Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 462 Da Hezhuo in a small town

Chapter 462 Da Hezhuo in a small town

Shirab came outside the city, took off his horned bow, and said, "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Three arrows shot through the clouds and fog with a sharp whistling sound.

"It seems that He Zhuo in the city of Andiyan is not going to eat the fine wine for the toast. I am willing to admit defeat. Tegus Chao Ketu, you owe me a good horse." Enhe Batu laughed. The two of them had just made a bet on whether the Mingge tribe would surrender, and he won the bet."

"Hmph! Which of my horses have you taken a fancy to? Just send someone to lead it." Tegus snorted coldly at Ketu. "It seems that after the Battle of Albrak, the other people have forgotten the David saber." It's sharp. Send my military order to attack the city immediately."

As soon as this order was given, all the troops of Bazibabu, Jamubi, Sebuteng, Bayar, Zhuoqiba and other leaders of Qianhu slowly formed an array. The air was silent and filled with the fierce fire of revenge.

Groups of Mingge warriors began to climb the Andijan city wall, but half of them were still grazing outside the city and had not returned. Although this city is an important commercial port, many people still maintain the nomadic tradition of their ancestors.

"He Zhuo, I have ordered people to recruit the people in the city. Everyone is willing to fight bloody battles to defend the land left to us by our ancestors. Don't worry," Bazil, the leader of the Mingge tribe, reported to Abboud.

Abboud nodded and murmured to himself, "I hope Shrab is just making false threats. There are only a few guards outside the city. In the name of Allah, please protect your people."

Soon, his pupils dilated, and what came into view was a dense army, numbering in the tens of thousands. "How did this, this, so many soldiers and horses hide outside the city without being noticed?" Lao Hezhuo's face was ashen.

"He Zhuo, there are too many enemies, what should we do?" Bazil, who had been so high-spirited just now, became timid under the murderous intent of the guards.

Abboud grabbed his chest and said, "Bazil, listen to me. This is the city of Andiyan of the Mingge tribe. You are the leader of the Mingge tribe. For the sake of our people, we must hold on! I I have written to the Sultan of Garangst and Aziz Khan asking for help. As long as we persist for a few days, reinforcements will arrive soon."

"Yes, He Zhuo." Bazil's face regained its luster, turned around and ran towards his general's flag.

"Boom~boom~boom~" More than a hundred small cannons unleashed their artillery fire on the city. The heavy artillery of the Guards was all in Sultan's center, and the forward troops were only equipped with some small artillery such as piggyback cannon. Although these cannons were not as destructive to the city as heavy artillery, the rain of cannons still caused a lot of damage to the defenders. The Mingge warriors were just tribal soldiers, not regular soldiers. They lacked experience in anti-artillery. They stood bravely in the face of artillery fire. Many people didn't even know that they hid behind a low wall.

The rumbling sound of artillery finally stopped, the smoke has not cleared, and broken limbs and broken arms can be seen everywhere.

"Whoosh~whoosh~whoosh~" The archers of the Guards fired towards the top of the city, covering their own ladder trucks as they approached the city wall. The rain of arrows in the sky seemed to be endless, shooting down one after another Mingge warrior who survived the gunfire.

"Put up your shield! Hurry up and set up your shield!" Leader Bazil shouted. Although they are tribal soldiers, because they are one of the arms trading centers in Central Asia, the equipment of the Mingge warriors is not bad, and all infantry have shields.

The panicked defenders raised their shields in a mess, and Bazil breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a stray arrow shot down diagonally and pierced his neck. He clutched his neck and fell down unwillingly. This is the case in war. If you have shield protection, you may not be hit by arrows. If you want to survive, you still need luck.

Aerial ladders were put up on the city wall, and the arrow rain at the top of the city began to sparse. In order not to accidentally injure one's own soldiers, the archers of the guard changed their projectiles to direct shots, shooting directly at the bottom of the city. The infantrymen swarmed up the city via ladders. These veterans of many battles, in groups of three or five, formed small battle formations and killed Mingge warriors one after another.


