Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 548: The sad song resounds throughout the United States

Chapter 548: The sad song resounds throughout the United States (Part )
The cavalry clashed and became disrupted. The two sides penetrated each other's formation three times. The Guardsmen, who had gone through countless bloody battles, clearly had the upper hand and still maintained a tighter formation. However, the Nogai's formation had begun to disperse, with more casualties than The Guardsmen are much taller.

"Warriors, follow me and fight!" Chief Carl roared and personally launched the fourth attack.

Tou Kehan's blood was boiling. He drew his long sword and prepared to make a desperate charge. Unexpectedly, the guard chief Kang Sajian grabbed the sleeve of his robe and said, "Great Khan, the defeat of the Nogai people has been determined. For the sake of Kazakhstan, please retreat quickly."

"Kang Sajian, the Nogai warriors are fighting bloody battles for me, how can I leave them and escape alone? Do you want me to be an unjust person?" The young Tou Ke was furious.

"But Great Khan, the defeat of this battle has been decided. Knowing that defeat is inevitable, still putting yourself to death is not brave, but stupid. If something happens to you, Kazakhstan will die," Kang Sajian burst into tears.

"No, Kang Sajan, we still have a glimmer of hope." Tou Kehan ​​pointed to the large banner hunting in the wind behind the Guards' formation. "That is the dragon and lion flag of the devil Sultan. Sultan will Under the flag. Do you dare to rush up with me and kill this beast?"

"Wherever the Khan's whip is pointed, that's where the servant will hit him," Kang Sajan responded with enthusiasm.

The Khan's sword was waving, the bright silver spear flashed, and the two led hundreds of Kazakh warriors to attack the banner of the Lotus Khan.

Kang Sajan's spear was like a spiritual snake, taking away the lives of the guards one by one. Seeing his ferocity, Edil, the chief of the thousand households in the front camp of the guards, came to fight with a spear, and was stabbed under his horse with a spear; the capital of the guards' front camp was Qianhu Sebuteng led his army to stop him, but was shot in the shoulder by Toukehan with an arrow, and was defeated.

Hundreds of warriors were also hundreds of dead soldiers. They killed and fought fiercely without regard for their lives, and actually rushed not far in front of Sultan. The safety of the Great Khan was so important that nothing could be done carelessly. The Imperial Guard's Chief of Ten Thousand Households, Teguschao Ketu, Deputy Chief of Ten Thousand Households, and Batu personally went into battle and tried their best to stop him.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and moon have no light. During the fierce battle, Tou Kehan ​​got closer and closer to the dragon and lion banner. Under the banner, the figure wearing golden armor and royal robe became more and more clear. His sinister and vicious expression looked like a demon from hell.

"Sultan, give back my father Khan's life!" Tou Ke shouted loudly, adding infinite power, slashing left and right with the Khan knife in his hand like crazy. In the blink of an eye, he killed more than ten people in a row, and rushed to Lilianhua Great Khan. There are only more than twenty steps (1 step is about 1.7 meters) away.

"Haha, the tiger father has no sons, but this little tiger cub is quite brave." Suler praised frankly, with a smile on his stern face, and slowly took off the long bow from his back. Mongolian warriors can shoot both mounted and on foot. They use horn bows for mounted shooting and long bows for foot shooting. The Great Khan of Lotus has excellent archery skills and can use a walking bow on a war horse.

He slightly kicked the BMW Zhui Feng astride him with his legs. Zhui Feng obediently remained motionless and allowed his master to do whatever he wanted. But I saw him take off the specially made white-feathered penetrating arrow, put it on the bowstring, open his arms and pull the string to the fullest.

"Go", he shouted sharply, and with a whistling sound, the arrow hit Toukehan's forehead.

So fast! Although Tou Kehan ​​was alert, he still couldn't avoid it. He was shot through the head with an arrow and was killed immediately.

"Great sweat!" Looking at the motionless Touq lying on the horse, Kang Sajian was filled with grief and anger. The direct bloodline of the Kazakh Khanate was severed. Who would I follow in the future?

