Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 381 The fall of Chu Huer’s army

Chapter 381 The fall of Chu Huer’s army (Part )
Ulungu River means "the place where clouds and mist rise" in Mongolian. The local people call it Ulunguole. It originates from Qinghe, Fuyun, Fuhai and other places in the Altay region. It runs from east to west and finally merges into Ulungu Lake.

"Children, in front of us is Ulunguol. The water there is as clear as a mirror. The north side of the river is the ancestral land of our Junggar people. My father often played by the river when he was young. Well, I can already smell it. The fragrance of green grass." Chuhu'er Ubas was riding a white horse with his whip pointed at the Ulungu River. The four sons, Norbu Zang Hutuktu, Bagabandi, Norbu Zang Celing, and Norbu Zang'er Linqin, all looked excited after hearing what their old father said.

"Amitabha, please bless me, the Junggar tribe, to have a paradise for rest and recuperation," Luobu Zanghutuktu, dressed as a monk, clasped his hands and prayed.

"Don't worry, the merciful Buddha will definitely protect the Junggar people. When we reach Qinghe (now Qinghe County, located northeast of the Junggar Basin and southeast of the Altai Mountains), we will settle down and there will be more cattle, sheep, horses and camels." Chu Huer Ubas cheered everyone up. This time he brought more than 20,000 soldiers and about 100,000 people who moved from Urumqi, Barkol, Besbali, Shawan, Manas and other places. In a desert that lacks a population, it is already an incredible force. "Alas! I don't know if Hutaiji and the others have safely withdrawn to Hoboksali?" He sighed, because across the vast desert, it was impossible to get the whereabouts of the main force of Junggar, so naturally he didn't know about Batur Hutaiji's army. Already destroyed.

"I pray to Ge, I am willing to lead my troops as the vanguard of the whole army", "I am also willing to go", the third son Luo Bu Zang Celing and the fourth son Luo Bu Zang E Linqin rushed to request.

"Okay! The two of you lead five thousand soldiers and horses to Ulunguol first. If there is no abnormality on the river, quickly cross the river and station yourself at Qinghe on the north bank. That will be my pastureland of Junggar."


The two men took the order and led 5,000 elites to march first. Full of expectations and yearning for their new home, they marched at an extremely fast speed and quickly arrived at the south bank of the Ulungu River.

In the woods on the north bank of the Ulungu River, 10,000 soldiers and horses of David's Western Region General Guards were ambushing here. Originally, the Wei Zheng planned to form a formation on the south bank to block the Junggar army, but his general Wanjin said that the Junggar people were trapped beasts. If they were found to be blocked by anyone, they would fight to the death. It was better to ambush the soldiers and horses in the bushes on the north side of the river and wait for the enemy to cross the river. Hit it.

This Wanjin is a Tibetan chieftain from Xining. He surrendered with the advice of Boqi Ting of Xining. He is quite strategic. Among the 10,000 soldiers and horses of the Wei expedition, there were 2,000 soldiers and horses each of Wan Jin and Dege Tusi Tenba Tsering. Because he felt that what Wan Jin said was reasonable, he ambushed his troops in the dense forest.

Luo Bu Zang Ce Ling and Luo Bu Zang Er Lin Qin saw that it was quiet by the Ulungu River. It was so far north that the guards would not arrive.

"Cross the river," Luo Bu Zang Ce Ling ordered cheerfully.

Groups of Dzungarian soldiers led their horses and swam across the river from the shallow water. Because there were no enemies and they were busy crossing the river, the formation was scattered and out of formation.

Soon, Luo Bu Zang Celing led part of the army to land and prepared to form an array. Luo Bu Zang'er Linqin led another part of the soldiers to still swim in the river, as if they were at Caishikou, noisy and noisy.

"In the main town, the enemy is halfway across, so we can attack him quickly." Wan Jin reported to Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng nodded and issued the military order word for word, "Attack~"


Countless artillery shells were suddenly fired from the woods on the north bank of the Ulungu River, and the unprepared Junggar army was shot to the ground. Wei Zheng and Wanjin attacked from the front, while Dampa Tsering attacked from the side.

