Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 261: Sacrifice one person to save ten thousand people

Chapter 261: Sacrificing one person to save ten thousand people

"I didn't expect the tyrant to be so treacherous that he would attack the east and the west. Poor Dayan Ezil Khan fell into the trap of the traitor and perished before he could gather his troops," Aja Hutuktu murmured. "Tyrant" is the "nickname" given to Suletan by Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, the head of the three major Gelug monasteries. Since the promulgation of the Davidic Law, this nickname has spread everywhere.

"Amitabha! If what the young monk predicts is true, the tyrant will definitely pursue Dorji and eradicate him. Anyone who takes him in will face the guards. With our mere tens of thousands of troops, we are no match for the guards. Great Master, please make plans early," Dong Keer asked, twisting the beads in his hand.

"Okay, I will tell Dorji Taiji to leave Kumbum Temple as soon as possible." Ajia Hutuktu sighed.

"It's too late. Dorji has arrived at Kumbum Monastery. If he leaves, the tyrant will think that we let him go."

"Then what should we do?" Ajia Hutuktu frowned.

"Only by offering Dorji's head can we confuse the tyrant. Once the guards retreat, we can then raise the flag of rebellion and we will be successful," Donkel suggested.

"Kill Dorji? The Heshuote people have always been pious to us, how can we, the monks, do this? Amitabha, sin, sin." Ajia Hutuktu waved his hands repeatedly.

"If Dorji's head is not sacrificed, the Guards will definitely massacre the Kumbum Monastery with blood. To exchange the life of one person for the lives of ten thousand people is to be merciful and compassionate," Dong Ke urged.

"Buddha, how should I choose?" Ajia Hutuktu murmured in prayer.

"If the great master refuses to do it, the young monk is willing to do it for me. I will bear all the sins alone. Amitabha," Dongkel spoke again.

Seeing what he said, Ajia Hutuktu lowered his head and said nothing.

"Eh? Why are there roasted mutton and wine today? Could it be that the great master is back?" Dorji asked the young novice who was holding the food tray. He was originally a well-known wise man in the Heshu special department, and he was shrewd and capable in his work. However, after experiencing the stimulation of the destruction of his country and his family, his temperament changed drastically and he became impatient and irritable. When I came to Kumbum Monastery, I saw that Ajia Hutuktu had free time to visit friends, so he called him a stupid monk, which offended everyone in the temple. The acquaintances in the temple specifically explained that the Zen room was small and the food was only simple meals, no wine, and no meat. Tangtang and Shuote Taiji were so angry that they protested loudly, but the answer they got was: In the pure land of Buddhism, it is not suitable to drink alcohol and eat meat. . Today, this man actually had wine and meat, so he naturally suspected that it was Ajia Hutuktu who had returned.

The little novice monk ignored him, turned and left.

Dorzi didn't care so much. He grabbed a piece of mutton and stuffed it into his mouth. He choked a little and drank heavily. I haven't been able to eat well or sleep well these days, but I'm so depressed! In a moment, all the food and wine were gone.

"Uh~" He opened his mouth.

"Amitabha, have you eaten and drank enough?" A handsome monk in his twenties wearing a crown of five Buddhas suddenly appeared.

Dorji was surprised that only masters, abbots, and abbots are qualified to wear such crowns that symbolize the Five Wisdoms Tathagata. This person wears this hat at such a young age, so his origins must be extraordinary. Not daring to be negligent, he clasped his hands and said, "I have eaten enough. May I ask your master's name?"

"Guo Long Temple Dong Ke", the man replied with a smile.

Dorji's face changed drastically. How many people in Qinghai have never heard of the legend about the body snatching? The person in front of him was a Buddha-like existence to him, "It turns out to be Master Dongkeer, I'm disrespectful!"

Suddenly, he cheered in surprise, "You are here, could it be that the monks and soldiers from Guolong Temple have arrived?" "I have heard for a long time that Taiji has great strategism, and he is indeed well-deserved! To be honest, I, Guolong Temple, Ta'er Temple, and Li Family Thirteen thousand soldiers and horses of the A family have gathered at the entrance of Xishi Gorge in Huangyuan."

