Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 215 Renbengba Family Head Presents the City

Chapter 215 Renbengba Family Head Presents the City (Part )
Opposite the Renbengba watchtower is the "Langshengyuan" of the Renbengba family. Since Lanson is the lowest slave, he is naturally not qualified and has no need to live in a spacious and bright house. A few or a dozen of them were crowded into small rooms, and some even lived in cowsheds. He could only receive a small amount of tsampa and water every day, but he had to do all kinds of heavy labor, such as weaving Pulu, weaving card mats, making wine, spinning, tailoring, being a horseman, a cook, and a bodyguard. Busy from morning to night.

"Get up and eat, you damn lazy fools," the housekeeper of Renbengba's family yelled. Although he is also a serf, he is a poor man and his status is much higher than that of the Langshengs.

Following his call, the Langsons got up quickly.

Ngawang Mima rubbed his eyes and was about to receive his share of "delicious food". Suddenly his pupils widened and he saw more than a dozen "duijong" taking out large wooden barrels. Not only did they have tsampa, but also There is beef and mutton and butter tea.

"Eat, Mr. Zongben has mercy on you, let you eat and drink well these days." The butler's words were sonorous and powerful, but in Ngawang Mima's ears, they were like a thunderbolt from the blue. We eat so well for no reason. Could it be that Mr. Zongben wants to sacrifice us? The kind-hearted master will let the slave eat a good meal before the slave sacrifices.

"Ouch~" he howled, grabbed the beef, mutton and tsampa with his hands, and wolfed it down.

Galpa Yapusai inspected the southern city wall of Lingsiben Village. He had been reinforcing the city wall day and night these days, which was quite effective. It can be considered impregnable.

"See you, Marshal." Norbu, the general in charge of the defense of Nancheng, saw him and hurried over to salute.

"You have worked hard these days, and you still need to work hard. When the Mongols are defeated, I will treat you to drinking for three days and three nights." Seeing that his eyes were red, Yapsai knew that it must be caused by the night patrol last night.

"Commander, don't worry, the general is in good spirits." Norbu deliberately straightened his chest and slammed the iron rod in his hand to the ground. The stick was thick and heavy, probably weighing more than forty pounds.

"Yes." Yapsai nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Has there been any movement from the Mongols in the past few days?"

"The Mongols had no other reaction except sending some sentries every day to detect movements on the city wall."

"No movement? Is there some conspiracy?" Yapsei frowned.

"The commander was overly concerned. General Yimo saw that the Mongols had attacked Lingsiben Village before and knew that the city's defenses were strong. So they did not want to attack by force, but wanted to besiege our army for a long time and wait for our army to run out of food," Norbu said.

Waiting for our army to run out of food? Yapsei dark music. The people of Houzang support Dishezangpa. The people regard the Mongols as demons invading Kagyu. They support our army by eating pots and pans of pulp. Now the army's rations are enough to last more than ten months. Not only did the Mongols not receive decent support, they were also often harassed by the common people. If it takes a long time, the Mongols will be the first to run out of food.

Although relieved. He still warned: "You must be careful and don't be careless."

"Yes, Marshal."

It's late at night, and the night in Lingsi Benzhai is quiet. A bright moon hangs in the sky, calling people to fall asleep quickly.

"Uh~" The centurion guarding the west city gate stretched out but did not dare to sleep. Military law is ruthless, and sleeping on the watch will cause you to lose your head.

A long team of more than a thousand people approached the west gate.

"Who is it?" the centurion shouted, subconsciously holding the handle of the knife.

"Kill me!" Renbungba Ngawangji Kezak ordered with a low roar, and rushed towards the city gate himself.

It was too late, but soon, a black shadow passed by him, and he raised the knife and cut off the centurion's head as fast as he was about to draw the knife.

Ngawang Mima was carrying the head, thinking about Master Zongben's promise: "If anyone can kill the enemy general and open the city gate, I will restore his freedom."

Ngawang Jikzak had no time to pay attention to Langsheng's mere thoughts. He just wanted to let the Mongolian army enter the city as soon as possible. "Open the city gate quickly!" Master Zongben shouted.

The heavy city gate was opened from the inside to the outside, and the Mongolian army that had been waiting outside swarmed in. The one who rushed at the front was the Mongol general Su He. He led a thousand warriors to attack the Yapsei commander's house.

After a tiring day, Yapsai had just fallen asleep when he was awakened by shouts of death from all sides.

"What's going on?" he asked in surprise.

"Commander, the Mongols have entered the city," the guard reported.

"How is it possible? Did the Mongols get in from the ground?" Yapsai couldn't believe that the city defense he had organized so hard was actually captured without warning.

"Someone must be offering the city to the enemy," he shouted angrily and ordered his guards to beat drums and gather troops.

"Ah!" As soon as the guard ran out far, he was split into two pieces by a big axe.

"Hoo~hoo~hoo~" The big ax carried the sound of the wind, like a pear blossom dancing, killing one person in ten steps, rustling like a shooting star.

Soon the guards around Yapsei were slaughtered. "Who are you?" he asked angrily.

"I am Su He, and I have come here to take your head." The man's voice was full of murderous intent.

"Huh! It depends on whether you have this ability." Yapsai sneered and touched his waist. He was born in the noble Galpa family. He had been taught by famous teachers since he was a child, and his martial arts were very superb. However, he failed to pull out his knife, and his waist was empty. He forgot to take it out when he got up.

"Hoo", the heavy ax arrived, and with just one axe, Yapsei became a bloody man.

"Go to hell, Mongolian dog," Norbu roared wildly, swinging the long stick in his hand at a Mongolian head of 30 households. The man swung his spear to block it, but the spear in his hand was knocked away. The force of the stick still lingered, and it hit the thirty household leader's helmet hard. There was a sound of skull cracking from under the helmet, and the man's head was smashed into his body, making him unable to live.

"Brother", the second brother Zashbatour ran towards him.

"If you didn't defend the city wall, why did you run down and lose the south gate? I'm the only one asking you," Norbu said angrily.

"Brother, look over there." Zash Batur looked panicked and pointed in the direction of the handsome manor.

Norbu followed his direction and saw that the location of the Commander's Mansion in the city was already engulfed in flames.

"Alas! It seems that the commander-in-chief is in trouble and the city cannot be defended!" He sighed and shouted to Zashbatour: "Second brother, follow me out of the city quickly and report to the Great Khan. , Lingsi Benzhai is lost."

The two brothers each held a large iron rod, gathered hundreds of soldiers, and fought desperately outside the city. No matter how hard one man fights, a hundred people can't defeat him. Hundreds of people fight together and actually fight their way out and break out of the encirclement.

Sultan sat in the big tent, and his subordinates kept reporting the results of the battle to him. Very brilliant! Preliminary statistics show that nearly 8,000 enemies have been wiped out.

"The Great Khan, there are hundreds of enemies, fled southward." His confidant Aai sent Alatancang the only bad news in this battle.

"Facing south?"

Suletan took a look at the map and smiled, "It's okay to let them go to Gyantse to report a message to Zangba Khan. I have always wanted to fight Zangba Khan in an upright manner."

(End of this chapter)

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