Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 536: Laughing about thirsty and drinking tiger head

Chapter 536: Laughing about thirsty and drinking tiger head


Yang Gilhan shouted in a low voice to the handsome yellow gelding that dismounted. The psychic horse seemed to understand the owner's meaning. According to the instructions, it adjusted its body and direction, and its hooves flew wildly. The fusion of man and horse is something only a rider with extremely high riding skills can achieve. The big gun in his hand uses the power of the horse to kill wantonly. The beast's attack is most ferocious when it is about to die. Anyone who wants to cut off the Turan tiger's head must pay for it with his life.

Although countless enemies were killed, there were more and more enemies. The guards fell one after another, and the Kazakh Khan flag was chopped down at some point.

After killing another group of enemies, Yang Gilhan was covered in wounds, leaving only the captain of the guard, Aslan, and a dozen guards.

The King of Turan wanted to swing his gun, but found that his injured right arm was unable to lift the gun. With a wry smile, he gave the loyal captain of the guard the last order in his life, "Aslan, I am exhausted, it is time for you to fulfill your duties. I have been a soldier all my life, so let me die on my horse."

"咴聿聿", the dismounted yellow gelding seemed to have guessed its master's intention, and wailed in its mouth, with tears in its eyes.

"The Great Khan goes first, and the slave will follow later." Aslan saluted him respectfully, pulled out his sword, it was such a sharp sword, with a flash of light, the tiger's head fell to the ground. Because the sword was drawn quickly, Boljijin Yangjier did not feel any pain. He blinked when his head fell, as if thanking this slave for his superb swordsmanship.

Aslan took down the body of King Turan and laid it flat on the grass, integrating it with his head. He kowtowed several times respectfully, looked up to the sky and screamed, "Khan, please go slower, my slave is here!" With a stroke of the knife, blood gushed out like a spring, but the body did not fall.

"Slow down, Khan, the minions are coming." The remaining ten or so guards all committed suicide, and no one surrendered.

This scene shocked the surrounding guards, and the sky and grassland became silent for a moment.


A horse was galloping slowly. He was over forty years old, his long sword and silver armor were stained red with blood. The ferocious look in his eyes showed the cruelty of this man. He was the head of ten thousand households and the second class of the Royal Guards of the Kingdom of David. Prambert Gus Chao Ketu.

In the Battle of Orbulak that year, Teguzchaoketu was one of the generals who led the army. Numerous soldiers died tragically, which made him and Yangir Khan take a deep revenge. In this expedition, he must strive to be the first in every battle, vowing to wash away the shame of Orbulak, and finally led his troops to surround the remnants of Yangir Khan and obtained the body of the King of Turan.

"The head of ten thousand households, Yang Gil Khan and his dozen or so guards all committed suicide. This is his head." The subordinates held Yang Gil Khan's hair and presented it to Tegus Chao Ketu.

"Is this the head of the King of Turan?" Tegus looked at the head towards Ketu and looked at it carefully. The head opened its eyes angrily, its eyes were sharp and fierce, there were many scars on its cheeks, its mouth was open, and its white teeth were as sharp as blades. Although he is dead, his majestic appearance is still the same as when he was alive.

"Huh! This thief still looks ferocious even after he's dead. I'm driving you crazy." Tegus spat fiercely at Ketu and ordered the people around him, "Find a good craftsman and put this tiger's head on it." Make gold vessels into wine vessels and present them to the Great Khan. Well, the Great Khan will definitely like this gift."

After hearing this, the deputy Wan Huen and Batu on the side were shocked and hurriedly tried to dissuade him, "Chief Wan Huen must not be reckless. After all, this is the head of the Kazakh Khan. It is not easy to deal with it without the permission of the Great Khan. It is better to report it first. It is better to sweat profusely." Although he also participated in the Battle of Albrak, he also hated Yang Gilhan to his core, but he was a cautious person and liked to report any troubles first.

"Well, Batu, have you forgotten those brothers and sisters who died in Albrak? Why are you talking to that evil tiger?" Tegus' face darkened towards Ketu.

"Chief Ten Thousand Households, I am not speaking for Yang Gil Khan, but I am afraid that the Great Khan will be angry," Enhe Batu explained hurriedly. "Haha, the Great Khan hates this evil tiger. If he has the opportunity to drink from the tiger's head as a drinking vessel, he will definitely be delighted." Tegus waved his hand towards Ketu and said with a smile: "The Great Khan is a benevolent king, and some If it is not convenient for you to do it yourself, just let us slaves do it for you."

The battle had ended for two days, and the Guards had won another great victory, annihilating another 30,000 enemies. But there was no joy on Sultan's face, and he had not yet received any news from Yangir Khan. As long as this Turan Tiger does not die, it will be difficult to consolidate his rule in northern Xinjiang. How can I be happy without news from him?
"The Great Khan, Tegus went to Ketu to see the head of the ten thousand households and said that he had a gift to offer," the confidant Maraqin reported.

"Oh, there is another gift-giver for me, let him come in," Sultan smiled. After the great victory, each army captured a lot. The generals smiled for Bo Long and donated the captured rare treasures one after another, so he used the word "and".

Tegus marched toward Ketu into the account, his steps carrying wind.

"What? Teguschaoketu, what good treasure did you get for me?" Suletan asked with a smile.

"A wine vessel, a wine vessel made from the skull of Yangir Khan", Tegus grinned at Ketu, waiting for the Lotus Khan's praise.

"What! You killed Yangir Khan and made his head into a drinking vessel? Don't you, you, you, know that he is the Great Khan of Kazakhstan? How dare you do whatever you want without telling me?" Sultan feigned anger.

"Great Khan, this evil tiger has injured so many of our warriors. This slave just wants to avenge the brothers Paoze who died in the battle. The Great Khan is a benevolent king through the ages, and such cruel things can only be done by slaves." Tegus said to Ketu Shishi Not afraid, keep your chest straight.

"Hmph! Am I such an irresponsible person? Even if this matter is my fault, so what?" Suletan sneered, "You have done a good job in presenting the wine vessel. Please step aside and rest first. I want to say a few words to my old friend. ".


Tegus retreated towards Ketu, leaving Suletan alone in the tent, carefully playing with the wine vessel. This wine vessel is in the shape of a bowl, much larger than an ordinary wine bowl, and is inlaid with gold. The workmanship is not exquisite, but it is strong and sturdy. It is obvious that it was made by craftsmen in the army.

He picked up the jug and poured the wine into the wine bowl. Just as he was about to take a swig, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he thought of the materials used to make the wine bowl, so he didn't take a sip.

"Old friend, old friend, you have always been very arrogant and disobedient to me, dreaming of competing with me for the world. How come it has become like this now? Haha, the name King of Turan is quite resounding." Suletan said to Jiuwan jokingly said: "Old friend, how are you?"

The wine bowl showed no response, and there was no scene where the head spoke, as is often seen in novels. Even so, Sultan still felt a chill. In the dark, something seemed to be coming, and it was so gloomy that it made his neck hurt.


Sultan shuddered and smiled forcefully at the wine bowl, "Don't be upset, it's not my original intention to make your head into a wine vessel."

(End of this chapter)

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