"This is great! The Guards have just arrived and don't know geography. After a new victory, they will inevitably be proud. I would like to lead my master to sneak attack on the Guards camp," Dorji shouted.

Donkel shook his head, "Then Sultan has been in battle for a long time, how can his camp be so easy to attack by surprise? We only have more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, and we are definitely no match for the Great Patriotic Army. I would like to ask you for a They will confuse the tyrant and wait until he withdraws his troops, then wait for an opportunity to launch his attack."

"You want something from me? I don't know what it is?"

"The head on your neck", Dong Keer laughed like a flower, and several warriors armed with swords and sticks broke into the Zen room with murderous intent.

"It is in vain that I and the Shuote tribe regard the Gelug monks as gods, and there is never a shortage of money and food offerings, but we unexpectedly ended up like this!" Dorji laughed sadly.

"Amitabha Buddha, Shetai Ji sacrificed one life to save the lives of thousands of monks and people. It was really a last resort. Don't worry, I will set up a memorial tablet for you. On the day when I kill the tyrant with my hand, I will offer his head in front of your soul. ".

"Hahaha, I hope that my master will be true to his word and can really get the traitor Sultan's head in front of my soul." Dorji laughed till tears and suddenly pulled out his scimitar. It's a small matter, I alone am enough." He wiped the scimitar along his neck, not even a ray of resentment.

At this time, Sultan was reorganizing the tribes of Dayan Ozil Khan in the Great and Small Ulan Heshuo. He organized the captured Heshuote people into four direct Otoks. In addition to the two direct Otoks and five subordinate Otoks originally in Qinghai, the Davidic Kingdom had a total of eleven Otoks in Qinghai. , led by Qinghai Tumian Bandida Gushi and Wanhu Changtuoli.

Today, the tribes directly under Emperor Qianyuan include the Four Otoks of Huite Wanhu Prefecture, the Four Otokes of Lhasa Damu Grassland, the Six Otokes of Qinghai, and the First Otokes of the Western Regions, a total of fifteen Otokes. This made the emperor himself the largest lord in Oirat. However, it is only in name. In fact, the management rights and taxes of these Otok belonged to the imperial court, not to the emperor himself.

Of course, the emperor had royal pastures and a large number of livestock in each direct Otok, which was his private property. Originally he was the largest slave owner and owned a large number of slaves in every royal ranch and manor. However, in order to build momentum for the reform, he announced that these slaves would be freed and slave labor would be converted into wage labor; he also publicly announced that all royal ranches and All estates have to pay taxes, and the tax rate is the same as that of the great monks, with half the tax and one tenth. Although he gained a good reputation for benevolence and righteousness, it also greatly reduced the royal family's income. Fortunately, it was compensated by the income from investing in David Bank, otherwise the ladies in the harem would have complained.

"Your Majesty, Ajia Hutuktu of the Fatai of Kumbum Monastery has sent someone to bring you a gift." Suletan was busy subduing the Heshuote tribe, and his confidant reported to Alatancang.

"Hmph! Kumbum Monastery has taken in the traitor Dorji. I was about to deal with them, but I still dared to come and give them gifts! Did you say what you were giving? Sultan sneered.

"It is said to be Dorzi's head."

"What!" Sultan was shocked, "This Ajia Hutuktu is too cruel! Everyone knows that Brother Dayan Eqil of the Heshuote Department is the biggest benefactor of Kumbum Monastery, but he can actually do such a vicious thing. !He is really a jackal!
He summoned an envoy and asked: "I heard that the Heshuote tribe in Qinghai has a close relationship with your temple. Why did you offer his head to me?"

"The Qinghai Heshuote tribe does not understand the destiny and conspires to rebel against the emperor. Our temple does not want to be rebellious, so we offer you the head of Dorji," the envoy said eloquently.

"Okay, okay, I will go back and tell Ajia Hutuktu that I will not forget his contribution today." Suletan laughed and ordered someone to reward the messenger heavily.

"Thank you, Your Majesty", the envoy returned happily.

(End of this chapter)

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