Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 207 The Battle of Uharrik

Chapter 207 The Battle of Uharrik (Part )
The overwhelming offensive finally receded, and both the generals and soldiers were tired. Kundulun Ubas defended his camp and killed more enemies with fewer casualties. However, Batur Hutaiji also tested the enemy's strength and weakness. The deep ditch and high base made it really difficult to fight!

"Haorui~Haorui~Haorui~" Seeing the enemy retreating, thunderous cheers rang out in the camp.

Kundulun Ubashi smiled, pleased that he had defeated the enemy's spirit. Suddenly a chill hit him, as if something cold and cold was staring at him.

The veteran warrior's intuition is often very accurate, and it is the Wolf King's eyes that are staring at him. Batur Hutaiji was looking this way. Naturally, he couldn't see Kundulun Ubashi, but he could see the large banner of Kundulun Ubashi. "Hmph, old man, one day I will behead you." The Wolf King's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he soon returned to his simple and honest expression. People who didn't know him thought he was an honest old farmer.

"Pass my military orders, only defend but not attack," the Wolf King ordered calmly.

Military orders are like mountains, and soldiers follow the orders to set up camp and only defend but not attack. Good guy, we have been on the defensive for more than a month without launching a decent offensive.

Oqiltu Khan couldn't sit still and went to He Orlek, "It's already midsummer with He, and winter will come in a few months. To fight but not to fight, to make peace but not to make peace, isn't this a missed opportunity?" Please join me in urging Batur to fight the enemy decisively."

"I understand what the Great Khan means. It's just that Huitai Ji has always had an idea, so why should I wait to say more? Let him go, let him go." After talking to Orlek, he left with a smile.

"Alas! This man is old and stupid! If you don't go, I'll tell you what to do." Erqirtu Khan stamped his feet bitterly and went to find Batur, "Huitai Ji, winter is coming, don't attack again , should we do it halfway?"

"Don't be impatient, Khan, please hunt with me first," Batur said unhurriedly.

"Hunting? How long has it been? Do you still have such thoughts?"

"Haha, after the hunt, the Khan will understand my intention."

The two of them went along the Ili River with a large number of personal guards. They said they were hunting, but they didn't even hunt a rabbit. They only talked and laughed along the way.

Oqiltu Khan became more and more suspicious as he walked. He was heading towards Kashiluk, and from time to time he encountered sentinels from Kundulun Ubas's men. With his own personal guards to drive away the enemy, there is no need for two big shots to consider safety. Slowly, we came to a forest beside the Ili River.

"Shut up!"

Batur reined in his horse, pointed at the forest and laughed, "Please see, Khan, are there any armored soldiers hidden here?"

"Well, it's a good place for an ambush," Erqirtu Khan said subconsciously, and suddenly realized, "You mean to ambush Kundulun Ubash here?"

"That's what I meant."

"But how could Kundulun Ubash be so scheming as to be ambushed?" Erqiltu Khan was surprised.

"It doesn't matter, the Han people have a saying called 'lead the snake out of its hole'", Batur smiled.

"Eqi Ge, the traitor Batur is standing still. He probably wants to retreat," the second son Ubashi Hutaiji said to Kundulun Ubashi.

"The more this happens, the more suspicious it becomes. That boy Batur is as fierce as a wolf, how can he retreat so easily?" Kundulun Ubas shouted sharply, "Don't be careless. You must send more sentries to closely detect the enemy's movements." whereabouts".

The older a person gets, the more suspicious he becomes. The calmer the situation in Baturhuntaiji becomes, the more uneasy Kundulun Ubashi becomes. Not only does he send more sentries, but he also builds a high platform in the camp to observe three times a day. Enemy whereabouts.

In the early morning of this day, when it was time for dinner, the old man once again climbed up to the high platform to take a look.

"Huh? Why don't you see any smoke?" Usually at this time, smoke would be billowing from the enemy's camp, but today there was no smoke.

Kundulun Ubashi was shocked when he suddenly saw a flock of birds falling into the enemy camp. "No! There is no smoke, and the birds have entered the camp. It must be an empty camp! Go and see where the enemy is," he shouted loudly.

"Eqi Ge, sentry cavalry came to report that the enemy was found on the banks of the Ili River. They are heading towards Kashiluk." The eldest son Mamedale came to report.

"Oh, against all odds, I fell into the trap of Batur, the traitor. He deliberately did not attack for a long time to weaken our military morale, and then took advantage of my unpreparedness to attack my tent," Kundulun Ubashi said angrily. Pat the thigh.

"Eqige, what should we do now?" asked the eldest son Mamedale, the second son Ubas, and the fourth son Okchotbu.

"What else can we do? Immediately notify the Dulbert people, pull out the entire army, and follow me back to Kashiluk to aid."

Nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses rushed back in boundless speed, and the sound of horse hooves shook the ground.

In the woods on the bank of the middle section of the Ili River, Oqiltu Khan looked at Kundulun Ubashi with admiration, "Huntaiji has a wonderful plan, and the enemy really fell into the trap."

"That's right, with Huitaiji at our command, how can our army be invincible?" He and Orlek also praised him repeatedly, but they were full of vigilance in their hearts. This man is much younger than me. How can my son control him in the future?

"The two great Khans have given you the award, I just succeeded by luck," Batur said very modestly.

The cavalry was extremely fast and reached the edge of the forest in a blink of an eye. "All troops attack," the Wolf King roared and ordered.

"Woo~wu~wu~" the loud bugle sounded, ambushes appeared in all directions, and countless cannonballs and arrows were fired at the enemy.

Batmadolzi, the forward of the Kundulun Ubashi Army, was overturned by a shell as soon as he heard the noise. He was the second son of Dulbert Taijibaoyilden. He had always been kind to others and was deeply loved by his subordinates, but he was unexpectedly buried here.

"Second brother", Elinqin Batur helped his brother up sadly and indignantly, and saw that he was no longer breathing, and there was no good piece of meat in his body.


This famous warrior of Dulbert tribe went crazy and rushed into the enemy's formation regardless of life and death, killing with all his strength.

He was not the only one who went crazy. As soon as the wild tiger's fork pierced one enemy, Durbert Minister Aldar rushed to another one. As an enemy of ten thousand people, he vowed to fight against ten thousand people.

"Whoosh", a cold arrow hit his left shoulder. He took a breath and finally understood his situation. He didn't dare to fight, and he leaned on the horse's back and galloped as hard as he could. Gumubu, Da'e, Talhun, and Suonomuceling all followed him.

"Oops, I fell into the trap of the traitor Batur!" Kundulun Ubashi was so angry that his beard was flying.

"Eqi Ge, please retreat quickly, please come to the rear." The fourth son, Ekchuotebu, rushed to his side.

"Our army has collapsed and there is no need for the rear. I am ordering the whole army to retreat on its own. You will retreat with me. Don't worry about your horse power. Run as fast as you can." After saying this, Kundulun Ubashi whipped the horse to the cross. The dismounted war horse waved away. The horse was in pain, raised its hooves, and galloped forward.

"Drive~drive~drive~" Ekchotbu also hit the horse hard and galloped away.

It only takes a moment to go from advance to retreat. The faster we come, the faster we lose. The retreating party left their backs to be chopped down by the pursuing party, and the Uharlik area became a river of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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