Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 546 Beautiful scenery in the beautiful country

Chapter 546 Beautiful scenery in the beautiful country

Entering Chief Karl's tent, Tou Kehan ​​met several strangers. They were all restrained, calm and powerful, and they were obviously the masters of their party.

"My dear son-in-law, let me introduce you. This is Kurban, the chief of the Tiger tribe; Yilian, the chief of the Bear tribe; and Ural, the chief of the Wolf tribe," Chief Karl introduced with a smile. The tiger, bear, and wolf tribes, plus the eagle tribe to which he belongs, are the four major tribes in the American country.

The young Touq put down his arrogance as the Great Khan and smiled and saluted the chiefs one by one. This humble attitude won the favor of the chiefs, and they returned the favor to him one after another.

"Great Chief, fellow chiefs, I am here to ask for help and ask you to help me restore my country," Tou Kehan ​​said directly from his heart.

"Everyone, the Nogai people are the most kind and kind. If it hadn't been for the shelter of Yangjier Khan, we would have been the victims of the Turgut people. Now the son of Yangjier Khan asks us to help him restore his country. Are you willing to give me a warm word?" Old Karl said with a strong voice, staring at the other three people with a pair of eagle eyes.

"Warriors on the grassland are all about gratification. Since Yangjier Khan is kind to us Nogai people, what else can we say? We, the Tiger Tribe, are willing to help with all our strength," Kurban was the first to speak out.

"Kulban is right, count me as a member of the Bear Tribe," Yi Lian agreed readily.

"I heard that the demon Sultan is fond of cannibalizing people's hearts and is cruel and easy to kill. Our wolf tribe is just thinking about meeting him for a while and slaying demons. The merits are immeasurable," Ural laughed.

"Since everyone agrees to contribute, then recruit all the adult men and strong women in the tribe to form an army of 20,000 people," Karl ordered as the chief. For the American country, which only has more than 70,000 herdsmen, 20,000 people means mobilizing all the forces that can be mobilized. I was so moved that tears filled my eyes, and I thanked him repeatedly.

"We are all a family. A good son-in-law should not say thank you, otherwise you will be ignored." Chief Karl smiled and suddenly changed the topic, "It has been a long time since you came here, but you haven't seen my daughter, Ke Dun, have you?"

After all, he was young. Tou Kehan ​​blushed and shook his head slightly.

"Pa~pa~pa~" Chief Karl high-fived continuously. Following the applause, a girl about the same age as Tou Ke walked into the tent, with delicate features and a slightly youthful look.

"My daughter, sing loudly for your Nuhuru (husband) and all the respected chiefs." After saying this, Old Karl laughed and looked at Tou Kehan. "Nabqi sings very well, just like Like a lark in the woods."

After hearing her father's praise, the little girl blushed and sang: "For what reason? I went to the river to fetch water, but I forgot to bring the bucket; I had already poured water into the pot, and I forgot to light the firewood." Ge'er It has jumped to my lips, but I have forgotten what to sing; oh my, tell me: why is this? Pleated skirt I have a beautiful pleated skirt, young man, what are you thinking about?"

The sweet singing voice of the young girl who had just begun to fall in love immediately captured Tou Kehan's heart. He, who was also in love for the first time, couldn't help singing along: "The girl rides on the bay red horse and runs across the pasture. I ride on the snowy green horse and follow you closely. My horse is faster than a bird, but I can't catch up with the girl I love. I lose. Now, please raise the whip and let me be whipped by you. The heat will warm my heart."

After hearing this confession song, the little girl's face turned as red as a ripe apple. He slipped out of the big tent in a flash.

Looking at the direction she left, the young man felt lost and became distracted.

Seeing him like this, Chief Karl was happy and said to everyone: "Everyone knows that back then I was destined to have a baby marriage with Yangir Khan, and I promised my daughter Nabuqi to his son Touke. Now the eagle has already The wings have grown and the snowdrops have begun to bloom. It’s time for this beautiful couple to get married. Do you think this is true?"

"Oh, this is a grand event on the Aktobe grassland, and it couldn't be more wonderful." "Yes, Chief Karl, you should treat us to a few bowls of drinks, and don't feel sorry for the wine you have collected." "We promise Gai Ren has not encountered such a good thing for a long time, so he must celebrate it well." Everyone cheered.

"Xian son-in-law, what do you think?" Chief Karl looked at Tou Kehan ​​with a smile.

"It all depends on my father-in-law." Tou Ke suddenly blushed. "Okay! It's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Let's get married today and add some joy to the warriors who are about to go on the expedition." Old Karl laughed.

I am the master of my territory. As the chief of the American country, it is easy for Old Karl to organize a wedding. Hosted by the most respected elder in the tribe, the wedding was solemn and lively with more than a hundred tables set up. The singers sang at the top of their lungs. The wedding was accompanied by singing and dancing, interspersed with horse racing, wrestling, archery and other three essential activities for Kazakh men. skill.

I don’t know how much wine I drank, but Tou Kehan ​​stumbled on the white felt. He got into his woman's yurt.

The bride wearing a blue hijab sat beside the bed. When she heard his footsteps, the little girl shrank back nervously.

Tou Kehan ​​didn't care so much and roughly lifted his hijab. "Nabqi, you are so beautiful!" He looked at his beautiful face and murmured to himself.

The little girl became more and more shy, holding the corners of her robe and saying nothing. He teased her, asking questions that were easy to answer.

"Nabqi, why did Eqige give you this name?"

"Eqi Ge said this name is good, leaf. A pure green leaf is more moving than beautiful flowers."

"Well, you are right, your leaves are really more beautiful than flowers!"

"Thank you! They said you are a famous Kazakh archer who can shoot a poplar branch thirty feet away?"

"Yes, as long as I draw my bow, no one can escape my arrows."

"Hmph! You lied".

"Really, I'll let you see it if I have the chance."

The two of them chatted, kissed, hugged each other, took off their clothes and took off their clothes. Their relationship heated up rapidly and finally entered a good state.

The next day, Tou Kehan ​​got dressed and got up, and found that Nabuqi had prepared toiletries for him, as well as food such as glutinous rice dumplings, cheese, and pies. He hugged her and said, "Nabqi, it's great to have you!"

"I think so too," her voice was full of tenderness.

The two of them ate together and talked about their love. Suddenly a messenger broke in and said, "Tabu Nang (with horses), 20,000 troops have been assembled. The chief asks you to lead your headquarters to join him."

"I know, I will gather my troops and rush here immediately." Tou Kehan ​​sent away Chief Karl's messenger, sighed, and said to his brother: "Nabqi, I have to leave. If I can't come back, do not wait for me".

"No, I will keep waiting. If I can't wait, I will follow you wherever you go." Ke Dun's voice was low but firm.

(End of this chapter)

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