Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 343 The Troubles at Talbachatai

Chapter 343 The Troubles at Talbachatai (Part )
Talbahatai City was built at the foot of Talbahatai Mountain and was named after the large number of marmots on the mountain. Because it has long been located at the junction of various tribes in Oirat and is a fertile land in western Mosi, commerce is extremely developed. The Chulgan Conference of various tribes in Oirat is also held here. It is a famous political and economic center in Oirat. The coming and going of caravans and the rich products made all the major forces covet this land.

At first, this land belonged to the Heshuote tribe. After several struggles, the Junggar people became the owners of this land. In order to defend this place, the talented and strategic Batur Hutaiji ordered people to build city walls, station troops, and collect commercial taxes, intending to keep this pearl of Oirat in his hands forever.

However, now this pearl has been dimmed, and the once endless stream of caravans has disappeared. Instead, there is an overwhelming Torgut cavalry, and five thousand Torgut troops have surrounded the city.

In the Thousand Households in the city, Pazile, the head of the Thousand Households, had a sad look on his face. His iron-tower-like body twisted uneasily on his chair. He looked at a young monk and asked anxiously: "Master, now the plan will be settled." out?"

The monk was only over 20 years old. He was fair-skinned and had the aura of a king in his brows. He was Khenpo Hutuktu, the third son of Mergen Daiqing. After coming to Tarbahatai on the orders of his father, he has been investigating the cause of his brother Danzin's death and appeasing the nine tribes of Turgut.

"Amitabha, the young monk acted hastily this time. He failed to live up to Eqige's trust and also harmed the people of Talbahatai. Sin, sin! The only solution now is to fight to the death! Please let the soldiers have a good rest tonight. Early in the morning, the young monk was willing to make arrowheads and fight a decisive battle with the Torhut people. I saw that the Torhut people's camp was very messy. They must have relied on a large number of people and did not pay attention to our army. Therefore, I never thought that our army would dare to attack. Go out of the city and attack them. If you attack the enemy unprepared, you will win this battle!"

Seeing that his analysis was organized and logical, Pazile was determined and agreed with enthusiasm: "I am willing to listen to the master's instructions."

Being willing to listen to the orders of monks is not an empty talk. In this era, monks have a very high status in Oirat, especially great monks like Khenpo Hutuktu, who are from a royal family and are the abbots of a temple. They respond to the call. I don’t know how many people are willing to listen to him. . This is also the reason why Mergen Daiqing sent him to Tal Bahadai. Of course, he is not the most outstanding monk in Junggar. His disciple Galdan was recognized as the Great Wensa by the two divine monks Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso and Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen of the Gelug sect when he was only four years old. When the master appeared in the human body, the Junggar people regarded him as the Buddha and never dared to disobey him.

Rewind time to two months ago.

Brothers are connected by heart, and the hearts of monks are also made of flesh, and they will hurt when they are sad. Eager to investigate the cause of his brother Tenzin's death, Khenpo Hutuktu left Tarbachada and went to the area between the Irtysh River and the Ob River to "Hong Dharma". He was profound in Buddhism and proficient in medical skills. He was highly praised by local herdsmen wherever he went. I heard that eminent monks from the Gelug Sect came here to promote Dharma, and there was an endless stream of herdsmen listening to the lectures.

On this day, he came to the grazing land of Ermo Gentaiji in the Torgut tribe. Thinking that this person is the head of the Nine Tribes of Turgut, maybe we can find out something from him. Unexpectedly, Emogen "knew nothing" about the death of his brother Danjin, and his tribe also didn't know anything about it.

When he was depressed, suddenly an attendant sent by the Turgut tribe to serve him timidly asked for advice, "Master, you once said that the great master Tsongkhapa said: 'The karma is endless, and the actions you take determine their consequences.' . The wealth and poverty in this life are all the result of the good and evil decisions made in the previous life; the good and evil deeds in this life will also lead to the retribution of sins and blessings in the future life. So, if I tell a lie, will there be any evil retribution?"

Khenpo Hutuktu was moved in his heart and threatened him: "Human taboos and precepts are mainly divided into three categories: physical karma, verbal karma and mental karma. Physical karma includes killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, etc.; verbal karma includes lies, sexual intercourse, etc. Tongue, bad words, idle talk, etc.; mental karma includes greed, anger, wrong views, etc. Lies are especially the most harmful. Any words that try to deceive people are lies, and liars will go to Avici Hell after death. ".

Seeing the fearful look on the attendant's face, the great monk guided him kindly, "Don't be afraid. As long as a liar confesses to the person he deceived, he will not suffer bad retribution. Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and when you turn around, you will find the shore." "Master," the man gritted his teeth and said resolutely: "Last time you asked me if I knew the cause of death of the Junggar envoy. I lied. The Junggar envoy was killed by the Weiguo envoy. A while ago , Sonom Ce Lingtaiji of the Wei Kingdom sent our troops as an envoy and wanted Emogentaiji to return to the defense, but was rejected. I don’t know where they got the news about the Junggar envoy, and they ambushed the envoy and cut it off. The next one hundred and two heads were presented to Emo Gentai Ji. After seeing these heads, Jiu Bu Taiji agreed to surrender. Master, if I confess, I will not suffer any evil retribution."

Brother, you died unjustly! Khenpo Hutuktu clenched his fists, tried hard to calm down, and spoke slowly, "Don't worry, since you have confessed, there will be no evil retribution. Did you know that when Sonomu Celing persuaded Jiutaiji to surrender his guard? , which Taiwanese and Kyrgyzstan are against it?”

"I remember that Baturtaiji, the capital of Shang Dynasty, was very angry at that time and even drew his sword to kill Sonomu Celing. Everyone tried to persuade him to give up."

"Well, I know that Shangdu Batur Taiji has always been friendly to Junggar." Khenpo Hutuktu's face became more kind. "What you said to me today must not be known to others, otherwise your life will be difficult to save."

"Don't worry, Master, I will never dare to tell others."

The next day, Khenpo Hutuktu said goodbye to Emogen and other Nine Budaijis, "Amitabha, thanks to your love, the monk's promotion of Dharma in the local area is very successful, and he will return to Talbahatai."

"Oh, why are you leaving after only a few days here?" "Yes, Master, please stay a few more days." Jiutaiji tried his best to persuade him to stay.

"A month later, a Dharma ceremony will be held at Tal Baha Terrace. The young monk will go back to prepare. We sincerely invite you to come when the time comes." Khenpo Hutuktu smiled and clasped his hands together.

"Since it's a Dharma gathering, we naturally have to attend," Jiutaiji hurriedly returned the greeting. You can bathe in the Buddha's light by participating in the Dharma assembly, so everyone naturally wants to go.

After the great monk left, Ayushtaiji asked his brother Emogen, "Brother, this is strange. Since the master wants to prepare for a Dharma conference, why did he come to us to promote the Dharma? I heard that he went around to inquire about the Dzunggar mission. News, could it be that I heard something, so I returned in a hurry?"

Emogen laughed loudly, "Second brother, you are too worried. The reason why the master inquired about the Junggar mission was because his brother Danjin died on the mission. It is human nature to inquire about the news. As for the Dharma Assembly, it is even more important. If you participate, wouldn’t it look guilty if you don’t go?”

(End of this chapter)

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