Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 415 The wind blows and the horse is drunk in Shaanxi

Chapter 415 The wind blows and the horse is drunk in Shaanxi (Part )
"Deputy Ding Rong, according to what you said, Zhang Yong is still in Taozhou Acropolis now?" Alatancang asked Ding Jiasheng seriously.

At this time, Ding Jiasheng no longer had the domineering aura of a great rebel thief. Since ancient times, a thief could only become a grass-head king if he had soldiers. Now that he only has more than a thousand subordinates left, he naturally can't get mad. "Reporting to the Fuyuan, after Zhang Yong's guy defeated the last general, he searched for the last general's old troops in the Taozhou Acropolis and the old Taozhou Village, saying that he had "completed his duty of eradicating evil". I don't know how many brothers died in the hands of that guy, please You avenge the last general?" Ding Jiasheng cried like a young daughter-in-law who was just starting out.

"So if Zhang Yong wants to rush back to Didao, it will take at least seven or eight days. He must break the city before he returns to help." Alatancang frowned in thought and did not pay attention to Ding Jiasheng's cry. He did not trust these surrendered troops. As soon as the three generals surrendered, he placed Ding Jiasheng's Department under the jurisdiction of Lanzhou Commander Xin Sizhong, Zhe Ziming's Department under Xi'an Commander Qi Zhizhen, and Gao Yixiang's Department under Yan'an Commander Fan Dingge, dividing and ruling them to avoid chaos.

"General Sabir, soldiers are valuable and quick. You lead five thousand cavalry and attack Didao City. I will follow with the infantry. Don't give the enemy a chance to breathe," he ordered decisively.

"Yes", Sabir, the deputy admiral and commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, loudly accepted the order. He was the first Yarkand surrendered general to surrender. He had already regarded himself as part of the Oirat Mongols. His five thousand cavalrymen, composed of Mongols, Hui and Uighurs, were the direct troops of Alatancang. Now it is time to use them. It’s time for this killer weapon.

Horse hooves were flying, and when five thousand cavalry galloped to Didao City, the defeated troops of Tong Tou's tribe had only been able to escape for two hours. Of the original four thousand men, less than four hundred had escaped.

Seeing his miserable appearance, Zhao Liangdong was shocked. "Why is the officer like this?"

"He~Hezhou has been lost," Tong Touo breathed a sigh of relief, his face pale, "The enemy is coming soon, we must be prepared to defend the city."

Hearing his detailed explanation of the fall of Hezhou, Zhao Liangdong breathed a long sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, a veteran like Tong Tou did not send anyone to guard against spies, causing the Tibetans in Hezhou City to open the city gate in response! He only had 2,000 troops, plus the more than 300 Tong Tou's defeated troops who fled back, it was only 2,000 more. The most important thing was that Hezhou fell too quickly, and the enemy came before he had time to improve the city's defense facilities. How to fight this battle?

"Report, guard cavalry has appeared in the south of the city." They were discussing the matter of defending the city when their subordinates came to report.

The two of them climbed the city and looked into the distance. They saw that the city was full of black cavalry and cavalry. Sabir's formation is the traditional Mongolian Crow Soldier Star Spreading Formation. It is spread out in small groups of three or five people, surrounded by hundreds of horsemen. It can cover thousands of people, spread out thousands of horsemen, and can cover hundreds of miles. There is density in the sparse, and it is boundless. Looking from a distance, the flags are fluttering like a vast ocean.

Tong Tuo's face was earth-colored, "It looks like the Gansu Guards came out in full force, maybe there are 100,000 troops?"

Zhao Liangdong shook his head, "The enemy's formation is very sparse, there are definitely not a hundred thousand people. In my opinion, even if the Gansu Guards come out in full force, they will only be 40, 50,000 or 50,000 at most. However, our army only has more than 2,000, and Didao City is Those who cannot hold it must immediately withdraw to Taozhou Acropolis to join the main town."

"But now we are surrounded in the city, how can we evacuate?" Tong Tou was very anxious.

"It doesn't matter. I have already prepared the boat and can go south along the Tao River." Zhao Liangdong was not in a hurry and was confident.

