Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 347 The Wolf King retreats as fast as the wind

Chapter 347 The Wolf King retreats as fast as the wind (Part )
Wolves are suspicious and keen creatures that do not make decisions in a hurry, but once they make a decision, they act resolutely.

Batur Hutaiji's character is like a wolf, and he will implement it immediately after making up his mind. He personally led more than 30,000 elite troops across the Junggar Desert and returned to Hoboksali; he ordered his third brother Chuhuer Ubas to lead 20,000 troops to escort more than 100,000 Junggar people around the edge of the Junggar Desert to the Qinghe area at the southern foot of the Altai Mountains; He also ordered his sixth brother Shabatu and seventh brother Nomuqi to lead 5,000 troops to guard Wusu City, eighth uncle Bingtu to lead 5,000 troops to guard Shawan City, and Mergen and Shuoqi to lead 5,000 troops to guard Manas City. The veteran general Bingtu was ordered to lead the fifteen thousand troops and horses to prevent the guards from pursuing. The army left behind is in great danger and will most likely become abandoned. But he had no choice. He had to be a general with great authority in the army to take on this important task. After much deliberation, only the eighth uncle Bingtu was the most suitable candidate.

The wind rustled and the water sobbed, Batur and Bingtu said goodbye reluctantly.

"Uncle Eighth, please take care of yourself!" The unsmiling Wolf King's eyes were unusually red. He was afraid of shaking the morale of the army and held back the tears that came to his eyes.

"Don't worry, Huitaiji. As long as I'm an old man, the Guards can't even hope to catch up with you." Bingtu chuckled, "If I can't return to Hoboxerli, please take care of your incompetent disciples." .

"Uncle Eighth, don't worry, I will never wrong my brothers. You must come back alive!"

"Huntai Jimo needs to worry about me. The soldiers are very quick, so hurry up and set off." Bingtu urged with a smile, as if it was just a trip, not a separation between life and death.

Military orders are like mountains, and the nomadic Junggar tribe has always implemented semi-military management. Huitaiji gave an order to send herdsmen in Wusu, Shawan, Manas, Changji, and Verumu to Hetun, Ayinle, Aimaike, and Angji as units. (Head of ten households), Demuqi (Head of forty households), Zaisang and other officials at all levels led the troops to gather in Urumqi.

Some residents living in the city, mainly the local Uighur ethnic group, were also forcibly taken away by the army. The Wolf King burst out with his wolfish nature and ordered that anyone who refused to leave would be punished with "defense offense" and be killed on the spot. Hundreds of heads were chopped off, and the people had to flee for their lives with their families. It’s hard to leave my homeland, and the cries on the north bank of Shawan River are loud.

At the top of the city of Urumqi, Chuhuer Ubashi looked at the groups of Dzungar people fleeing for their lives in carriages, without any sympathy. The wolf's character includes bravery, tenacity, cunning, and cruelty, but it lacks sympathy. As the son of Oirat's "lonely hero" Halahula, like his eldest brother Batur and second brother Mergen Daiqing, he received a wolf education since childhood. How can one care about the life and death of those untouchables outside the city when a general has achieved great success?
"Is this the last batch?" he asked coldly.

"Yes, Eqi Ge, this batch is from the farthest Wusu, the last batch," the second son Bagabandi reported.

"Tell them to speed up. Leave behind those who are sick or old and weak and can't make the journey, as well as those cumbersome things that affect the speed. They must reach the wooden base within twenty days." The cold voice did not contain a trace of emotion, even if This order will cause the death of many innocent people.

"Yes", Bagabandi took the order and left.

"Amitabha", the eldest son Luobu Zanghutuktu beside him shouted the Buddha's name. He is a Hutuktu of the Gelug sect. A monk who is compassionate, he cannot bear to see the people abandoning their homes and careers and becoming homeless.

"If you don't do this, if the guards catch up, everyone will be dead," Chuhu'er Ubas said in a deep voice, seeming to be explaining to his son, and also seeming to be convincing himself.

Under the cruel military orders, the people marched faster. Seeing that the last group of common people were far away from his sight, Chuhu'er Ubas called his third son, Luobu Zangceling, and his fourth son, Luobu Zangceling, and his fourth son, Luobu Zang'e Linqin, "Third son, you can lead two thousand soldiers and horses to garrison along the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain." , beware of the Urigendalai Department of the Guards; Lao Si, you lead two thousand soldiers and horses to garrison along the east side of the wooden barrier, and beware of the Guards of the Western Region Province. Remember, if the Guards are chasing them, do not confront them head-on, stay away from them Just shoot arrows from the ground to harass them and slow down their march."

"Yes", the second son took the order and left.

After they left, Chuhu'er Ubas fell into deep thought. There had been no news from the Eastern Front Guards' Recruitment Department for a long time. Where has this enemy gone? There was a vague omen in his heart, and he tried to suppress it.

"Eqi Ge, the people have all left, and this place is already an empty city. Should we leave?" Bagabandi came again to ask for instructions. Looking at the city of Urumqi again, Chuhuer Ubashi slowly spit out two words from between his teeth: "Go".

The Junggar tribe is like a huge war machine, and Wolf King Batur's strict laws and regulations have produced good results. Only more than ten days after receiving the military order, the north bank of Shawan River was empty.

Kutaba, northwest of Changji City, is a river port. A small town, or small village, has been formed around the dock. Now all the local people have moved away, and there is no smoke from the cooking stoves during the morning meal.

The Guards' Sandan, Aishan, and Jijike troops were ordered to land at Kutaba Ferry, capture Qamdo, and cut off the connection between Urumqi and Shawan. This day was the day of landing. Densely packed small boats and rafts rushed towards the other shore, but not a single defender was seen.

"Form up and stop advancing," Sandan ordered.

"Deputy Wanhu, why did you stop moving forward?" Ai Shan asked urgently.

"If the enemy leaves without fighting, he may be deceived."

"Deputy Wanhu, if the general's prediction is correct, I'm afraid we are too late and the Junggar people have already fled," Ji Jike sighed.

"What! Your Majesty ordered us to land quickly and cut off the connection between Urumqi and Shawan in order to encircle and annihilate the enemy. If we let them escape, wouldn't it be a failure?" Sandan was shocked and said suddenly: "If the enemy has already evacuated, Changji must be an empty city. Let’s go and see Changji.”

The horse galloped to the foot of Changji City. Looking from a distance, the Junggar military flag was planted on the top of the city, and there were faint soldiers guarding it.

Sandan was overjoyed. It seemed that the enemy just neglected to take precautions and did not withdraw. Gradually, I realized that something was wrong. The army was pressing down on the border. The "soldiers" on the city were actually motionless, and there were various birds playing at the top of the city.

"Deputy Wanhu, the soldiers on the city are all scarecrows. The defenders and people have all fled, leaving only an empty city." News came from the defenders who boarded the city.

"What! After all the hard work, it's still too late! Quick, send someone to look at other cities," Sandan ordered with a livid face.

Soon news came that places such as Verumu, Urumqi, and Bielsbali were empty cities. Not only were there no people, but there were no cattle or sheep to be seen.

"The Dzungars are so fast! I set out after receiving the military order, but I still let them escape." Sandan beat his chest and sent a flying horse to report to the emperor to plead guilty. "The slave galloped day and night, and swam across Kutaba Port in half a month. But it was accurate. The thieves are cunning, Changji, Werumu, Urumqi, and Bielsebali are deserted, and I think they have retreated many days ago."

(End of this chapter)

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