Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 271: A big country loses a piece by mistake

Chapter 271: A great country falls into the wrong hands

In the Sun Mansion Study Room in Beijing, wax oil lamps were lit. Different from the pine oil lamps used by ordinary people, this family used wax oil, which was considered a wealthy family. He was indeed from a wealthy family, and he was also a high-ranking official: the right minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Qing Dynasty.

A thin old man in his fifties was writing furiously, with resentment on the tip of his pen, and the handwriting was extremely powerful.

"Master, it's getting late. You should rest quickly. If you are exhausted, what should I do with you?" the concubine said softly. This concubine was usually quite favored, and the little old man was afraid of melting when he held her in his hands. However, he was in a bad mood today, so his attitude was a bit stiff, "Go, go, don't bother me."

"Master~" The concubine's voice was filled with deep sorrow.

"Tell you to go, are you deaf?" The little old man was furious and gave her a big slap on her ear. "Pa~" hit her, hurting her heart.

"Woo~wu~wu~" the beautiful girl cried and ran away with the pear blossoms in the rain.

"Hmph! No wonder the sage said, 'Only women and villains are difficult to care for. Those who are close will not be inferior, and those who are far away will be resentful.'" The little old man snorted, picked up the brush again, and wrote angrily.

This man is none other than Sun Zhixian, a great traitor who will go down in history. He was originally a Jinshi in the second year of Tianqi's reign. He was talented and learned, but he was dismissed from his post because he was ranked in the lottery party. After the Qing army entered the pass, he was summoned to Beijing and given the title of Right Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

To please his new master, he "demonstrated his marriage in a different way". First, he cured favor with the Manchu aristocrats by claiming to be "the wife of a minister who has given free rein to her independence." At that time, the courtiers were divided into Manchu and Han classes. When he went to court, the Man class ministers said that he was a Han and were not allowed to join the Han class. The Han class ministers said that he was dressed as a Manchu and did not want him. Wandering between the two classes, he was unable to advance or retreat, and was in a desperate situation.

What a shame! What a shame!
Sun Zhixian was so angry that he slapped his concubine, but he still couldn't forgive his hatred. He wrote angrily and wrote: "Your Majesty has pacified China and made everything new. However, the system of clothes, hats and hair is only the old Han Dynasty. This is what your Majesty brought from China." , I am not a Chinese follower of His Majesty.”

The memorial was submitted to Emperor Shunzhi, but the person who reviewed it was his uncle, the regent Dorgon.

As a strong man who admired the Manchus and suppressed the Han Dynasties, Sun Zhixian's book was deeply rooted in his heart. Yes, the Qing Dynasty has conquered the world, why are you Han people still wearing your own clothes, not my Manchu clothes, and don't even have braids? Is it Manchuria that comes from China, or does China come from Manchuria?
In fact, he had long wanted to make the conquered areas shave their heads and change their clothes. On the first day after defeating Li Zicheng and entering Shanhaiguan, he was "ordered to shave his head." After entering Beijing, he issued orders to the Ministry of War and the former Ming Dynasty officials and civilians, requiring "the surrendered officials, soldiers and civilians should all shave their heads and dress in compliance with the system of this dynasty." As a result, there was strong opposition from the Han people. Very few Han officials in the court obeyed the order to shave their heads. Many officials could not wait and see, and even fled south while protecting their hair. People in the Jifu area often revolted. He knew that the rule of the Manchu aristocrats was not yet stable, so he acted too hastily and was forced to withdraw his order. "The people who had submitted before were indistinguishable, so they were ordered to shave their heads to distinguish themselves from those who were obedient and rebellious. Now that I have heard that it is not contrary to the wishes of the people, it is not to provide them with culture and education." It is the original intention to set the hearts of the people. From now on, all the people in the world will still tie their hair and follow their own convenience."

Although Han Chinese clothing was temporarily allowed to be retained, it was only a temporary measure. In the heart of the hero Dorgon, his head must be shaved. Just wait for the opportunity to raise the butcher's knife, leave your head but not your hair, leave your hair but not your head.

