Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 243 Determined to enter the customs with the dragon

Chapter 243 Determined to enter the customs with the dragon

In April, the weather in Shengjing, Liaodong became warmer, but in the study room of the Prince Regent's Palace, the 32-year-old Aixinjuero Dorgon kept coughing. He was injured in the Songjin War two years ago. , the busy official duties caused his money rat tail to turn gray. Although he was a little tired, the sparkle in his eyes showed that this person was extraordinary.

This is a man who can endure. Under the pressing situation of the ministers of the two yellow flags "sword forward", he had no choice but to agree with the princes Baylor to jointly enthrone Fulin, the ninth son of Huang Taiji, who was only six years old, to ascend the throne and change his reign to Shunzhi. Afterwards, Prince Li Daishan and others ascended the throne due to Fulin, and all the kings, ministers Baylor and others jointly took an oath to declare to heaven and earth that Prince Zheng Jierharang and Prince Rui Dorgon would assist the government. After that, the county kings Adali and Beizi Shuotuo persuaded him to make himself emperor. Under various pressures, in order to show his loyalty, he killed Adali and Shuotuo. Then he rectified Hauge and his subordinates and stabilized his rule. Because of his wisdom and military exploits, his power has continued to rise over the years. Even Jierhalang ordered the ministers to report everything to Prince Rui Dorgon in advance, and the title of the book also listed Dorgon first, automatically giving up his position as the first regent.

There was a mountain of official documents that needed to be processed on the desk, but Dorgon only stared at the two in front of him. One is a begging letter written by Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of the Ningyuan Regiment of the Ming Dynasty, asking the Qing Dynasty to send troops to help him fight against Dashun; the other is a note from Fan Wencheng, a scholar in the inner academy of the adviser, who believes that "if Qin loses its deer, Chu will lose its deer." By expelling the Han, we are not fighting against the Ming Dynasty, but actually fighting against the rogue bandits." He advocated sending troops to invade the Central Plains immediately. He proposed, "We must win in battle, we must capture in attack, and thieves are not as good as me; I am not as good as thieves in obeying the people's will and recruiting people." Therefore, we must change the previous policy of killing and looting, and "strictly ban soldiers, and there will be no offenses in autumn." That is not only to change the policy of not defending the city strategically, but also to win over the Central Plains, and to win over the people tactically.

Fan Wencheng was the first Ming scholar to join the Qing Dynasty, and he had the reputation of being a scholar in the Ming Dynasty. That year, when the Eight Banners Army captured Fushun, he and his brother Fan Wencai took the initiative to seek an audience with Nurhachi and became one of the founding fathers of the Qing Dynasty. During the Huang Taiji period, he was deeply relied on. He participated in decision-making on all strategies for conquering the Ming Dynasty, instigating rebellion against Ming Dynasty officials, attacking North Korea, pacifying Mongolia, and building national systems. He was known as the number one civil servant.

Dorgon attaches great importance to this person's opinions. Everyone said that the regent favored the Manchus and suppressed the Han people. Indeed, he did not trust most Han people, but he still trusted those Han people in Liaodong who took the initiative to seek refuge. Especially this Fan Wencheng, who was recommended to Huang Taiji by him when he was the Minister of Civil Affairs, and they had some personal relations with each other. A few days ago, his younger brother Duduo snatched Fan Wencheng's wife. After summoning the kings Baylor to examine the truth, he ordered Duduo to return her, fined her a thousand taels of silver, and took away fifteen oxen. Be kind to Fan Wencheng.

"Come here, summon the great scholars Gang Lin and Fan Wencheng," Dorgon suddenly said.

"嗻", left and right hurriedly looked for people.

Guarjia Ganglin, whose courtesy name was Gongmao, was from Zhenghuang Banner in Manchuria. He lived in Suwan for a long time, belonged to Zhenglan Banner, and belonged to the prefecture king Adali. In the first year of Chongde, he was awarded a bachelor's degree from the Academy of Chinese History. He turned out to be a descendant of the county king Adali, who was the grandson of Daishan. Because he conspired with his uncle Shuo to make Dorgon the emperor, he was sentenced to death for treason and was regarded as Dorgon's confidant. After arriving at the study, he looked calm and at ease, as if he were at home.

