Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 426 Shaanxi War Chaotic Clouds

Chapter 426 Shaanxi War Chaotic Clouds (Part )
King Zhangwu personally marched, and the morale of the Ming army was like a rainbow. They quickly captured Xiama Pass and entered Pingliang Mansion from Ningxia Guard.

When they arrived at Pingluo Station, news came that Meng Qiaofang, the governor of Shaanxi Province in the Qing Dynasty, had led his army to aid Pingliang. Li Shiying hurriedly came to see Zhu Shidong, "Your Highness, I heard that in the past, the Meng thieves recommended Zhao Zongzhen as an official. He treated him very well and recommended him to the position of General Soldier. If Zhao Zongzhen turns against him in battle, our army will be in danger! I am willing Go to his camp to supervise the army in case anything changes."

This Zhao Zongzhen refers to Zhao Guangrui, the pioneer of the Ming army. In the past, Zhao Guangrui was defeated by the Chu army and hid at home. After the Qing Dynasty invaded, Meng Qiaofang was in charge of Shaanxi. Knowing that this man was talented, he wrote a letter to recruit him in the name of revenge for Emperor Chongzhen. He had made many military exploits and recommended him to be the commander-in-chief of the army. A high position can be said to be a gift of knowledge and encounters.

Zhu Shizhong was silent for a long time and said in dialect: "If Hongzhou really wants to rebel, you, a scholar, cannot stop it; if you don't want to rebel, you, the supervisor, will chill him when he arrives, and you will encourage him to rebel."

"I am ignorant. What should I do according to Your Highness's wishes?"

"I heard that Hongzhou's belt is old. Please give him Gu's belt and tell him not to let Gu Gu have any regrets." Zhu Shizhong slowly loosened his belt.


Thousands of miles to go to war, pass the mountain as if flying. The new energy spreads to the golden watch, and the cold light shines on the iron clothes. After being appointed as the vanguard of the army by King Zhangwu, Zhao Guangrui was happy.

The old Zhao family has been full of famous generals and loyal men for generations. Who among the folks in Jinglu Guards knows this? But ever since he became an official in the Qing Dynasty and had a money rattail, the villagers would point fingers behind his back and say all kinds of unpleasant things. Little did they know that they had come this far to avenge their father. They all said that they had forgotten their ancestors! Fortunately, he finally surrendered to His Highness King Zhangwu, cut off his golden rat tail, and wore the square bun of the Ming Dynasty again. The folks in Jingluwei gave the old Zhao family a thumbs up again. This kind of honor can only be obtained by virtuous people. The historical records "Biography of Xunli" records that when people met Zichan, they gave him a thumbs up to show their approval.

Zhao Guangrui was determined to show off and let the folks in Jingluwei know that all the Zhao family members in Jingluwei were heroes who served the country with loyalty. While he was feeling full of ambition, Li Shiying, the second assistant and bachelor of Wuyingdian, came to his military formation.

"Mr. Li Ge, why are you here?"

"Hongzhou, Your Highness heard that your belt is old and ordered me to send you my own belt." Li Shiying handed over a belt.

"How can this happen? I am terrified." Zhao Guangrui was very moved.

"You cannot disobey your orders, put them on quickly."

Zhao Guangrui put on a new belt and a majestic battle robe, and became even more arrogant. He saluted in the direction of the Chinese army and said, "I thank the Lord for your kindness."

"Hongzhou, Your Highness is frugal by nature, but this new belt was a gift from the Princess on his birthday last month. Hundreds of millions of people in the Ming Dynasty are watching you, don't let down your holy grace!" Li Shiying said towards her. Zhao Guangrui bowed deeply.

This bow made Zhao Guangrui's eyes turn red, which shows that the Mo warriors are domineering, but the blood of the warriors is hot, "Please tell me, Mr. Ge, your highness. I will definitely kill the enemy to repay the divine favor."

Although he is fifty-four years old, he does not look old at all. Meng Qiaofang, the governor of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty, is always in good spirits. Only his long gray beard tells the story of the vicissitudes of life.

"Is Guyuan Prefecture ahead?" he asked calmly, as if he was just here for an outing.

"Duke Xian, ahead is Guyuan Prefecture City," Commander-in-Chief Chen Wanlue replied respectfully. As a famous general in Hexi, this man had great military achievements, but in front of Governor Meng, he did not dare to breathe.

"Where did the Puppet Army march to?"

