Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 310 The fake Taoist philosopher Meng Xiong captures the dragon

Chapter 310 The fake Taoist philosopher Meng Xiong captures the dragon (Part )
Yadong, which Emperor Qianyuan was determined to win, was originally the name of a small mountain village in the Zhuomu Valley in the Pali area. This place historically belonged to the Pali Sect. In the 15th year of Chongzhen's reign, the Xi Zangba regime separated it from the Pali Sect and established the Rina Sect, which became one of the fourteen sects on the border of the Snowy Region.

Things change and people change, and the stars change. The once arrogant Zangba Khan was destroyed by Emperor David Qianyuan, and the two sects of Pali and Rina were also captured by the Fatai of Jiari Monastery and troops sent by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal of Bhutan.

As the nominal leader of Drukpa Kagyu, this Zhabdrung has huge influence on Shannan, Bhutan and even the entire snowy region. Recalling that the Pak Drupa (referred to as "Pak Drup") regime was successively controlled by the Renbungpa and Singshapa families, this leader was unwilling to be a puppet and resolutely led his followers south to Bhutan to establish a theocratic regime and become the leader of the country. into a huge undertaking.

In the 7th century AD, an Indian nobleman named Shemeilimi came to Bhutan. He thought that the shape of this land resembled a dragon, and named it "Thunder Dragon Kingdom". True to its name, there are many thunders and lightnings here, and the people believe in the God of Thunder. Tibetan culture believes that thunder is the roar of a dragon, and the four-legged dragon is the God of Thunder. The sound "Bamboo" means dragon. The leader of Drukpa Kagyu has always been considered to be the incarnation of the four-legged dragon (thunder dragon). The symbol of the sect is the four-legged dragon flag.

The power of faith is so powerful that Ngawang Namgyal unified Bhutan with little effort. He only had to cultivate himself into a good Buddha and have the talisman of a four-legged dragon as his escort. Wherever he went, the people obeyed him. Even the Pali and Rina sects were not defeated by him, but the local Paba Besambu family took the initiative to join them.

The Paba Besangbu family is not considered prominent among the many noble families in the snowy region. It is just the Geba family (ordinary nobles), together with the Zamp family (the royal family), the Yaxi family (relatives of the great monk), and the Diben family. (Local nobles) are completely incomparable. However, people are devout in their faith and have followed Drukpa Kagyu's rituals from generation to generation. Hearing that the Drukpa Kagyu leader, the great monk Ngawang Namgyal, was leading an army to attack, the head of the family, Praba Besangpo Dozen, took the lead in surrendering without saying a word. The four-legged dragon was very happy and immediately named him Paridiba and ruled the two sects of Pali and Yadong.

Don't forget the well digger when you are drinking water. Duozeng changed from an ordinary Geba to a Diba. He kept the great monk's kindness in mind and always wanted to repay him. The Chunpi Valley where he lives is irrigated by the Chunpi River. The soil is fertile, rich in grains and fruits, and suitable for livestock. It is known as the "Little Jiangnan". Knowing that the great monk likes to drink lemonade, he specially selected some good lemons to prepare. Pay tribute.

"Master, the tributes have been prepared. This year's lemons are big and juicy. The master will definitely like them," the butler reported with a smile.

"Well, we must send some capable people to escort the tributes, especially the white yak blanket, so nothing goes wrong," Duozeng ordered.


After giving orders to the housekeeper, Duozeng happily walked into his concubine's boudoir.

It was getting dark, and a group of soldiers were patrolling Chunpi Valley when a strange sound suddenly came from them.


It seemed like someone was walking, but no one could be seen; it seemed like a beast was crawling, but still no beast could be found.


The valley is empty, but there are more and more strange sounds.

"Who is this!" the team leader was shouting.

The strange sound suddenly stopped and disappeared inexplicably, as if it was just an auditory hallucination. The night was dark and windy, making it even more gloomy and sinister. The patrolling soldiers remembered the legends of various ghosts and monsters. This is not surprising. Where there is a Buddha, there are demons.

One soldier took off his pants, and everyone suddenly realized and took off their pants one after another. Chunpi Valley is very close to Bhutan, and many people have learned this magic. Now that there is a monster in the valley, it is natural to cast a spell to subdue the monster.

"Pfft!" A laugher could not help but come from the woods. A bush actually jumped up, but it was a man with a branch on his head. Guards General Agaru slashed a soldier with his sword and asked the deputy general Dondup Norbu beside him with a smile, "Deputy Rong, you are a local, what are these rebels doing? Instead of fighting in battle, they are Take off your pants."

Dondup Norbu suppressed his laughter and said: "They heard the sound but saw no one. They thought there was a monster coming and they were casting spells to subdue the monster." After saying this, he slashed with his sword and another patrol soldier fell in a pool of blood.

The guards quickly eliminated the patrols and sentries in the valley and rushed to the watchtower of Paba Besangbu's house.

"Kill~kill~kill~" there was a loud shout of killing, and countless soldiers rushed to the watchtower.

"Bang!" The concubine's door was kicked open. Before Duozeng could get off his smooth and round body, a knife was held on his neck. The person holding the knife was a middle-aged man in his mid-thirties with a kind face. Judging from the style of his shirt, he is a general.

"Yeah!" The timid woman exclaimed.

"Quack", the kind-faced general wiped it away with his knife. It was such a sharp knife, and with just one wipe, the concubine's beautiful head fell to the ground.

"General, spare your life. The sinner is willing to sacrifice Pali and Yadong to surrender."

"Hmph! Pali and Yadong sects are already in my pocket, why should you come and offer them as gifts?" Saihan said coldly, taking out a piece of cloth and wiping the knife in a hurry. The knife had just drunk the beauty's blood and was particularly cold.

Duozeng instinctively felt that if he was of no use to the demon king, he would be killed without mercy. In desperation, he blurted out, "Don't kill me, I will help you capture Thimphu."

"Is this the tribute you have prepared for Ngawang Namgyal?" Saihan looked at the carts of tributes and smiled. His smile was warm, in sharp contrast to the coldness he had when he killed someone just now.

"Commander, the demon monk relied on his military strength to force all the sects to pay taxes and tribute to him. The people of Yadong and Pali hated him! The sinners had no choice but to pay tribute to the demon monk, and they had no intention of being rebellious." Duozeng hurriedly explained.

"Haha, I don't have time to check whether you are a traitor or not. I just want to ask you one sentence, "Do you want to live or not?" "

"Sinners naturally want to live, please forgive me, Marshal." Duozeng knelt heavily on the ground, kneeling very devoutly, which was louder than the kowtow he made when he paid homage to the great monk Ngawang Namgyal.

Saihan smiled and said, "If you want to live, help me capture Thimphu and make atonement for your sins; if you want to die~" he pointed his hand at the concubine who was lying in a pool of blood, "that will be the fate."

"Don't worry, Commander, the sinner will definitely atone for his crime. I will personally escort these tributes, and there will never be any mistakes." Duozeng patted his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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