Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 540 The Fall of Turkestan

Chapter 540 The Fall of Turkestan (Part )
"Man Ting Fang · Soldiers Arrive at the City"

Yesterday's horse's hooves returned to the old land,
Guanshan is still heavy.

What should a hero fear? Look at the red mountains with a smile.

Don’t laugh at the wild warriors,

Life and death are paid, water flows to the west and east.

I am coming, who dares to stop me?

A sword disrupts the winter wind.

The frost is still biting,
The horses' hooves trampled on the snow, startling Zheng Hong.

Destroy Qiu, and the joy will be endless.

Drunk, I asked who could understand this meaning?

The tears of the king are all in the wine.

Heaven is healthy, men are ambitious,

I only wish that Kyushu is the same.

This song "Man Ting Fang" was composed by Lotus Khan before his second attack on the city of Turkestan. After composing this poem, he led an army of more than 90,000 people and set off in a majestic and high-spirited manner. Arriving at the foot of Olbulak Mountain, they met up with Alatancang's tribe, which numbered more than 100,000 men and horses.

He ordered people to hide the main force in the mountains to confuse the Kazakhs, making them think that they were still facing Alatancang's partial army of less than 10,000 people; he also sent people to take a fast boat up the Syr Darya River to inform Narisong. Feigning an attack on the city of Turkestan, "remember, hit hard to attract the attention of Touk Khan so that he cannot divide his troops to rescue the Orbulak Valley"; then, he ordered Uluk and Balandu to , Generals Justen led 30,000 surrendered troops to quietly sneak into the Albrak Valley and launched a surprise attack.

"Wuluk, I heard that you are dissatisfied with me for conferring Balandu as the third-class Karaganda chief?" Sultan asked the commander of the Tashkent-Bukhara Army in front of him with a smile.

"I dare not question the decision of the Great Khan." Uluk knelt down on his knees and raised his mouth in grievance. As a senior general who had been demoted, he thought he had made great contributions, but he could never be knighted. However, Balandu actually stood above him and was knighted just because he had a distinguished status and was a small khan of Kazakhstan. He had no merit. count. Feeling dissatisfied, he was naturally full of complaints. He didn't expect that these complaints would reach Dahan's ears, and he was immediately shocked.

Since ancient times, wise kings have always had sharp ears and eyes, and there are countless spies around their ministers. Naturally, Uluk's complaints cannot be hidden from Suletan. In fact, he did this deliberately in order to create discord among the surrendered generals and divide and rule. These surrendered generals are the most unloyal. They can betray their old master today and me tomorrow. Therefore, we cannot allow them to become entwined. We must sow discord between them and create discord, so that they can be better used by me.

However, it is a bit excessive to not ennoble those who have made great achievements, but to ennoble those who have made minor achievements. It is okay in the short term, but in the long term it will easily lead to mutiny. Now that the purpose of instigating discord among the surrendered generals had been achieved, Sultan decided to appease Uluk, gave him a sweet date, and said amiably: "I know that in terms of merit, you are much greater than Balandu. But he He is the Khan of Zhongyuzi and has great influence. In order to sell horse bones and win over the leaders of various Kazakh tribes for my use, I knighted him first. Don't blame me." After hearing this, Uluk suddenly felt that his bones were three kilograms lighter, and all his complaints disappeared. He was so moved that tears filled his eyes, "I will never blame the Great Khan! Your servant will always be the eagle dog of the Great Khan. As long as you give the order , I will bite whoever I want my slave to bite.”

Suletan was happy and thought to himself: This man is really a good dog! He patted his shoulder gently with his hand and said with a smile: "Do a good job and win Turkestan for me. Don't worry about not being knighted."

"Yes", being patted on the shoulder by the real dragon and making a wish, Uluk's face glowed with excitement, and he wished he could immediately lead his army to attack the mountain and fight for his life.

In the city of Turkestan, a thirteen-year-old boy, Tou Kehan, was entertaining a distinguished guest: Baturu Qogel, the defender of Szanak City and the Zhongyuzi Naiman tribe. Hearing that the capital was in danger, Qiaogel led five thousand troops to help.

The arrival of this support force increased Tou Kehan's strength to 35,000, and more importantly, gave the residents in the city the courage to hold on. He held a grand banquet to tell everyone that the city of Turkestan was not fighting alone.

The atmosphere of the banquet was reaching its climax when the general Kangsa Jian came in and quietly reported, "Khan, there is news that Suletan Khan buried your father Yangir Khan in a grand ceremony, weaved wreaths for him with his own hands, said a memorial speech, and also ordered Change the city of Sawu to the city of Yangir Khan."

"Hmph! The wolf wants to eat the sheep but pretends that he can't bear it. If the devil had any respect for my father Khan, how could he make his head into a drinking vessel? These are just for the Kazakh people to see. ", Tou Kehan ​​sneered, and then his face darkened, "Tell the warriors to be prepared, the storm is coming."

"Yes, my sweat." Seeing how thorough his analysis was, Kang Sajian secretly admired him.

Tou Kehan ​​changed the subject and asked again: "Have the Oros people taken any action? How is the situation in Saleshk City?"

"My slave is about to report to you, God bless Kazakhstan, there is good news." Kangsajan was so excited that tears filled his eyes. "Taking advantage of the main force of the Turghuts to attack the city of Saraishk, Oros Astra Khan's general dispatched 1,800 Cossacks and 3,000 tribal soldiers attached to Oros into the Turgut pastureland downstream of the Ezil River (Volga River). Alyihan and Chief Karl wrote in a letter that Hutai Jishu Kuldaiqing of the Torgut tribe was unable to attack the city of Saleshk. He also heard that the Oros invaded his territory and had returned with the main force, leaving only Taiji Ursang with five thousand troops to monitor. Saleshke”.

"Okay! Great! God bless you forever!" Tou Kehan ​​was a young man after all. He couldn't control his excitement. After a long time, he calmed down and laid out his military strategy: "Order Alyihan to stay in Saleshk City, and order My father-in-law immediately led his troops to help the city of Turkestan."

The father-in-law mentioned by Tou Kehan ​​was Karl Mirza, the great chief of the American country. The Americans are a branch of the Nogai people and a tribal alliance composed of four Nogai tribes. Karl Milzan is the chief of the largest tribe and the leader of the tribal alliance. According to the custom of the Nogai people, Karl is his real name and Milzan is his father's name.

At that time, the Nogai people were forced by the Turghut people to have no other choice and came to Kazakhstan. It was Yangir Khan who opened his mind to tolerate them and gave them pastureland to rest and recuperate. In order to win over the "Beauty Country", the great King of Turan also brokered a marriage between the two parties, allowing his son Tou Ke to marry Nabuqi, the daughter of Chief Karl. The marriage was supposed to be consummated this year, but because of the demon Suletan A moratorium on the shameful war against Kazakhstan.

Because he had been greatly favored by Yangir Khan, Chief Karl immediately mobilized most of the four Nogai tribes after hearing Yangir Khan's order from his son Musa when he returned to lead his army to rescue the city of Saraishk. Strength, personally led more than 10,000 troops to rescue the city of Salesh. Tou Kehan ​​respected his father-in-law very much and thought he was a kind and kind man.

"The Great Khan is wise, and the Great Chief Kal is brave and good at fighting. If he comes to help, he will definitely greatly enhance the strength of our army." Kangsa Gyal expressed joy.

(End of this chapter)

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