Didao County, governed by Lintao Prefecture, is located between the Tao River and the Dongyu River. You can go south along the Tao River to the territory of Taozhou Wei. In the dead of night, the Qing army opened the water gate of Didaoxi City Wall, and small boats rowed from the pier in the water gate to Taoshui River. Zhao Liangdong led the troops well. Except for the sound of paddling and water, there was no noise. As a result, the next morning, the guards discovered that the enemy had left the city empty.

"The Qing army retreated?"

After Sabir received the news, he was shocked. He did not expect that the victory would come so easily, and the expected bloody battle did not happen. "Send a message to Fuyuan that our army has captured Didao," he shouted with great enthusiasm.

"I ordered you two to guard Lintao, why did you destroy the whole place so quickly?" Zhang Yong asked coldly the two generals Tong Tou and Zhao Liangdong who fled to Taozhou Guard. Yan's voice was calm and without a trace of anger, which sent chills down the necks of the two of them. "The last general is guilty. He failed to investigate the merchants and spies in Hezhou City in time, causing them to sacrifice the city at night." "The last general is also guilty. Seeing that the enemy army was strong, he abandoned Didao without fighting." The second general hurriedly pleaded guilty.

"Hmph", Zhang Yong snorted from his nostrils, but he knew in his heart that now was the time to recruit people, and it would be unfavorable to kill the general. He cursed angrily: "I will record the faults of the two of you in my account. . For the time being, you are allowed to perform meritorious service for your crimes. If you make another mistake, you will definitely be executed without mercy."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for not killing me." The two of them secretly rejoiced that they had saved their lives from the gate of hell. Their backs were soaked with sweat, which showed Zhang Yong's strict military management.

"There are only more than 6,000 troops left in our army. We must immediately recruit the young men in the city to guard Taozhou Guards," Zhang Yong said to the generals.

"Commander, I think the Taozhou Guard is of little significance and should be abandoned to guard Gongchang," Zhao Liangdong expressed his opinion.

"Oh, tell me." Although Zhang Yong was annoyed that he abandoned Didao City without a fight, he knew that this man had a strategy and wanted to ask his opinion.

"After the Guards enter Shaanxi, they must prevent them from entering Sichuan from Shaanxi again, echoing the Southern Ming Dynasty. The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to reach the blue sky. Since ancient times, entering Sichuan must pass through Hanzhong. And Gongchang is the gateway to Hanzhong, and guarding Gongchang will strangle the enemy. The choke point for the guards to enter Sichuan can also prevent them from attacking Xi'an eastward," Zhao Liangdong said eloquently.

"The map is coming." Zhang Yong ordered his people to lay out the military map, studied it carefully, and finally nodded slowly, "Qingzhi is right, now the Taozhou guards have become useless, tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to abandon them. We have few soldiers. We can only abandon the small and protect the big."

"Commander, if you want to defend Gongchang Mansion, you must first defend Shouyang Pass in the west. The last general is guilty of abandoning Didao. I am willing to lead my troops to guard Shouyang Pass and make meritorious service." Zhao Liangdong took the initiative to ask for battle.

"Well, Shouyang Pass is built on Shouyang Mountain. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. We have few soldiers, so you must rely on the mountain's strength and stick to the dangers to avoid fighting. If you make any mistakes again, come back and see us."

"Commander, don't worry, if you can't defend Shouyang Pass, your last general will die at the pass," Zhao Liangdong issued a military order.

Zhang Yong nodded and looked at Wang Jinbao again, "Xianwu can lead his troops to guard Zhang County, echoing Shouyang Pass."

"The last general takes command," Wang Jinbao shouted, patting his chest.

"Well, as for the Gongchang Prefecture governing Longxi, I will lead the troops to garrison myself. Pass on my military orders, and all the garrison troops and horses from all the Taozhou Guards will be transferred to Longxi City. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

After Zhang Yong laid out the military orders, he looked at the generals and suddenly bowed to everyone, "My official position and that of all the gentlemen were all awarded by the Emperor. Now the situation is critical. It is the time for me to repay the Lord with my dignity! Sir, please encourage me." Of!"

"The staff is willing to fight to the death with the commander-in-chief!" Tong Tou, Zhao Liangdong, and Wang Jinbao all responded enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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