Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 338: Stealing Yang Gilhan’s Wife

Chapter 338: Stealing Yang Gilhan’s Wife

"Two hundred people? What can a mere two hundred reinforcements do? What are the Dzungars doing?" After listening to Mamadale Ubashi's words, Su He was confused. A mere two hundred men could not do much to strengthen Yumin's city defense. Moreover, how does the enemy know that our army is going to attack Yumin? Didn't they come to reinforce Yumin and were just passing by? No matter what their intentions are, there is no reason to let go of the meat that comes to their mouths.

"Mamadale Ubash, Okchotbu, you two lead two thousand elite soldiers to surround that convoy and capture the enemy for interrogation," he ordered, and then smiled again: "Come on, come on, let's continue drinking. , there are only two hundred enemies on the left and right, how can we turn the world upside down?"

More than ten carriages were loaded with various gifts, and one of the most gorgeous and exquisite ones was filled with people. Troos Taugas sat silently in the carriage, holding the pearl bracelet that Ehe gave her in his hand, tears rolling in his eyes.

"Taoges" means "peacock" in Mongolian, and it is indeed a proud peacock! As the eldest daughter of Dalma, the fourth brother of Batur Hutaiji, the eighteen-year-old Choros Taoges was born beautiful and charming, and her name spread throughout the tribes. With her eyes above her head, she had rejected countless marriage proposals from princes and nobles, so that at the age of eighteen, she still had no owner.

Originally, a generation of noble women should slowly choose their husbands and never give up until they find a strange and virtuous man they can look up to. But who knows that the situation is not up to anyone's control. Junggar is in trouble and needs to marry with powerful surrounding forces to compete with those in the south. Defend the country. Batur Hutaiji took a fancy to the Kazakh Khanate in the west, which was a vast country with a large population. Both the Khiva and Bukhara Khanates were headed by it. It just so happened that their Yang Gil Khan had just died, so wouldn't it be a match made in heaven? If Kazakh Kortun is a noble daughter of the Junggar tribe, this means that Junggar has an ally in the west and Weiguo has a potential opponent in the northwest.

Destiny is so unpredictable. Once upon a time, Batur Hutaiji only wanted to annex Kazakhstan and increase his own strength. But now he only hopes to marry him and jointly deal with the increasingly powerful Weiguo. . He ordered painters to paint the faces of more than a dozen of the most distinguished and unmarried Junggar ladies and send them to Kazakhstan. There is God's will in the dark, and the old man under the moon has already pulled the red thread. Among the many pictures of beauties, Yang Gilhan fell in love with this peacock of Junggar at a glance and thought that she was the only one worthy of him.

At this time, Choros Taugas was blinded. She heard that the Kazakh Khanate was thousands of miles away and far less prosperous than Hoboksali. The most important thing was that she did not want to marry so far away, so that it would be difficult to see her parents again. Relatives.

"Eqige, Ehe, my daughter doesn't want to marry so far away, so it will be difficult to see you again." The girl burst into tears.

"Silly boy, if a woman marries a chicken, she will follow the chicken, and if she marries a dog, she will follow the dog. It is only a matter of time before she leaves her parents. Don't be afraid of being far away. You can get there very quickly by riding a fast horse, and it will not affect the relatives." Her Ehe patiently tried to persuade her, but she shed tears. Swirling in the eyes.

"I heard that Kazakhstan is a country of barbarians. How can a woman from Dzunggar marry a barbarian?"

"No, my son, Kazakh Khan is a descendant of Genghis Khan's eldest son Jochi and a descendant of the Golden Family. He is not a barbarian."

"I heard that Yang Gilhan is thirty-seven years old. He is old, ugly, and cruel. My daughter does not want to marry such a person."

"Daughter, you don't know that although Yang Gilhan is nineteen years older than you, he is handsome. Because he has practiced martial arts since he was a child, he is very strong. He is the most brave and capable warrior in Kazakhstan. He has a nickname: 'Mighty Yang Gil Khan' Khan'. Moreover, he has just died, and if you marry him, you will be Kazakh's Khatun, and you will be honored."

"No, my daughter doesn't want to get married, she just wants to stay with her parents."

"Nonsense," Dalma shouted angrily: "Women of the Choros family must make sacrifices for Junggar. This is the responsibility entrusted to you by the Immortal God. How can you allow you to resist?"

This roar broke Tao Ges's fantasy and made her heart fall into the ice. She stopped struggling and slowly accepted her fate.

"Bieqi (the title of the daughter of a Mongolian Khan or a prince), after passing the Barluk Pass, you will reach Ara Lake. It is getting late. Do you want to camp at the Barluk Pass tonight?" Qianhu Wusanggunbu asked. Breaking the peacock's reverie. She sighed slightly, trying hard to maintain her dignity as a beggar, and calmly ordered, "Let's camp here tonight."


The Junggar soldiers began to cut down trees and set up camp, and some buried pots to make food and water for horses. Several maids went to the river to fetch water, preparing to serve beggars and wash themselves. Everything was calm and peaceful, unaware of the approaching danger.

Mamadale Ubas and Okchotbu led two thousand Hosote soldiers to quietly surround this small team. They were the eldest son and the fourth son respectively of Ji Kundu Lun Ubas, the great Tai of the Heshuote tribe. They had recently surrendered to the army and were eager to make military exploits and gain a foothold in the Kingdom of David.

"Fourth brother, the general's military order for us is to capture the enemy for interrogation. You go around to the back of Barluk Pass to cut off their escape route, and I attack from the front. In this way, none of them can escape." Mameda Leubash said to Octopus.

"Brother, don't worry. Together, you and I will be able to annihilate this group of Dzungars." Okchotbu patted his chest.

In the camp, Taoges stroked the pearl bracelet, and Ehe's words were especially in his ears, "My child, this bracelet was a gift from your Emoge (grandmother) when I got married. You take it with you." When you go to Kazakhstan, seeing it is like seeing Ehe." Uh-huh, uh-huh, my daughter is about to set foot on a foreign land. From now on, Junggar will be her homeland. Do you know how much your daughter’s heart aches?

"Kill~kill~kill~" Just as he was thinking about his thoughts, suddenly there was a loud killing sound in the camp.

"Don't beg, follow me quickly, the guards are coming." Qianhu Wusanggunbu stumbled in to report.

"Guards? Why are there guards here?" Tao Ges was surprised.

"I don't know, I don't know. Let's go quickly. If you are late, it will be too late." Usanggun ordered people to bring the war horses. All Mongolian women know how to ride a horse. Taoges and several maids mounted their war horses and were about to rush out under the escort of their personal guards.

"嗻 ~ 嗻 ~ ~ ~, Once,", Mamida La, Ubash, jumped into the horse, "abandoning the weapon, Raoer and other immortal."

"Don't beg to leave quickly, I'm blocking him," Wusanggunbu shouted, and he attacked the guards with a knife.

Hearing the word "Don't beg", Mamadale Ubashi became energetic and moved against Usanggunbu. After three rounds of sword-to-knife fighting, he saw the opening and cut Wusanggun Bu under his horse with one strike. Then she caught up with Taoges and her maid, and tried to kill them.

"Wait a minute, I am Taoges, the daughter of Dalmataiji of the Junggar tribe." At the critical moment, the peacock of Junggar revealed his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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