"Zhao Guangrui, the pioneer of the pseudo-Ming Dynasty, camped at Yanglangzhong Fort in the northwest of Guyuan."

"Zhao Guangrui!" Meng Qiaofang perked up when she heard the name, "Pass the military order to the entire army and rush to Yanglangzhong Fort immediately without entering Guyuan City."

"Why don't Governor Xian enter Guyuan City first? Zhao Guangrui's man can't escape." Esai, the Minister of Household Affairs, thought that he was annoyed by Zhao Guangrui's defection and was eager to attack this capricious villain.

"There is no need to fight. Hongzhou (characterized by Zhao Guangrui) was surrounded by several times stronger enemies that day. The Ming Dynasty was forced to come. As long as I understand the reason and move with emotion, he will return to our Qing Dynasty. The reason why we must immediately I rushed to Yanglangzhong Fort because I was afraid that other Ming troops would arrive and affect the recruitment and surrender plan," Meng Qiaofang said with a smile. "Oh, why is Du Xian so confident in persuading him to surrender to the Qing Dynasty?"

"I recommended him to be an official back then, and he has been able to reach the position of commander-in-chief. I understand that he does not dare to be my enemy. He will definitely be able to capture him." Meng Qiaofang is full of confidence.

"That's good. When the time comes, the general will lead 3,008 banners to lie on the side of the military formation. If that guy is willing to surrender, then so be it. If he doesn't, he will be killed on the spot." Esai smiled grimly. He commanded the Eight Manchu Banners, the Eight Mongolian Banners, and three thousand cavalry, thinking that he was invincible in the world.

"That's fine. With the help of the real Manchurian army, why worry about the big thing happening?" Meng Qiaofang laughed and complimented.

"In the main town, a large group of Qing troops appeared in front of Yang Langzhong Fort." Zhao Guangrui had just finished inspecting the military camp when he learned that the enemy was coming. I couldn't help frowning, this enemy came so fast! The fighting style seems familiar.

"Send the order to get out of the camp and line up!" he shouted.

Following this military order, seven thousand soldiers slowly came out of the camp, and a square formation was quickly formed. His subordinates have been tested in battles in Hexi many times and are considered to be among the few elites in the Ming army. Because they knew that the Eight Banners soldiers liked to use cavalry to charge into battle, there were spears densely placed in front of the battle formation.

The expected battle did not happen immediately. An old man riding a white horse galloped to the front of the formation and shouted loudly, "The Governor of Shaanxi Meng Qiaofang is here, where is Zhao Guangrui? Come out of the formation to see me at once!" Twenty loud-sounding soldiers carried his call. To all directions.

"Meng Qiaofang is here!"

Zhao Guangrui's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately ordered his men to prepare for battle and came to the front of the battle alone.

"The last general has seen Du Xian," he said with a bow on his horse.

"Hongzhou, the number of Ruqings has decreased, could it be that the food in the pseudo-Ming camp is not good?" Meng Qiaofang teased with a half-smile.

"Duke Xian was joking. Since His Highness King Su raised his troops, there has been an endless stream of people eating pots and pans to welcome the king's division. The food in our army is not bad." Zhao Guangrui politely pushed back, and the two armies fought. You must not lose your momentum.

Meng Qiaofang frowned, "The counterfeit power of the Ming Dynasty has been exhausted, and the Qing Dynasty is rising like the sun. I know that Hongzhou was surrounded by many times stronger enemies that day, and the Ming Dynasty was forced to do so. If you are willing to return to the Qing Dynasty, I will forget about it and entrust it to you. Heavy duty. How about it?”

"The governor's words are wrong. My Zhao family has been a minister of the Ming Dynasty for generations. It was a big mistake to surrender to the Qing Dynasty back then. How can we make more mistakes today?" Zhao Guangrui flatly refused.

"Has Hongzhou forgotten my kindness in finding a way out?" Meng Qiaofang shouted.

"The general will repay this kindness today." As soon as he said this, an arrow went straight to Meng Qiaofang's door.

"My life is over!"

The speed was so fast that Meng Qiaofang had to close her eyes and wait for death, but the arrow broke the arrow. Although it hurt a little, it could not kill anyone.

"The last general could have taken Du Xian's life but didn't, so I'll be repaying your kindness of knowing me." After saying this, Zhao Guangrui rode his horse back to the main formation.

"Hateful! Kill me!" Meng Qiaofang was extremely angry.

(End of this chapter)

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