Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 254 Emperor Qianyuan pokes a hornet's nest

Chapter 254 Emperor Qianyuan pokes a hornet's nest (Part )
Compared with civil servants, military generals are much simpler in mind. They will support whoever leads them from victory to victory, and whoever gives them titles, official positions and property.

The important generals in Beijing, such as Suhe, Hada, Alatancang, Mandu Latu, Boluji, Aishan, Ji Jike, Rejiefu, Sandan, Donjom Norbu, Tegusi Chaoketu, etc. were all gathered together. Yu Qianqing Palace; the important generals outside Beijing, except for the head of the Huite family, Balsi, the commander-in-chief of Kangrong, Lalm, and the commander-in-chief of the Western Regions, Xirimo, who were guarding the border and could not leave, were all summoned to Lhasa. Zuzu came. About forty people. Because there were too many people, Dong Nuan Pavilion could not seat them, so they had to discuss it in the main hall of Qianqing Palace.

"The reason why our Huite tribe has been able to transform from a small tribe into the current state of David is because of the four words of 'continuous progress'. Your Majesty, no matter how much you do, I will swear loyalty to the death," said the white-haired veteran Qinghai Wanhu Changtuoli was the first to express his support. He was a veteran from the time of Sultan's father, Nomdale, and was very prestigious in the army. As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately attracted a chorus of support.

"I don't know any big principles, I only know what your majesty says," Narisong, the second-class Marquis of Kashgar, shouted. He was the emperor's staunch confidant.

"That Risong's words touched my heart. My Majesty, your Majesty, is the only one who makes decisions about heaven and earth. If any bald donkey dares to disobey, I will chop him with an ax." Another confidant, the second-class Bailihou Suhe, roared.

The fierce general's words made Suletan amused, "You are such a reckless man. I usually tell you to read more books, but you don't listen. What's the 'dictatorship of heaven and earth'? It's the 'dictatorship of Qiangang', hahaha."

"Slaves must obey the Holy Order."

"I swear allegiance to the death"

The generals expressed their loyalty one by one, but no one objected. Sultan was full of emotions, it was the generals who wanted to marry me! It is said that warriors are domineering, but the blood of warriors is hot. If you are good to them, they will be willing to trust you with their lives!

Although he received the support of the army, as a mature politician, Suletan knew the importance of building momentum. As long as a trend is formed in anything, the resistance will be much smaller when implemented.

Back then, in order to control the Snowy Region, he pretended to be the incarnation of the Ningma Patriarch and built up such a great momentum that all those who opposed him were demons. In the rolling torrent of demons and demons.

Later, when he wanted to proclaim himself an emperor and establish a country, he coyly pretended to be reluctant, and at the same time promoted officers and nobles to those who persuaded him to join him. Guangshi was granted seven titles in total. When the momentum reached the point where he could no longer be the emperor and the people of Huite did not agree, the Kingdom of David and Emperor Qianyuan of the Kingdom of David naturally established themselves in Moxi.

It's the same this time. In the snow-covered plateau and even Oirat Mongolia, great monks and great nobles work together, forming an unbreakable relationship between donor and Futian. They have long dominated the direction of public opinion and are extremely powerful. If you want to move their interests, you should not be impatient. If you are impatient, big troubles will occur. You must build momentum first, and then take action after the momentum is built up, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Building momentum is actually already going on. Talking to civil and military officials, deliberation, and asking scholars to write books to advocate changes are actually building momentum. However, the effect was not great. It was not the government that really controlled public opinion in the Kingdom of David, but the gurus of various factions, large and small. The people may not listen to what the government says; the masters say casually, that is the will of the Buddha and cannot be violated!

It doesn't matter, Suletan himself is also a great monk, and he is the incarnation of the Nyingma Patriarch. Legend has it that this patriarch often incarnates in the human world. Last time, he transformed into the heroic King Gesar, subdued demons, eradicated violence, and conquered more than 150 tribes in the north and south, thus unifying the territory of the Ling Kingdom. Now, he has incarnated into the Oirat Mongolian Huite Tribe, established the Kingdom of David, and also unified the Snowy Plateau. Since he is the Nyingma Patriarch, he naturally has to start with the Nyingma Sect. Sultan summoned the great monk Jigme Dorje and other eminent monks to express his feelings directly. Things turned around, and after he became emperor, he rewarded Ningma with a lot of pastures, manors, and property, which made Ningma, which had been divided due to weakness, become prosperous and unified again. The monks in the sect benefited a lot, among other things. If they have conflicts with monks from other sects, the government will more or less favor them.

Seeing the "ancestor"'s request that the Nyingma monks pay taxes and obey the new code of law, Jigme Dorje and others hesitated but agreed. Only when there are people in the court can I become a monk! They believe that only if the patriarch's throne is stable can Nyingma have a glorious future, and it is worth paying some taxes for this.

Then, Emperor Qianyuan began to work on the ideological work of the Dorje Pam God of Sangding Temple of the Podong sect. A passionate woman with a heartless heart, in order to support the white lotus in her heart, the goddess readily agreed on behalf of the Podon sect.

The third person who agreed was Shaobu, the great shaman of the Huite tribe. He was the emperor's playmate and friend when he was a boy. Moreover, the shamans had been suppressed by the monks headed by Gelug. The reform revoked their privileges and allowed them to There is nothing better than paying taxes!

The great monk of Tianjin in Sakya had quite a relationship with Emperor Qianyuan. The great monk of Sharpa Hutuktu who taught the emperor the secret method of joyful meditation was the eminent monk of Sakya, but he hesitated and refused to agree immediately. On the contrary, it was the great monk Sangji Lingba of the Bon sect who agreed for the fourth time. This is mainly due to the fact that the temples of the Bon sect are mainly in Kham and Rong districts. They have been paying taxes since the Baili Tusi era. His Majesty the Emperor inherited this fine tradition after taking control of Kangrong. Since our faction has already paid taxes, why not let other factions pay taxes like ourselves?

Four of the seven national advisors had already agreed. Sultan did not hesitate and directly changed his persuasion into a threat. The great monk Chozhu Gyatso of Kagyu was born in the red hat lineage of Karma Kagyu. He was a man who knew current affairs. He defected to the Huite people just before the collapse of Zangpa Khan's regime, and he achieved his current status. Seeing that the emperor was about to draw his sword, he sighed and agreed.

"I didn't expect that Mongolian boy to treat us like this!" The Tianjin monk cursed angrily and reluctantly surrendered on behalf of Sakya.

The last national teacher of the Gelug sect, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen, refused to agree to let the Gelug monks pay taxes. The great monk objected.

"Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso objects? It's that bald donkey again! Last time he issued random orders to the people of Lhariziba, and I haven't settled the accounts with him yet. How dare you ruin my good deeds again!"

Sultan was extremely angry. All the other factions agreed, but the Pyrgelu faction disagreed! The truth always becomes clearer with more debate. I want to talk to you carefully about the truth!
"Come here, announce that the seven great masters, as well as the master Ngawang Losang Gyatso of the three major Gelug monasteries, are coming to the Potala Palace. I will hold a big Dharma conference and sit down with these eight masters to discuss the Tao," he shouted. .

(End of this chapter)

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