west. The Xiaoyuzi area is located in the lower reaches of the Volga and Ural rivers. It is rich in water, grass, and products. It can be used as a logistics base for the conquest of Oros. Saraishk has always been the political, military, and economic center of Xiaoyuzi. Without winning Saraishk , it is impossible to build this base well.

Although he had made up his mind to completely eliminate the forces of Al-Ikhan, the Great Khan, who had always been steady and cunning, was still in no hurry and took action after making a decision.

He first gathered an army of 120,000 troops, which gave him an absolute military advantage; he also wrote to his father-in-law, Hutai Ji Shukul Daiqing of the Torgut tribe, asking him to lead his troops to Saleshk for an alliance; he also ordered The leaders of the newly conquered Kazakh tribes went to Saraishk to participate in the alliance; in order to confuse Xiaoyuzi Alyihan, he was decreed and canonized as a second-class Saraishikhan.

In the pasture land of the Torgut tribe on the banks of the Agangkhba River, a downstream tributary of the Volga River, this is where Huitai Jishu Kuldaiqing's tent was stationed.

Since her daughter Yaruo became the royal concubine of the Kingdom of David, Shukuer Daiqing's life has been much better. Not only has she obtained a large amount of supplies economically through the Silk Road, but she has also formed a vague alliance with the Kingdom of David militarily. The only fly in the ointment is that the Torgut tribe and the Davidic Kingdom are separated by Kazakhstan. Although Kazakhstan does not prohibit trade through the Silk Road, it prohibits the transmission of military supplies to the Torgut tribe. This restricted Shukuerdaiqing's plan to form a good alliance with the great state of Wei and strengthen his own military strength.

Therefore, as soon as he received the invitation from the Great Khan of Lotus to send troops to Kazakhstan to jointly defeat Yangir Khan, he readily agreed. On the one hand, he coveted the fertile pastures of Xiaoyuzi, and on the other hand, he also wanted to open up communication lines with the Kingdom of David and obtain Urgent military assistance is needed.

The battle went smoothly at the beginning. The Torgut army won consecutive battles. They not only captured a large amount of grassland in the northwest of Xiaoyuzi, but also surrounded the important town of Saraishi in Xiaoyuzi. But at the critical moment, the Oros stepped in and took advantage of the main force of the Torgut tribe to conquer Kazakhstan. Astrakhan's general led thousands of troops to invade Turgu on the lower reaches of the Ezil River (Volga River). Hute pastureland. In desperation, he had no choice but to leave his third brother Ursang and five thousand soldiers to monitor Saleshk, and he led the army back to the Ezil River. Unexpectedly, those Oros people were slippery than loaches. As soon as they saw the return of the main force of Turgut, they immediately withdrew to the city of Astrakhan.

The city of Astrakhan has been run by the Oros for many years. The city's defenses are extremely complete and it has become an impregnable military fortress. The father of Shukuer Daiqing, the legendary hero of Oirat and Orlek died under this strong city. Shukur Daiqing had no choice but to send people to negotiate with the Oros people. He once again expressed that the Turgut people were loyal subjects of His Majesty the Tsar, and once again obtained the peace guarantee from the Oros people.

After finally solving the problem of the Oros people, he received a letter from his son-in-law Suletan, asking him to lead his army to Saleshk for an alliance. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the alliance is fake, and putting pressure on Xiaoyuzi Alyihan is real. Since there has always been the idea of ​​opening up communication with the Kingdom of David, and also wants to carve up the pasture land of Xiaoyuzi, it is logical to form an alliance.

Therefore, Shukur Daiqing took 45,000 troops and went to Saleshk again to participate in the alliance. After joining up with Ursan's five thousand men, his force reached fifty thousand, which was a huge force. All this is to occupy a favorable position in the upcoming alliance and gain more benefits.

There was a large army of 50,000 people, with two to three horses per person, more than 100,000 war horses, and a large number of cattle and sheep used as military food. It looked overwhelming and overwhelming. When he heard that his father-in-law was coming, Suletan showed enough respect to go out to greet him personally.

It is said that Shukul Daiqing is the elder, and it should be Sultan who salutes him, but he "abide by his ministerial etiquette" and bow down and hug him in a proper manner, "Slave Shukul Daiqing meets the Khan." . The word "slave" shows his surrender.

Suletan nodded secretly. His father-in-law knew the current affairs and could afford and put them down. He was the material for big things. Seeing such a great gift, he originally wanted to refuse, but then he thought that famous vessels were a matter of national importance, so he decided not to be careless. Then he sat upright and calmly accepted his father-in-law's kneeling, then hugged each other and gave him a seat.

Then, the Great Khan ordered a banquet to be held in the army to entertain the Turghut people. Have friends come from afar? On the surface, the meal seemed lively and warm, and the guests and hosts left happily. However, there are waves hidden in the darkness.

I drank a few more bowls today and was really exhausted. Back at the camp, Shukur Daiqing was about to take a rest when his second brother Gunbuyilden came angrily into the tent with Ulu Chechen, Brihan and other Taiji.

"Brother, that kid Sultan is really rude. You are his father-in-law and an elder. When you knelt down and hugged him, he didn't refuse and just sat down to accept it with arrogance. Arrogant! Annoying! Why should we suffer this? It’s such a grievance, go back,” Gonbuyilden shouted.

"Yes, Huitaiji, our Torgut tribe is far away from Oirat after moving west. It is so free to establish a country on our own. Why should we surrender to David?" Ulu Chechen also shouted.

"Huitaiji, I have been on an envoy to Weiguo, and I know very well that Sultan Khan is talented and ambitious. If you help him annex Saraishk, what should I do if he becomes ambitious towards my Torgut tribe in the future?" Brighan expressed concern from another perspective.

Shukur Daiqing glanced at Brighan with admiration and said with a smile: "I understand your anger and worries. Brighan is right. Suletan Khan is talented and ambitious. After annexing Saraishk, there are He may have ambitions towards my tribe of Turgut. But with our strength, can we prevent him from getting to Saleshk? Since we can't stop him, it's better to let nature take its course and make good friends with the Kingdom of David. After all, my daughter Yaruo is David's Imperial Concubine, as long as we are willing to surrender, he will not do anything to the Torgut tribe. Besides, the Oros people have always been eyeing us, and we must get David's support to gain a foothold. That's why I treat him as a minister. Then, bow down and worship him.”

(End of this chapter)

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