Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 334 Let’s borrow my head from my younger brother

Chapter 334 Let’s borrow my head from my younger brother
Alatao Mountain Pass is located between Alatau Mountain and Barluk Mountain. It slopes from northwest to southeast. The highest altitude is 340 meters and the lowest is only 190 meters. It has always been an important trade channel from Tarbahatai to Ili. Zhahaqin of Junggar (the general guarding the border) and Mergentaiji of Dulbert Department led two thousand Dulbert soldiers to garrison here.

Originally he was worried about the lack of troops, but his cousin Elinqin Batur, who was nomadic in the upper and middle reaches of the Irtysh River, brought 2,000 soldiers for reinforcements, increasing the number of troops in his hands to 4,000. According to my cousin, the four Dulbert tribes in the Irtysh River each sent out 500 soldiers. They are really loyal ministers of Junggar. After the reduction of the standard, Mergen was highly regarded by Batur Hutaiji, and gradually developed a sense of belonging. His father Erke Yildun died tragically while collecting taxes in Qihe, which further strengthened his determination to serve Junggar. .

On this day, while he was discussing matters with Linqin Batur in his tent, he suddenly reported that thousands of guards were coming to Alashan Pass, and the enemy general sent an envoy to see him. He couldn't help but sneer, "Let the envoy enter the account."

"Slave to see Mergentaiji", the envoy gave him a big gift as soon as he saw him.

"Huh? You know me?"

"The slave is also a member of Dulbert's department. He once worked as a slave of Dalai Teish, Modele Boul. With the grace of his master, he canceled his slave status and became an Adak (inferior person). . I met you when I was serving the master," the messenger replied in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

Seeing him mentioning his grandfather, Mergentage took a serious look at the messenger. This man's face was wrinkled, and the three braids that fell outside his felt hat were already gray. He looked like he was past his sixties.

"Haha, since he is an old slave by my grandfather's side, I will treat you as a courtesy. Come and bring him a chair," Mergentage said calmly, his expression softening a lot, "Tell me, whose order are you following? Coming?"

"This servant is here to persuade you to abandon Zhun and return to the defense on the orders of Obodu Wulanghai Taiji."

"Oh, it turns out that you are a subordinate of Wulanghai's nephew in Ebodui. I heard that he has a bright future after surrendering to the guard, so he granted the title of Hobok Seribo. Haha, Hobok Seribo? Qianyuan, the leader of the guard, is arrogant. How dare you use my capital of Junggar as a fiefdom?" Mergentaiji snorted coldly.

"Our lord, His Majesty the Emperor Qianyuan, is an unparalleled hero. His Royal Highness the Queen is from the Durbot tribe, which is an honor for the Durbot people. You are the cousin of His Royal Highness the Queen. Why don't you remember the friendship between relatives and return to the defense? Are you a good bird for choosing trees?" The old slave's tongue was as bright as a lotus flower and he began to seduce.

"Haha, my father Erke Yildun is the great-uncle of the queen. He was ordered to collect taxes in Qihe and could not help himself. Why did the guards ignore their family ties and brutally nailed my father to a wooden stake? "When mentioning his father who died tragically, Mergentage's eyes turned red with hatred.

"This matter was done by Kundulun Ubas Dataji and had nothing to do with the Guards."

"It has nothing to do with the Guards? Didn't Kundulun Ubashi brutally kill my father just to show his loyalty to the Guards? When I heard that my father died tragically, Gumubu, Da'e, Talhun, and Sonomuce People like Ling and Aldar were nearby, but no one interceded. Aren't their surnames Choros? Where is the kinship you mentioned? Why can't I see it?" Mergentage was shaking with excitement. , I can't help but be excited, the hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable.

"Alas!" the old slave sighed, "Her Royal Highness the Queen has written a letter to severely scold the five Taijis Gumubu, Da'er, Talhun, Sonomuceling and Aldar. His Majesty the Emperor will Kun Du Lun Ubas was transferred from Qihe to Ili, and divided his tribe into three parts and distributed them to his three sons. He was deprived of the power to manage his tribe. This was his punishment for killing Lao Taiji. . It’s just that this person is a surrendered general. If he is killed, I am afraid that no one will dare to surrender in the future, so I just keep his life temporarily.” The old slave's words were half true and half false, but they made Mergentage's face soften a lot.

"If I surrender to the imperial guard, what official position can I be granted?" he asked in a nonchalant manner.

"If you surrender to the imperial guard, you can get the position of Qianhu, the deputy capital of Polo. My family, Taiji, is willing to recommend you to the Holy Master to be Wusubo."

"Well, in fact, I have long wanted to return to the defense. It was just a trial." Mergentaiji looked at the old slave with a pleasant look, "Go back and tell Obodui Wulanghai's nephew that at noon tomorrow, I will take the lead." The army returns and surrenders.”

After seeing off the envoy, Elinqin Batur asked Mergen Taiji with a smile: "Brother, do you really want to return to the defense?"

Mergen Taiji smiled ferociously, "Huh! Not to mention that Huitai Ji is very kind to me and my son. Just because we are sworn in for killing our father, we are irreconcilable. Don't even think about asking me to surrender!"

"Then what do you mean?" "Obodu Wulanghai heard that I will return at noon tomorrow and will not make any preparations. We will go to rob the camp tonight and we will win a great victory. Please help me, my dear brother."

Elinqin Batur rolled his eyes and agreed with enthusiasm, "I am willing to wear my brother's ponytail and go through fire and water, no matter what."

"Okay! After this is accomplished, my virtuous brother and I will be rich and powerful together." Mergentage laughed, as if victory was within easy reach. What he didn't expect was that Si Taiji of the Durbot tribe in the Irtysh River Basin had already returned to the guard under Sonom Celing's persuasion. Erqin Batur was not here to help Junggar. , but came to help the Kingdom of David in the war.

The moon rose and waxed dimly, and groups of soldiers approached the Guards camp.

"Warriors, follow me to kill." Mergentaiji pulled out his Mongolian scimitar and took the lead in killing the camp, with Elinqin Batur leading the rear.

"Poof", the saber chopped off the head. It was light and no screams could be heard. If you look closely, it turned out to be a scarecrow.

"Eh? No! You've been tricked! Retreat, retreat quickly!" Mergentaiji was shocked.

"Boom~boom~boom~" After several cannon sounds, Obodui Wulanghai led Da'e and Talhun to fight out. What they thought was a sure-fire surprise attack turned out to be an ambush from the other side. The Junggar army was in chaos and scurried away.

"Hahaha, cousin Morgan, we haven't seen you for many years, how are you?" Ebo Dui Wulanghai found Morgan Taiji and greeted him loudly, which sounded like a sarcasm to the other party's ears.

Mergentaiji gritted his teeth, danced wildly with the spear in his hand, and desperately broke out, and met Elinqin Batur at the rear.

"Why is brother so embarrassed?" Elinqin Batur asked in surprise.

"The guards are cunning. There is an ambush in the camp. My dear brother, come and help me," Mergen Taiji shouted.

"Brother, don't worry, little brother is here." He said it too late, but quickly, Elinqin Batur galloped to his side, stabbed him hard with the scimitar in his hand, and penetrated his chest.

"Why?" Mergentage asked in disbelief.

"Haha, good birds choose trees to roost in. Babai, Orros, and Burbusch and I have defected to the Kingdom of David."

"Shameless", Morgan Taiji growled.

"Since you don't want to be David's relative, why not help me and lend my head to him as a gift to His Majesty the Emperor?" After saying this, Elinqin Batur twisted the steel knife in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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