The brave captain of the guard roared and rushed towards the enemy, the spear in his hand rolling wildly. "War ~ war ~ war ~", every time he said the word "war", the spear would kill one person. The bloody battle lasted for a long time, dozens of people were killed in succession, and all the people around him died in the battle, but he still refused to retreat.

"What a bloody lone wolf! The evil in ancient times is nothing more than this! I love the warrior most, and tell him that as long as he is willing to surrender, he will not only avoid death, but also be promoted to a third-level appointment." Not far away, the Great Khan of Lotus could see clearly , I love this man’s bravery very much.

"The Great Khan has an order. If you are willing to surrender, you will be promoted to a third-level appointment." "The Great Khan has an order. If you are willing to surrender, you will be promoted to a third-level appointment." "The Great Khan has an order. If you are willing to surrender, you will be promoted to a third-level appointment." The guards surrounded Kang Sajan and loudly persuaded him to surrender.

"I was born as a Kazakh and die as a Kazakh ghost. I just hate that I cannot eliminate thieves for the country. Suletan, you traitor, you will not die well! I am waiting for you in the underworld. Hahaha~hahaha~hahaha~" The brave captain of the guard laughed wildly and refused to surrender.

"Kill him," said Suletan, enraged. Countless guardsmen rushed forward, slashing with swords and stabbing with spears, and killed the exhausted Kangsarjian.

"I am a Buddhist master. If I don't fall into reincarnation, you won't be able to wait for me in the underworld." Someone's voice was faint and cold as snow.
Chief Karl and his son Musa were surrounded by the guards on a small slope. No matter how they charged, they could not break out. Gradually, only dozens of people were left around.

"The Great Khan has an order, and those who surrender will be spared death," came the voice urging them to surrender.

"Whoever surrenders will be spared death?" Karl asked his son sadly, "Musa, the American country has perished. Do you want to surrender to the captives?"

"Is my father humiliating me? I, the Nogai warrior, would rather die fighting than live lying down!" Musa was furious.

"Good boy, have a good rest and eat some food. There will be a final battle later." After hearing his son's words, Chief Karl no longer felt sad. He dismounted, took out naan bread and water, and started eating and drinking.

Narisong, the head of ten thousand households of the Guards, came to the foot of the slope and was surprised to find that dozens of Nogai people on the slope were eating and drinking peacefully, with no intention of breaking out. Some even sang pastoral songs. .

"These people still have the heart to sing. Could it be that they have gone crazy after gaining or losing?" Narisong asked puzzledly.

"Chief of Ten Thousand Households, you don't know something. This group of people is very ferocious and has killed many of our warriors," Du Qianhu Ekchotbu reported.

"Hmph, there are just dozens of people, why should we be afraid? Send a team of 100 people up and kill them all," Narisong said with a look of disdain.


The war drums sounded, and a hundred guard warriors slowly climbed up the slope.

Seeing someone coming, the Nogai warriors calmly stood up from the ground and lined up.

"Fight", Chief Karl shouted wildly and rushed towards the guards; "Fight", Musa looked ferocious; "Fight", the Nogai warriors came down the hill like tigers.

The centurion of the guards was cut down by Musa as soon as the battle began. A centurion was quickly killed and most of them were cut down like melons and vegetables, and they retreated in embarrassment.

"Chief of Ten Thousand Households, the enemies on the slope should be the guards of the thieves, otherwise they would not be so brave," said Okchotbu.

"Haha, so what if you are brave? Didn't you notice that they have run out of arrows?" Narisong sneered, "Archers come forward and shoot them to death."

Indeed, after such a long fierce battle, the Nogai people had already run out of arrows.

"Whoosh~whoosh~whoosh~" The locusts fell like rain. Because there were no arrows, the Nogai people could only be shot but could not fight back.

Chief Karl tried hard to find a place to hide the arrows, but was shot through the eye by a stray arrow; Musa picked up an arrow from the ground and tried to retaliate against the enemy, but was hit by four or five arrows in the back. The battle on the slopes ended when the last Nogai warrior fell.

The setting sun is like blood, there is no place to speak of desolation!

(End of this chapter)

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