Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 280 The Demonic Wind on the Snowy Plateau

Chapter 280 The Demonic Wind on the Snowy Plateau (Part )
In the Buddhist hall of Drepung Monastery, three great monks were entering concentration. They said they were entering concentration, but their eyes were open. These three are none other than the supreme beings of the Gelug sect: the two great monks Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen, and the leader of the Gelug sect, Ganden Tripa (the abbot of Ganden Monastery).

The reason why they "entered samadhi" was not actually entering samadhi, nor practicing, but they were struck and became speechless. Not long ago, news came from Qinghai that their ally Dayan Eqil Khan of the Heshuote tribe in Qinghai had been eliminated by Emperor Qianyuan. This vicious king did not give any face to the Gelug sect. He did not give up even after eradicating Dayan Oqil Khan, and wiped out the two major Gelug sect strongholds in Qinghai: Guolong Temple and Kumbum Monastery. Two eminent monks, the Venerable Quezang and Nanxin Huanjue of the Fatai of Guolong Monastery and the Ajia Hutuktu of the Fatai of Kumbum Monastery, died unexpectedly.

"Amitabha, may Venerable Nanxin Huanjue and Ajia Hutuktu reappear in the world as soon as possible." Ganden Tripa, who was nearly seventy years old, looked sad, feeling sad for the loss of two eminent monks in his sect. It was embarrassing to beat a monk all over the temple, not to mention that Suletan was ruthless and killed two great monks in one go, almost uprooting Gelug's influence in Qinghai. How could he, as the leader of the church, be calm?
"Sultan bullied me too much! Even if Venerable Nan Xin Huanjue and Ajia Hutuktu were at fault, they should have informed this sect and let me deal with it. How dare he cross the line and interfere in the affairs of Gelug? And he also destroyed it. Guolong Monastery and Kumbum Monastery, confiscated the religious properties of the two temples?" The 29-year-old holy monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was extremely angry. He has been dissatisfied with Emperor Qianyuan for a long time! When Emperor Qianyuan promulgated the "Law of David", he planned to launch a rebellion. Qinghai is an important part of his entire plan. Unexpectedly, before it was launched, Gru's power in Qinghai was wiped out, and a corner of the entire plan was cut off. How could he not be angry?
The anger was mixed with a bit of fear. Could it be that Sultan was aware of my plan, so he acted so ruthlessly? Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was frightened. If Emperor Qianyuan's eradication of Dayan Eqilhan, Nanxin Huanjue, and Ajia Hutuktu was "killing grass", the sacred monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was the one who was "frightened". snake". Although he was the number one Gelug man, he was young after all. When faced with such a big event, he didn't know what to do for a moment. He stared directly at the other holy monk Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen.

Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen is seventy-nine years old this year. He is the most virtuous and respected among everyone here, and he is also Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso’s master in this life.

"Alas! The trees are trying to be quiet but the wind is not stopping. It's time for the old monk to return to Tashilhunpo Temple." The old monk's words were filled with vicissitudes of life, as if he had experienced countless years. Tashilhunpo Monastery is the residence of this old monk. It is also one of the four major Gelug monasteries together with the three major monasteries in Lhasa (Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery and Ganden Monastery). Originally, the old monk was supposed to practice in Tashilhunpo Monastery, but because he was one of the seven great masters of David, he stayed in Lhasa to work for the interests of the Gelug sect.

According to Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso's plan, he wanted Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen to return to Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse and start an uprising in Shigatse together with Karma Kagyu Black Hat Channel Yoshi Dorje and others. Today, the old monk offered to return to Tashilhunpo Monastery, which means that he no longer hesitated and agreed to take action.

"Master, do you agree?" Ngawang Losang Gyatso asked in surprise.

"The emperor flattened the two main monasteries of our sect in Qinghai without saying hello. If he waits for him to wipe out the Junggar people and return, how can he tolerate our sect? Then the disaster will come. This is what the Buddha said to us. Disciple's test, only by rising up and resisting can we resolve this calamity! Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

"Since Master agrees, please rush to Shigatse as soon as possible and raise the flag of justice with us!" Ngawang Losang Gyatso said excitedly, and ordered people to call Reting Hutuktu, Cemeling Hutuktu, and Muhutuktu, Qiangzuo Sonam Qunpei, Cuiben (senior monk official) Luobuzangtu Dobu and other Gelug senior officials discussed the details of the incident.

Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen saluted everyone with his hands clasped, "Lhasa is the heart of our country. If we can succeed in Lhasa, great things will happen! I hope you will encourage me!"

"Don't worry, holy monk, for the sake of Gelu, we will risk our lives and go all out," everyone hurriedly responded.

Suddenly a gust of wind lifted the curtain of the Buddhist hall, and the hunting wind began to rise on the snowy plateau.

David's Cabinet is located on the sixth floor of the Potala Palace, only one floor lower than the seventh floor. It is condescending and majestic.

There are five cabinet ministers in the cabinet. After Liu Haogu and Xue Zongzhou, both academicians of Wuyingdian Palace, followed the emperor in his northern expedition, only Batu Hetan and Tiemoer, academicians of Wenhuadian Palace, and Nasutu, academicians of Wuyingdian Palace, were left. However, there are seven people discussing in the cabinet today, the first assistant Batu Hetan, the second assistant Tiemoer, the great scholar Nasutu, the official minister Hashaha, the head of ten thousand households Narisong, the governor of Lhasa Reheman, Saihan, the commander-in-chief.

"Is there anything unusual in the capital recently?" Batu Hetan asked calmly. After being the chief minister for many years, he naturally has the demeanor of a prime minister and is not alarmed by changes.

"For the record, Chief Assistant, I found nothing unusual during my inspection of the city," he said loosely on that day.

"I didn't see anything strange when I visited the city," Saihan also said.

Before Sultan's northern expedition, he ordered the first auxiliary Batu Hetan and the second auxiliary Tiemoer to take charge of the defense of the capital. He also left 15,000 elite troops under the command of generals Narisong and Saihan. Generals Batu and Tanling took turns inspecting various places in and outside the city to prevent unexpected events. "Well, that's good. Your Majesty's expedition, you and others must be careful and make no mistakes. As long as the safety of the capital is ensured, it will be a great achievement," Batu and Tan encouraged.

"The chief assistant, I noticed that a large number of monks have poured into Lhasa recently during my inspection. After asking carefully, they said that the holy monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso will hold a large Dharma conference in the near future. I am afraid that the mixture of fish and dragons will affect the security of Lhasa," Reheman said. .

"Monks hold Dharma gatherings every year. It's not unusual. It would be nice to send more government officials to maintain order." Batu and Tan disagreed. After thinking about it, he asked, "Approximately how many monks have poured in? Have you ever calculated it?"

"The number is close to 20,000."

"What!" At this moment, Batu Hetan, Tiemo'er, Nasutu, and Hashihaju were shocked.

"Chief Assistant, Your Majesty is away on an expedition. There are only fifteen thousand elite soldiers in the capital. With so many monks gathered in Lhasa, we must be prepared for unexpected events!" Tiemo'er said.

"Yes, Chief Assistant, Your Majesty will hand over Lhasa to us as guards. You must not make any mistakes," Nasutu also said.

"Please give an immediate order to the Chief Minister. There are too many people in the Dharma Assembly. To prevent overcrowding, the monks who come later are only allowed to stay outside the city," Harshiha also spoke.

"Yes, what you said is true. However, the Dharma Festival is a grand event. If we don't allow people to enter the city, we may lose the support of the people." Batu and Tan took a sip of brick tea and began to give orders.

"That day, Risong and Saihan, from today onwards, your troops will not take off their rest. Men will not take off their armor, horses will not leave their saddles, and the number of patrols will be tripled."


"Reheman, the number of government officials you organize to patrol the streets should be tripled, and they should be equipped with gongs. Whenever they encounter the police, they will beat the gongs loudly."


Batu Hetan adjusted his official robe and said, "I will go to the palace immediately and ask the guards in the palace to be on guard."

(End of this chapter)

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