Fan Wencheng originally belonged to Shuo Tuo, but he had just been transferred to Xianghuangqi. Supposedly, he could be regarded as a member of Dorgon, but because he was so favored by Huang Taiji and obeyed his advice, he would inevitably offend the Manchu nobles. A few days ago, Duduo took away his wife, which was a blow to him. After he suffered this calamity, he was cautious and cautious. He entered the study and sat upright without daring to be disrespectful at all.

"Gong Mao tells Gu the situation in China," Dorgon said.

"嗻", Gang Lin talked eloquently, "In January this year, Li Zicheng proclaimed himself emperor in Xi'an, and the founding name of the country was 'Dashun', which was changed to 'Yongchang'; on the second day of February, he crossed the Yellow River and captured Fenzhou and other places; on the fifth day of the lunar month , captured Taiyuan; on the 16th, defeated Xinzhou; on the first day of March, defeated Ningwuguan, massacred the city due to heavy casualties; on March 11th, defeated Xuanfu; on March 15th, defeated Juyongguan; on March 19th , Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty hanged himself in Jingshan, and Li Zicheng ordered a 'ceremonial burial'."

Dorgon nodded, "Wu Sangui asked me to borrow troops from the Qing Dynasty for help. Do you think he was sincere or fake?" Gang Lin thought for a while and said, "I heard that after Li Chuang captured Beijing, he tortured former Ming officials every day. , pursuing money and property, Wu Sangui's family was not immune. This man had planned to surrender, but when he left half way, he heard that his concubine had been taken away, so he returned. The slaves thought that he really wanted to borrow troops." Normally, the Manchus would only call themselves slaves when they met the emperor and the flag master, but this man who was trying to flatter the political king for the purpose of filming, called each one "slaves" affectionately.

"Yes." Dorgon nodded again, looked at Fan Wencheng and said slowly: "Xian Dou Shangshu Gegu said that this was a good opportunity to send troops to invade the Central Plains. But our dynasty has forced Mingdu three times, but all failed. Return. Why was it successful this time?"

Forty-seven-year-old Fan Wencheng is a person who takes the overall situation into consideration. His wife was kidnapped by Duduo a while ago, but he can still make serious suggestions for his master, which is really rare! He said solemnly: "Prince Regent, in the past we tried to force the Ming capital three times without success, because the people who lived in the Ming capital were the Ming Dynasty's orthodox people. Now Li Chuang lives in Beijing secretly. His reputation is not justified, and he tortures the scholar-bureaucrats. Lost the hearts of the people. On this day, Guan Nei will be sent to the Qing Dynasty. You must not hesitate!"

After hearing this, Dorgon fell into deep thought, and after a while he said: "The letter submitted by Wu Sangui only stated that if our army supports us, the soil will be cracked as reward, and there is no intention of surrender."

Fan Wencheng stroked his long beard and said slowly: "I thought that as long as our army entered Shanhaiguan, Wu Sangui would be out of control. The regent could deliberately slow down the march and force Wu Sangui to surrender on the condition of surrendering to the Qing Dynasty. Then he would sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. After both he and Li Chuang are defeated, you can send troops to attack Chuang's army and secure Yanjing. At that time, Wu Sangui will suffer heavy losses and lose the strength to fight against the Qing Dynasty. If you then use him as a pawn for our country to conquer the world, what will happen? What’s so difficult?”

After hearing this, Dorgon walked up and down in the study excitedly, and suddenly shouted: "Xian Dou is right, God will not accept it, but he will suffer the blame. He has made up his mind and immediately dispatched troops to enter the pass. !”

The regent was a decisive person. After accepting Fan Wencheng's suggestion, he immediately agreed to Wu Sangui's request for troops and "hurriedly gathered troops and marched".

In April of the first year of Shunzhi (1644), Emperor Shunzhi worshiped Dorgon as his general in the Dugong Hall and personally gave him the imperial seal, ordering him to lead his army south and enter the Pass to compete with Li Zicheng for the world."

This year, Emperor Fulin of Shunzhi was just a six-year-old boy who didn't understand anything. He pulled Dorgon's sleeve reluctantly and said, "Uncle Fourteen, I look forward to your triumphant return."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely create a great empire for the Qing Dynasty." Dorgon laughed loudly, which shook the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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