Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 375: Conquering Mobei vertically and horizontally

Chapter 375: Conquering Mobei vertically and horizontally (Part )
In this era, it was difficult to be an envoy to an enemy country. There were no international diplomatic conventions to abide by. It all depended on the caliber of the other monarch. If you meet a magnanimous monarch who insists on "when two countries are fighting, don't kill the envoys", then nothing will happen; if you meet a weak-minded person, behead the envoys to vent your anger, and your life will be hard to save.

Subadi asked who would be willing to send envoys to the guard camp to find out the truth, but no one spoke.

After a long while, Chechen Khan Shuolei finally said, "I am brother-in-law with Emperor Qianyuan of Weiguo. He shouldn't make it difficult for me. Just let me go."

Subhadi's heart trembled. Your Ke Dun is the biological sister of the Imperial Concubine of the Kingdom of Wei. Who knows whether you are going to spy on military affairs or to meet relatives? If Khalkha is betrayed for glory, we will all be captured! He was suspicious in his heart, but he spoke politely, "It's great that the Chechen Khan is willing to go, but you are the chief of the Ministry, the Taishan Beidou of Khalkha, and Sultan has always been unfaithful. If you are detained as a hostage, , but disrupted our army's formation."

After hearing this, Shuolei nodded and said to Subhadi: "The Great Khan has thought carefully. My son Babu is brave and careful, and he is worthy of this responsibility." Babu was his fifth son. He is also his favorite son, and he thinks he is the perfect candidate to take charge of the Chechen riding crop in the future, so he just took this opportunity to gain experience.

After hearing this, Subati couldn't continue to object and praised loudly, "Babutaiji is smart and wise, and he can be an envoy. However, he is weak when traveling alone. They are quite talented and can go together." The Hetuohite tribe originated from the Zasaktu tribe. In terms of seniority, Hang Tudai is his disciple and should be trustworthy.

"I am willing to go as the Great Khan orders," Hang Tudai happily agreed.

The night before departure, Shuolei called his son Babu to discuss the matter, "My son, do you know why your father asked you to go to the guard camp as an envoy?"

"Eqige wants me to spy on the Oirat people and look for opportunities to defeat them," Babu said seriously.

"Confused! Defeating the Oirat people will only benefit the Zasaktu and Tohuite tribes. What benefit does it have to Chechnya?"

"Then what do you mean?" Babu was a little confused.

Shuolei's expression became solemn, "Two years ago, our Chechen army was defeated by the Qing army, and our strength was greatly reduced. Now there are Qing and Oros people outside who are looking at us, and there are Zasak tribe inside who have ulterior motives. We need to find a cover for ourselves. A big tree that protects you from the wind and rain. Remember when you go, His Majesty Emperor Qianyuan of the Wei Kingdom is your uncle!"

"Hey yo yo~hey yo yo~"

In the Altai Mountains, a large group of bare-chested men were holding shovels and shovels, digging into the rock surface of a certain mountain peak. As the topsoil and outer layer were peeled off, they dug down several feet, and finally dug out from a large pile of sandstone. A small piece of honeycomb-shaped golden sandstone was discovered.

"Master, I have it." The old mining slave happily held the sandstone in front of Sumur.

Sumur happily presented it to Suletan and said, "Your Majesty, the treasure is here."

"How many times have I told you to call me brother when no court minister is present?" Suler glanced at him frankly, and then asked doubtfully: "Is this the Altai Mountain gold mine you mentioned? Why doesn't it look like gold at all? ?”

After capturing the part of the Altai Mountains controlled by the He Tohuite Tribe, Sumur found a gold mine that originally belonged to the He Tohuite Tribe. Many mining slaves were imprisoned in the mine. He tried to order these people to mine, but the output was still not enough. Low. So, His Royal Highness the King of Liao happily presented the treasure to his brother. Sultan just wanted to use force to force the Khalkhas into submission, and did not really want to fight with them. After gaining the upper hand, he took some time off to study how gold was made with his brother. This piece of sandstone certainly doesn't look like gold. In fact, Suletan misunderstood. Due to the geological structure, gold mines generally contain sulfur. After years of rainwater infiltration, the exposed ore bodies will combine with sulfides to produce acidic substances, which will make the rocks crisp and honeycomb-shaped, forming a structure that can be dug with an ordinary shovel. Mined oxide ore. Experienced miners can find the gold-containing parts from these oxidized ores. Although the piece presented by the old mine slave does not look like gold on the outside, there is actually a treasure inside.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll wait for my little brother to do a trick for you." Sumur chuckled and returned the piece of mineral sand to the old mine slave.

What an old mining slave, he calmly used a hammer to repeatedly crush the ore, then crushed it into powder with a stone roller, and then rinsed it in a water tank filled with mercury. The gold particles were wrapped in mercury and captured, and finally smelted. Purify and wash away impurities. Washing and washing, scouring and scouring, a huge piece of ore finally extracted a few grains of gold.

Looking at the shiny "millet grains", Sultan was filled with emotion. He didn't expect gold to be so rare in this era! No wonder, as an emperor, money is easy to come by. He rewards his ministers with gold and silver, and they can easily get them. He naturally thinks that gold is easy to get. He has never experienced the hardships of mining slaves!

"How much gold can be produced annually from such a large mine? How much profit can it make?" he murmured.

"Brother, I have ordered someone to estimate that this mine can produce 5,000 taels of gold per year, with a profit of 4,000 taels after deducting costs, which is equivalent to 40,000 taels of silver," Sumur said with a smile.

He was talking about the market price of gold. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang once stipulated that one tael of gold should be divided into four taels of silver, but the price ratio of gold and silver in the market was basically one tael of gold to ten taels of silver. Someone has calculated that one tael of silver in the Ming Dynasty was about 1 yuan, and the net profit of 660 taels of silver could be converted into 2640 million yuan in later generations. This amount of money is nothing in the prosperous Jiangnan. There are many salt merchants in Yangzhou who make more than one million taels in and out a year. However, in the vast desert, this is definitely a huge fortune. I think back then, the annual reward given to Lin Dan by the Ming Dynasty was only taels per year.

Sultan smiled, "With so much net profit in one year, it's no wonder that Na and Tohuite were reluctant to give up the Altai Mountains." It's a joke, but Emperor Qianyuan, who was good at invigorating the economy and paid attention to the balanced development of agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and commerce, had much stronger financial strength than Lin Dan Khan back then. The annual income of 40,000 taels of silver could not make him ecstatic. He came here mainly out of curiosity and wanted to know how the ancients mined gold, nothing more.

"Your Majesty, the envoy from Khalkha is here." The two brothers were talking and laughing, and their confidants reported En and Batu.

"Oh, Khalkha is here, do you know who it is?"

"The ones coming are Taiji Babu from the Chechen tribe and Taiji Hangtudai from the Tohite tribe."

"Babu? Isn't he my nephew? Hahaha, I was about to recognize my relatives with the Chechen tribe, and they took the initiative to send me to my door. How wonderful!"

"Brother, Babu is easy to deal with, but Hang Tudai is difficult to deal with," Sumur reminded.

"Yes," Sultan agreed, and suddenly changed the topic, "I heard that you captured Hangtudai's third brother Gonbuyilden in the Battle of Altay?"

"Brother is a saint," Sumur praised sincerely. The two brothers looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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