A brave warrior split the scimitar of the guard sword player opposite him. He was a famous warrior in the tribe and vowed to defend his homeland. Suddenly, his stomach hurt, and the spearman behind the sword player gave him a hard shot.

Countless brave men have fallen. No matter how brave the thousands of tribal soldiers are, they cannot be a match for the 30,000 battle-hardened tigers and wolves of the guards. In less than an hour, Andiyan City was breached, and the thick smell of blood filled the entire city. "Deputy Wanhu, the body of Hezhuo Aboud has been found." Du Qianhu Sebuteng ordered people to carry the body. There were more than ten wounds of various sizes on it and it was already bloody.

"Well", Tegus sneered at Ketu and the corpse, "Little Andiyan dares to block the front of my David's army and pass on my military order not to seal the sword for three days as a warning to those who resist in the corner."

Deputy pioneers En and Batu were shocked, "Tegus Chao Ketu, do you need to report such a big thing as the massacre to the Great Khan? The Great Khan has issued an order not to kill indiscriminately."

"If we don't kill, how can the Kazakhs, Bukharas, and Khivas be afraid? If every city has to resist, when will our army reach Turkestan and fight for the brothers who died in the Olblak Valley?" Revenge?" Tegus waved his hand towards Ketu, "The Great Khan is a benevolent king and will never issue military orders to massacre the city. For some things, just let us slaves do it for you. Don't worry, I will bear all the consequences alone."

With the military order of not sealing the sword for three days, the city of Andiyan turned into a hell on earth. The guardsmen burst into people's homes with a ferocious smile, killed the men who dared to resist, picked up the women at home, and stole their belongings. When encountering a crazy person, he will kill him even if he doesn't resist, and he will not forget to set a fire before leaving.

Shrab rode his horse through the city, not to rob, but to fulfill his promise. Mongolian promises are more precious than gold. Since I have promised Abboud that as long as he ties red silk at the door of his house, he will protect his family, so how can he break his promise?

"Chief of the Thousand Households, I have searched all the houses near the east gate and found no one wearing red silk," the subordinate reported.

Shirab's face darkened, "If you can't find it near the east gate, look for it elsewhere. You must find it for me."

"Chief of the Thousand Households," another confidant stumbled over, "I have inquired clearly. When the city was destroyed, a fire broke out in He Zhuo's mansion, and all the family members of Abboud and Zhuo burned themselves. He didn't want to accept your offer at all. kindness".


Shirab staggered on his horse and almost fell off. After a long time, Fang sighed leisurely, "Little Andijan, big Abboud!"

The massacre that lasted for three days caused the city of Andijan to lose its vitality. When the Lotus Khan Sultan's army came here and saw that there were not many living people in the legendary wealthy city, they naturally knew what was going on.

"Alas! I hope that when other cities hear this news, they will lose the courage to resist, surrender, and don't commit murder again, Amitabha!" The kind-hearted Suletan Khan actually shouted the name of the Buddha.

After inspecting the city defense, he left Tegus Chao Ketu alone and reprimanded him, "Tegus Chao Ketu, you are so bold! You dared to massacre the city without my military orders. If it weren't for your repeated military exploits, I have to cut off your head and play it as a polo ball!"

"The slave just wants to scare the enemies in other cities so that they don't dare to resist like the Andiyan people. The Great Khan is a benevolent king through the ages. How dare you taint your ears about things like massacre of the city? All the seizures were not taken by the slaves and subordinates, and all were recorded. "For the army," Tegus respectfully presented an account book to Ketu.

Suletan opened it and was surprised. The various kinds of money inside were converted into about 300,000 taels of silver, which greatly eased his military expenses.

Of course he didn't believe Tegus Chao Ketu and his men's lies, and snorted coldly: "I won't pursue it this time, but if it happens again, I will definitely kill him without mercy!"

"My slave, thank you for your kindness," Tegus thanked Ketu repeatedly, his back soaked with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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