Now the time seems to have arrived. In 1645, the Qing Dynasty's military victory was astonishing. Not only did they occupy more than half of the territory controlled by the Dashun Army, but their Yongchang Emperor Li Zicheng also fled into Hubei and was killed by the Xiang Tuan under the pursuit of the Azige tribe. Only a few remnants of the Dashun regime were left. At the same time, the Hongguang court of the Southern Ming Dynasty collapsed with little resistance in front of the Qing army led by Duduo. The armies of various towns in the Southern Ming Dynasty rushed to surrender. This bizarre phenomenon made the officials, gentry and people loyal to the Ming Dynasty grief-stricken. Dorgon felt that he had won. The two original rivals, Dashun and Nanming, had been completely defeated. All that was left was to take over the place and enjoy the fruits of victory. The Ministry of War was informed: "The three provinces of Nanzhi, Jiangxi, and Huguang in the south of the Yangtze River have surrendered. The seven provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou have not yet reported in compliance with the declaration. Officials should be dispatched as soon as possible to recruit civil and military officials in Beijing. Officials, regardless of their appointment, household, or civilians, who are willing to lose their loyalty and service, are allowed to go to the Ministry of War to register, verify, and receive the imperial edict, and be given travel expenses and horses. When the matter is completed, they will be rewarded for their merits. The Ministry Immediately show the message", completely a winner's tone.

Even without Sun Zhixian's advice, he would still have issued an order to shave his hair. Now that I have seen Sun Zhixian's words, I am even more determined. Otherwise, Sun is a Han, and even the Han people themselves took the initiative to ask for haircut, which shows that haircut is indeed popular.

However, it was better to find someone to discuss such a major matter. He invited important ministers Gang Lin, Qi Chongge, Zhan Ba, Feng Quan and others to conspire. It was estimated that Fan Wencheng would definitely object, so he simply didn't call Bachelor Fan.

"Uncle, the regent, shaving your hair and changing clothes is an ancestral system of our dynasty and must be implemented," Ganglin shouted.

"Yes, the Eight Banners soldiers and horses are invincible in the world. There is no need to pay attention to the reaction of the Nikans." Qi Chongge also loudly agreed.

Zhan Ba ​​and Feng Quan did not object.

Opinions were quickly unified. It seems that shaving one's hair and changing clothes is indeed what people want!
Dorgon was overjoyed and ordered "all civil and military soldiers and civilians everywhere are ordered to shave their heads. If there is any disobedience, military law shall be followed." He also ordered the Ministry of Rites: "It has always been a rule to shave your hair. If you don't order it to be done immediately, you can do it yourself." This will be done until the world is settled. Today, in a family at home and abroad, the king is like a father, and the people are like sons. Father and son are one, how can it be contrary to this? If you don't draw one, you will end up with two minds. ... Since today's announcement, the king and the people are like sons. The time limit is ten days, and all provinces and localities directly under the central government also have a time limit of ten days on the day when their official orders are issued, and all orders are to be shaved off. Those who obey are the citizens of our country; those who hesitate are the same as the bandits who disobey the order, and they will be punished with serious crimes. If you avoid it, be careful with your hair, and use clever words Arguments will never be made lightly," and he also ordered that "all clothing and clothing should comply with the regulations of this dynasty."

Ten days, only ten days! The regent's edict clearly stated, "All officials and people in the country, inside and outside the capital, are allowed to be shaving within ten days. In Zhili and other provinces and localities, they are also allowed to have their heads shaved within ten days."

In the eyes of a hero like Dorgon, most of those Nikans were bloodless, and no one dared to flinch in front of the Manchurian butcher's knife.

However, the development of things was beyond his expectation. Although the Han people are sometimes weak, they also have a persistent side. Believing in the concept that "the hair and skin of the body are received by parents and dare not be damaged, this is the beginning of filial piety". Men do not shave their heads when they reach adulthood. "Clothing and binding hair" is a symbol of the Han nation.

Shaving one's hair and changing clothes seriously hurt the feelings of the conquered peoples, and also woke them up from the pain. From the misty south of the Yangtze River to the outside of the Great Wall of the Central Plains, people of all ethnic groups who did not want to be slaves took up arms to fight. The tragic and fierce anti-hair-shaving struggle was raging. Uprisings continue, uprisings continue.

An order to shave off one's hair caused chaos in the world. This was something that the arrogant uncle, the Prince Regent, did not expect. It was like a great chess player making a bad move. His opponent, Emperor Qianyuan of the Kingdom of David, reacted quickly and was ready to take advantage of him.

(End of this chapter)

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