Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 289: Those who are chess pieces cannot change their fate

Chapter 289: Those who are chess pieces cannot change their fate (Part )

In a large lattice on the Ili grassland, Princess Shuji is sewing a robe for her youngest son Galdama. As the second son of Ertu Khan of Erqil and the prince of the Heshuote tribe, Galdama has no clothes on her body. Nice clothes are not enough. "Ketun, the box of tea you ordered was snatched away by Arunayan Ji's housekeeper." The voice of the personal maid interrupted her sewing.

"Huh?" Princess Shuji frowned. Moxi lacks fruits and vegetables, so drinking tea is an important way to moisten the intestines. Of course, as the Ketun of Ertuhan, there is no shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables on her table. It’s just that drinking tea has become a habit and has been integrated into daily life. It would be impossible without it!
Benefiting from the Silk Road, the Heshuote Department in Yili originally had no shortage of tea. After the fight between the Huite tribe and the Junggar tribe, Oqirtu Khan supported Batur Hutaiji of the Junggar tribe. In order to beat the Heshuote people, Emperor Qianyuan ordered the business route to Ili to be cut off. If you want to get tea, silk, cloth, porcelain, etc., you can only smuggle them. This makes the quantity of good tea scarce. Not long ago, Princess Shuji's subordinates ordered a box of fine brick tea from a Shanxi businessman, but unexpectedly it was snatched away by Aruna Yanji, the favorite concubine of Ertu Khan of Erqil.

"Ketun, Aruna Yuji's housekeeper not only stole the tea, but also made rude remarks, saying that the Great Khan was fighting against the Qianyuan Emperor of the Wei Kingdom. You were an enemy princess and had long been despised by the Great Khan." The maid's voice sounded indignant. .

"This Aruna is getting more and more presumptuous!" Princess Shuji shouted angrily. The attendants and maids around him all puffed up their chests, and only waited for Kotun's order before heading to Aruna's Ger to give the arrogant Henji some color. You must know that their mistress is the princess of Lin Danhan, a direct lineage of the Golden Family, and the goddaughter of Emperor David Qianyuan. How precious is her identity! How could he be insulted like this?
Unexpectedly, Shuji just said something angrily and started sewing again, as if she had said nothing just now.

The expressions of the cronies on the left and right changed drastically. Are the rumors true? Does the Great Khan really have the intention to destroy Aruna? The air became so thick that you could hear a pin drop.

As if aware of the thoughts of her confidants, Princess Shuji smiled sweetly and said, "Don't be so arrogant. The best tea has been taken away. Just drink some ordinary tea and save some money. Don't worry, the sky is falling." If I don’t come down, the Khan won’t do anything to me.”

She is very confident, and this confidence comes from knowing her husband. Oqirtu Khan is the eldest son of Baibagas Khan, the legendary hero of Oirat who defeated the Khalkhas. He wants to restore his father's great cause and become the khan of all Oirat. This is called ambitious; but he has neither father Baibagas. The martial prowess of Gasi Khan was not as smart as that of his uncle, the national teacher Khan. This is called lack of talent. A person with great ambition and limited talent is often indecisive. How important it is to depose the queen, and how difficult it must be for an indecisive monarch to make a decision! Therefore, she is not worried about her status at all. The reason why he tolerated the domineering behavior of Aruna, the noble daughter of Junggar, was simply because he did not want to fight.

Not worrying about yourself doesn't mean you don't worry about your family. Although Eqirtu Khan deliberately ignored Shuji, Shuji was still worried about missing her husband. A while ago, Batur Hutaiji of the Junggar tribe asked her husband to jointly send troops to deal with Weiguo. The national strength of Weiguo far exceeds that of Heshuote. It is really worrying to use the weak to resist the strong; now that we have sent troops. He should join forces with the Dzungars and conquer the Yuledus Grassland, the foundation of the Wei Kingdom, but the husband was clever and wanted to take advantage of the conflict between the two tigers of the Wei Kingdom and the Junggars and send troops south to attack. Baicheng and Kuqa. Although these two cities are rich, they are not key places for the Wei Kingdom. Even if they can rob some things, they are not important to the overall situation. I picked up sesame seeds and lost the watermelon, which made me even more worried!

What is even more worrying is that my husband has been on the expedition for more than two months and there is still no news of success. With my husband's temperament, if he captures even one of Baicheng and Kuqa, he will report his victory with great fanfare and let the whole Yili know about it. If there is no news, it is very likely that not a single city will be captured. If the time drags on for a long time and Yarkand's guards come to help, I'm afraid the duck will fly away!

Things in the world are often good but bad!
Princess Shuji's worries came true. After receiving the military order from Emperor Qianyuan to rescue the second city, Yarkand Commander-in-Chief Wu Rijia Dalai immediately set out from Asu with five thousand cavalry, one person and two horses, marching non-stop, and arrived at the battlefield in only seven days. Baicheng and Kuqa, which were already crumbling, became impregnable again.

"Damn it! These two cities are about to be captured, and the enemy's reinforcements are here!" Looking at the big flags with the word "guard" on the wall of Baicheng, Oqiltu Khan was extremely angry. In fact, in addition to anger and fear, the Guards' reinforcements arrived so quickly, which fully demonstrated their war mobilization capabilities. The spies told him that the defending general named Wurigo Dalai only brought a few hundred people with him when he arrived at Asu. The enemy's support army was improvised in Asu, Wushi and other places, but it came so quickly!
"Great Khan, the enemy's reinforcements have arrived and there is a strong city to rely on. It is better to return to Ili to rest." It was his sixth uncle Buyan Hatan Batur who said this.


The division's veterans were tired, and Oqiltu Khan wanted to agree. But at the critical moment, his indecisive temper broke out again. This time, I led an army of more than 20,000 people to the south, and suffered casualties of more than a thousand warriors but returned without success. How should I explain to the people after returning to Ili?
In today's China, two great masters, Dorgon and Sultan, are confronting each other. All other forces are just pawns in the battle between the two heroes. Some powerful forces, such as the Junggar tribe and the Torgut tribe in Oirat, and the Zhasak tribe and the Tuxie tribe in Khalkha, rose up and fought just to stop being chess pieces and become chess players who manipulated chess pieces. .

Oqiltu Khan also wanted to be one of the Yi Zhe. However, his strength is far inferior to Junggar, Torgut and other tribes, and his ability cannot be compared with Batur and Shukur Daiqing. It is not easy to get rid of the shackles of the chess game!

However, those who are chess pieces often do not realize that they are just chess pieces. This was the case with Oqiltu Khan. He always felt that he was a member of the crowd of heroes, existing alongside Dorgon and Sultan. Since he is a great hero, it is really shameful to return without success!
Therefore, he hesitated and said to Buyan Hatan Batur: "I understand what Uncle Six means. In one month, I will let Tamaki Chumu, Zabu, and Lali attack for another month. After one month, even if If we cannot defeat them, I will withdraw my troops immediately."

"Yes." Seeing that he had made his decision, Buyan Hatan Batur said no more and turned to leave.

There is no room for hesitation in war. Not to mention a month, even a day will bring disaster. When Oqiltu Khan still had the illusion of capturing Baicheng and Kuqa within a month, danger was slowly approaching him and his army.

(End of this chapter)

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