Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 478 Win the hearts and minds of the people to consolidate the foundation

Chapter 478 Win the hearts and minds of the people to consolidate the foundation

The city of Samarkand was captured, but the terrified people of Bukhara were not brutally massacred. On the contrary, General David repaired the city that was damaged by the war, cleaned up the streets, and sent out patrols to maintain order and strictly prohibited robbery. Occasionally, some soldiers went to shops to buy things and actually paid for them, and they paid for them in hard currency such as gold, silver, and copper coins. currency.

This is not the legendary demon army, it is clearly the army of benevolence and righteousness. I heard that the Great Khan of the Oirat people said, "I, David, are a country of etiquette, and the guards are also civilized teachers. Anyone who dares to take people's property without permission or commit crimes will be punished by military law."

The behavior of the Guards was completely different from the legendary atrocities committed by them in Andijan and the Hague. Soon there was news that it was not the real Oirat army that perpetrated the violence in Andijan and the Hague, but the brutal Kazakhs. The benevolent Lotus Khan came as the Buddha. After hearing about the atrocities of the Kazakhs, he let out a lion's roar and ordered to kill the Tashkent-Bukhara army general Garang Tosi Sultan and spread the word to other places to serve as a warning.

Although Sultan Nagalang Tosi was a famous Kazakh general, he was a big devil in the eyes of the people of Bukhara. During his tenure as the governor of Tashkent-Bukhara, this man imposed excessive taxes and committed all kinds of evil, and he bloodyly suppressed the uprisings of the people of Bukhara many times. Now being killed by Guru Rinpoche’s decree is really satisfying! Although the people of Bukhara believe in Allah and not Buddha, they can still feel the warmth of Buddha's light.

The Lotus Khan was broad-minded and not only loved the people, but also respected his enemies. He publicly stated that Samarkand guard Subhan would rather self-immolate than surrender in order to defend his homeland. He was an upright hero and ordered a grand funeral to be held in the Jacques Castle where the hero self-immolated. This move made the people of Samarkand even more moved, and their attitude towards the Guards gradually became friendly.

The Alka Palace in Samarkand was once the royal palace of Bukhara and is now the main camp of Sultan.

At this moment, the proud Khan was discussing matters with his adviser Hu Lianqi. "Hu Qing asked me to be gentle towards Bukhara, but it seems to have little effect so far. Aziz Khan has no intention of surrendering. He is summoning the garrison from all over the city to Bukhara in an attempt to fight to the death." , he said with a smile.

"The reason why I ask your majesty to adopt a gentle policy is not to persuade Aziz Khan to surrender, but to win over the hearts of the people of Bukhara. Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world, not to mention that the land of Bukhara strangles the strategic point of the Silk Road and the Golden Road. Fertile and rich in products, it is also a famous city of weapons. If you get it to the north, you can attack Kazakhstan, to the west you can take Khiva and Oros, and to the south you can control Persia. It is really a good place to become the base of a king. Your Majesty should win over the people and The key is to manage this pearl on the Silk Golden Road well. I believe you think so too, otherwise why would you kill Nagalang Tuosi?" Hu Liangqi smiled.

"Hu Qing, that's your bad thing. You are too smart and don't know how to hide your strength and bide your time. You must know that seeing through without telling the truth is the highest state of life. However, this is what I admire most about you." Sultan laughed. Laughing, he changed the subject, "They say Samarkand is rich. I wonder how much supplies are hidden in the treasury. Is it enough for us to raise troops?"

"Du Qianhu Okchuotebu has been ordered by you to seize the inventory. I heard that there are a lot of supplies. The inventory has not been completed for several days, but it should be done soon," Hu Liaqi said with a smile. Okchotbu is the fourth son of Jikundulun Ubas, the great lord of the Heshuote tribe. He was once sent as an envoy to the Bukhara Khanate and spent some time in Samarkand. He is familiar with the local customs and customs. So I got the mission to seize the treasury.

"The Great Khan has sent thousands of households to Ekchuotebu to ask for an audience." The monarch and his ministers were talking when their personal guards came to report.

"Haha, let's talk about Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here. Announce him to come in. I also want to know how much has been captured this time." The Great Khan's eyes shot out with blazing light.

After Okchotbu entered the account, he saluted respectfully and said, "I will see the Great Khan."

"Forgive me." Sultan waved his hand and asked urgently: "They say Samarkand is rich, what treasures have you discovered?"

"Please look at it, Khan, this is the list." Ekchuotebu held up a thick pile of lists. As soon as Suletan opened it, he couldn't take his eyes away and his breathing became heavy. Get rich! I really made a fortune this time! The list is very thick, with hundreds of various types of materials recorded. One hundred thousand gold coins, six hundred thousand silver coins, three hundred thousand copper coins, one hundred dendrobiums of pearls, one hundred boxes of various kinds of jewelry, one thousand pieces of silk, five thousand pieces of coarse cloth, five hundred boxes of tea, one million catties of grain, and ten thousand catties of dried vegetables. , 1,000 barrels of gunpowder, and the careful Okchote cloth also marked the value of various materials, with a total discount of more than 3 million taels of silver.

"Oh, I've heard that Samarkand is rich, but I didn't expect it to be so rich!" Sultan sighed repeatedly, and suddenly said with a smile: "That Subhan was too stubborn, and would rather burn himself than surrender. It turns out that I He was also worried that he would burn down the treasury, but fortunately he did not do so."

"Great Khan, my servant found a letter written by Nasubu Khan to you when checking the warehouse." Okchotbu presented another letter.

"What? Subhan actually left me a letter? Submit it to me immediately."

Suletan took the letter and found that the cover said "Letter from Subhan to His Majesty the Great Khan of Padma". When he tore it open and took a look, there was only one line of words inside: "The gold, silver, jewels, food and cloth are all left to you. Do not hurt any of the people." I couldn't help but praise loudly, "This Subhan is really a good man! I did the right thing by holding his funeral!"

"Great Khan, the elders of Samarkand have come to reward the army." Someone was very happy after making a fortune, and another good news came from his bodyguard.

"Haha, Hu Qing asked me to conquer the hearts of the people of Bukhara, and now it seems that I have succeeded." Sultan danced with joy and ordered to invite them in.

Those who came were all well-known elders from various streets and lanes in Samarkand, and some were local imams. Naturally, they were not empty-handed and brought various labor supplies.

The emperor did not beat the gift-givers, but Sultan ordered wine to be provided in the camp to entertain these elderly people, in order to gain a reputation as a family between the military and civilians.

After three drinks, the atmosphere was getting thicker. Sultan asked the oldest elder with a smile: "Old man, are there any good places to visit in Samarkand? I plan to go shopping."

The elder looked proud, "Your Majesty, our city of Samarkand has a history of more than 2,000 years, and there are countless mosques, seminaries, and monasteries. Especially the Bibi Khanem Mosque, Guri Amir, which is also the home of Sultan Timur. The Royal Tombs and Shahinda, the royal tombs of Timur’s empire, are the most famous.”

"Sultan Timur? Are you talking about the Sultan nicknamed 'Timurlan (namely Timur the Lame)'?" Sultan's heart was pounding, and his eyes shone with sparkling light.

Timur! Tamerlane, the lame wolf of Central Asia! I must go to his tomb! Someone screamed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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