Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 318 Widow’s marriage is a kind intention

Chapter 318 Widow’s marriage is a kind intention

Similar to Dorgon who was troubled by internal and external thieves, Emperor David Qianyuan was also troubled. It was the spring of 1647, and the grass was growing and the warblers were flying. It was a good time to use troops. He was determined to attack the Junggar tribe and pull out this big nail in the Oirat Mongolia. But David had just put down the rebellions in Lhasa, Shigatse, Shannan and other places, and the country was devastated and the treasury was empty. The people need to recuperate and recuperate, and it is not appropriate to use weapons again. Should we fight this battle or not? It’s hard to make up your mind!
Someone helped him make up his mind.

The Qing envoy Youchiku arrived in Lhasa and expressed his intention to marry David. After holding power for many years, Suletan has already honed his extremely keen political analysis skills. Dorgon sent people to marry me, indicating that they do not want to go to war with me yet, but plan to destroy Nanming first and then attack me. Nanming was crumbling and it looked like it wouldn't last long. That guy must have thought that it would take less than a few months to level the South. The so-called marriage is just a honey trap!

As a time-traveler, he knew that Li Chengdong would soon raise the flag of rebellion in Guangdong and Jin Shengheng in Jiangxi. The whole south was on fire, and Nanming would not perish so quickly. Since time travel, a lot of history has changed, and he is not sure whether major changes will occur. However, since the Manchus and Qing Dynasties intend to marry each other, if they go to the Northern Expedition to Junggar, they don't have to worry about being attacked on both sides. From this perspective, it is indeed a good opportunity. As for the lack of money and food in the national treasury, as long as you are willing to use your brain, you will always find a way.

Mongolians are hospitable by nature, and Emperor Qianyuan ordered a grand banquet to be held in the Potala Palace to entertain distinguished guests.

There were many dishes, the aroma of wine was flowing, and Youqiku found all kinds of fruits and vegetables on the table. I couldn't help but sigh, "These fruits and vegetables are rare in the snowy land. It costs a lot to transport them thousands of miles, right?"

"Your Majesty does not know that although the terrain of Lhasa is high, the sunshine time is very long. Many fruits can be grown. Drunken pears, grapes, medog lemons, ginseng fruits and nectarines are especially famous. As for these vegetables, most of them are grown by From Gansu, because our country has built a plank road, the transportation is quite convenient and the cost is not too much," Suletan said with a smile. This is half true and half false. Although these fruits are produced locally, the output is not high and the price is expensive. The vegetables are transported by carriage from Gansu and Qinghai, and the price is much higher than that of the mainland. But diplomatic bluffing is sometimes necessary.

After hearing this, Youqi Ku was secretly shocked. It had only been three years since the founding of the Wei Kingdom, but it had already managed to achieve smooth plank roads and produce its own grain, fruits and vegetables, which should not be underestimated.

"Please honor me to watch David's singing and dancing," Suletan warmly invited.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders," Youchiku smiled. As an official of the Ministry of Rites, he often went on envoys. Whenever he visited a country or a tribe, his master would have a big banquet, accompanied by singing and dancing. He had seen a lot of singing and dancing, and it was just a group of beauties wriggling around. The reason why we say "respect is worse than obedience" is just politeness.


The host gave three high fives, but there were no beauties. A young man wearing a navy blue Mongolian robe came in, holding a horse pole and dancing vigorously. The dance steps are vigorous and graceful, and the "turning", "jumping" and "turning" movements are skillful and neat.

"Your Majesty, this is my Mongolian horse-taming dance. It shows the scene of the herdsman picking up the horse pole, jumping on the horse's back, and taming the fierce horse," Sultan explained with a smile.

Weird! Emperor Qianyuan of the Wei Kingdom was really different. He didn't like to see beauties but preferred to watch horses. He is indeed a barbarian king and does not understand elegance! And Qiku was slandering in his heart, but he praised him repeatedly, "Your country's horse-taming dance has a unique style, which I have never heard of before."

Suddenly, the music changed from cheerful to solemn. The man roping the horse left, and a group of warriors wearing armor and sabers came in.

Hongmen Banquet? Youchiku was startled and almost spit out the old wine in his throat.

The team of warriors all drew their swords in their hands, but they did not chop him. Instead, they shook their shoulders, rolled their wrists, rubbed their arms, strode, moved, kicked their legs, and assumed various hand-to-hand fighting postures. The dancing posture is tall and bold, the steps are light and free, full of the beauty of bravery and bravery.

"This is our country's saber dance. What do you think, your Majesty?" Sultan asked with a smile.

Youqiku's expression became solemn. Not long after the founding of the Qing Dynasty, almost all the Eight Banners' children had fought in wars, regardless of whether they were civil or military. He is naturally discerning, and he can tell at a glance that the sword skills of this group of samurai are not just showy, but real killing moves on the battlefield. It seems that they are all soldiers in the army. This country of Wei does not like beauties singing and dancing, but instead favors military dances. It is truly a land of tigers and wolves! Manchu dignitaries have always respected tigers and wolves. A warm smile immediately appeared on his face, "I have heard about the majesty of the Mongolian saber dance for a long time. When I saw it today, it was an eye-opener! This dance combines simplicity, enthusiasm, roughness and bravery. It is a symbol of the spirit of your country." ". After his praise, Suletan was delighted and kept toasting to him, and soon the banquet atmosphere reached a climax.

Under the influence of wine, Suletan wanted to know about the Manchu noble girl who was about to marry, and asked with a smile: "I wonder what the name of the eldest princess of Gulun Wenzhuang is? How old is she?"

"Sarula Bilig Khan doesn't know that the eldest princess of Gulun Wenzhuang is named Aixinjueluo Makata. She is the second daughter of Emperor Taizong and she is twenty-two years old this year."

"Twenty-two years old?" Suletan suddenly felt something was wrong. It is unbelievable in this era that she is not married yet at this age. "Why is Her Royal Highness the Princess not married yet?" he asked doubtfully.

"Um~uh~" Youchiku murmured for a long time and finally said: "Emperor Taizong once married His Royal Highness the Princess to Prince Ezhe of Chahar, the son of Lin Dan Khan. It's a pity that His Royal Highness died young."


After hearing this, Suletan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. I thought that the Manchus were showing respect to me by marrying a princess, but unexpectedly she was a widow. Although among his concubines, Na Muzhong and Gao Yun were both widows, they were found by themselves and were not the same as those sent over by others. hateful! This Manchu man clearly didn't take him seriously. Instead of sending so many young ladies, he sent a widow here!

Immediately, his face sank, he pretended to be drunk, and said with a loud tongue: "I, I heard, I heard that in ancient times, the two countries married the princesses who had not left the court. Why are you so expensive? The customs of your country are different from those of others. different?"

As soon as this statement came out, the ministers of Wei who attended the banquet started to boo.

"Is there no unmarried princess in the Erqing Kingdom? I have to send a widow over."

"Yes, I've never heard of widows being used for marriage?"

"Are you trying to humiliate David?"

The roar was like thunder, as if it was going to tear the Qing envoy into pieces. Youqiku is a good person. After all, he is experienced in diplomacy and has seen big scenes. He is not afraid of danger and instead laughs.

"Huh? Why is your envoy laughing?" Sultan asked strangely.

"To be honest with you, I have many unmarried princesses in the Qing Dynasty. The reason why I chose the eldest princess Gulunwenzhuang is because of the good intentions of the emperor and the emperor's uncle and the regent for you."

(End of this chapter)

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