"No! There is an ambush. Retreat quickly." Luo Bu Zang Ce Ling was frightened and turned his horse to retreat. "Whoosh", a stray arrow hit his forehead, sending him back to the embrace of Changshengtian.

The Junggar troops who had crossed the river fled back into the river, and those who had not crossed the river hurriedly turned around and became a mess.

"嗻~嗻~嗻~" Luo Bu Zang'e Lin Qin led the war horse and desperately returned to the south bank. The horse suddenly stepped into the mud pit at the bottom of the river and lost its legs. "Whoa!" cried out sadly, and knelt down in the river, losing its power of movement.

"This beast," Luo Bu Zang'er Linqin cursed angrily, abandoned his horse, and stumbled back to the south bank. The army was defeated like a mountain, and no one cared about him as the general. The defeated soldiers who fled back to the south bank galloped desperately, leaving him without a horse on foot.

"Rebellion! These dog slaves, bastards!"

The desire to escape drove Luo Bu Zang and Lin Qin to run panting, cursing as he ran. However, humans cannot outrun horses.

A majestic pinto horse quickly caught up with him. The knight on the horse skillfully threw the lasso pole, lassoed him, and dragged him down with the power of the horse. Luo Bu Zang'e Lin Qin kept struggling and stood up, but was kept being dragged down. He gradually became silent and no longer struggled.

"Shut up!"

Wei Zheng reined in his horse, chuckled, and said to the bodyguard beside him: "Looking at the clothes this guy is wearing, he must be a general. There is no sound at this time. Could it be that he was dragged to death by the horse? Wait until you untie the noose and see. See if you live or die."


The two guards dismounted and took a look. As soon as they untied the rope, the "dead" man suddenly came to life. He jumped up, knocked down one of them with his right fist, flew out with his left foot, kicked the other over, and grabbed the guard's horse. Riding a horse at a gallop.

"Good skill!"

Wei Zheng praised him and took off the horn bow used by the cavalry. The horn bow is made of sinew horns. Although it can't shoot as far as the long bow made of mulberry used by infantry, it is lighter and easier to shoot on horseback. The force of the guards was great, and the angle bow they used was far more powerful than ordinary ones, so the range was no closer than an ordinary long bow, or even further. A flowing arrow with a sharp whistling sound went straight to the back of Lin Qin, Luo Bu Zang's forehead.

Linqin, a good man with a hidden forehead, lowered his body, and the arrow passed over his head. "Whoosh~whoosh~" Before he could take a breath, the second and third arrows arrived. It turned out that Wei Zheng was shooting a series of arrows, and the arrows were connected together, as fast as a whirlwind.

"咴聿聿", the war horse was hit by an arrow in the butt, and Luo Bu Zang'e Linqin was thrown off the horse. Several personal guards who looked like wolves and tigers arrived, tied him up tightly, and escorted him to the side of the general.

"The moves you just made to beat people and seize horses were quite impressive. You are very good at fists and kicks." Wei Zheng did not insult him, but praised him.

"Your archery skills are also very powerful. The average eagle shooter is not as fast as you." Luo Bu Zang'er Linqin is also an honest man. Admiration from the heart.

"Well, this general is Wei Zheng from the Huite Department." After Wei Zheng finished speaking, he stared at the prisoner with bright eyes.

"A man will never change his name in office or his surname in office. This general is Luobu Zang'e Linqin from the Junggar tribe. You can take my head and ask for a reward." Luobu Zang'e Linqin straightened his back and stood proudly.

"It turns out it's Luo Bu Zang'er Lin Qintaiji. I'm disrespectful and disrespectful! To tell you the truth, His Majesty the Emperor has already set up a dragnet. I have been ordered to wait for you and your son for a long time!" Wei Zheng laughed heartily, and his laughter went straight into the night, and he was startled. Arrange birds. Listening to Luo Bu Zang'e Linqin's ears was like hearing thunder from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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