Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 204 Batur orders the heroes

Chapter 204 Batur orders the heroes

Batur Hutaiji not only sent envoys to the Torgut tribe, but also sent people from other Oirat tribes.

Effects vary.

Dayan Ozil Khan of the Heshuote Tribe has left Urumqi and moved to Qinghai, and his territory is far away from Kazakhstan, so there is no practical benefit from attacking Kazakhstan; besides, he is the Khan of Oirat, and he actually issued orders to Batur beyond his own control. is dissatisfied; furthermore, his territory is now sandwiched between the Huite Tribe and the Shaanxi Xingdu Division of the Ming Dynasty. Geographically, it is no longer bordered by the Junggar Tribe. dissatisfied. Dayan Eqirhan was still quite afraid of the strength of this powerful neighbor.

It's early summer, the vegetation of Ulan and Shuo is lush, and the blue waves of Qinghai Lake are sparkling.

Dayan Eqirhan had just finished inspecting his territory, reined in his horse by the Qinghai Lake, and murmured: "The country is so picturesque, who else remembers the bloody battle that year!"

At that time, his father, the national advisor Khan Tulubaihu, went on an expedition to Qinghai with great ambitions. It was here that he was ambushed by Quetu Khan and fled for his life. As luck would have it, now this place has become Heshuote's pasture, but not through war, but through negotiation. After moving here, the tribesmen have been able to recuperate and the population and livestock have multiplied. If possible, he really doesn't want to fight another big war.

"Great Khan, you have rejected the request of the Junggar people this time. If the Huite people attack us, I am afraid that we will be left alone and helpless." Dorji, the sixth brother, expressed his worries.

"The Dzungars are far away from us now. Even if they come to help, what's the use? It's better to get along well with the Huite people," Dayan Ezier Khan sighed. It is actually difficult to let go of hatred and live peacefully with the enemy who killed your father.

"The Great Khan is afraid that people will not hurt the tiger's heart, but the tiger will hurt others. The Huite people are tigers," Dorji added.

"I have professed my vassalage to the Qing Emperor, so the Huite people may have some concerns." Dayan Eqirhan sighed, "Let the men train more soldiers when they have time. After all, being isolated from others is not a long-term solution. Also, , the city defense of Ulan and Shuo City must be strengthened."

Ili City was built under the order of Oqiltu Khan of the Heshuote Tribe. After the Huite Tribe built the Yingsachuan City, the Oirat tribes started to build cities, and the Junggar Tribe built the city of Hebuxer, and then The city of Talbahatai is being built; Dayan Eqir Khan, the same clan, built the city of Ulan and Heshuo; Eqirtu Khan, not to be outdone, built the city of Ili.

The city is not big, but the walls are made of stone and are extremely strong. Needless to say, after living in the city, Oqiltu Khan felt much safer.

"Your Majesty, your pommel horse is tired, please go down and rest first. I will reply to you later." He politely sent the Junggar envoy away. He held a meeting of nobles in the Khan's palace to discuss war and peace.

Previously, he had refused to join forces with the Junggar people to attack the Huite tribe on the grounds that he was harassed by his third uncle Kundulun Ubas. The main reason is that the Phite tribe is too powerful and they are afraid of getting into trouble; and they control the gold trade route. Once it is cut off, there will be economic losses; not long ago, Sarula Bilig Khan of the Phite tribe transferred his adopted daughter, Lin Dan Khan His daughter Princess Shuji married him, and they had a harmonious relationship, which was why he refused.

However, today is different from the past. If the Huite tribe is an iron wall, Kazakhstan is a big piece of fat. Yangir Khan's strength is completely incomparable to Sarula Bilig Khan. Attacking Kazakhs can not only capture a large number of people, livestock, and wealth, but also gain vast pastures.

"Great Khan, now is a good opportunity to expand our territory to the west! Please join forces with the Junggar people to attack Kazakhstan," the respected sixth uncle Buyan Hatan Batur was the first to speak.

As soon as he took the lead, all the Otok Taijis agreed one after another. These people were all eager to get rich spoils through war. "Okay, I will tell the envoy and agree to send troops," Oqiltu Khan shouted excitedly.

Those who agreed to send troops also included Batur, Shangkayi, Qingbatur, Kudet, Mergen Jinong, Ayush and other Taiji Shangdu in the Torghut tribe. They are the brothers or nephews of another great Taijimergent Muna in the Torgut tribe.

During the Oirat Civil War, Mergent Muna and Orlak turned against each other. These people refused to move to the Volga River with Orlak. After Mergen Temuna died of illness, they were nomadic in the Ob grassland and the Irtysh grassland. After all, they both belonged to the Torgut tribe. After learning that they and Orlek had agreed to send troops, they also joined the Batur camp. However, these Taiji forces are weak, and together they can only gather more than a thousand soldiers to wave flags and shout.

As for the Dulbert Tribe Erke Elden, Galdang Haledai, Elden Ubas and other Taijis who had surrendered to Batur before, their tribes have been organized into households, and naturally they are also To follow the expedition.

For a time, Batur Hutaiji gained momentum and had the potential to overthrow the Kazakh grasslands.

But some people didn’t buy it!
Jikundulun Ubas, the great minister of Heshuo, not only rejected Batur's request, but also arrogantly said to the envoy: "Yangir Khan has worshiped me as his father. Is there any reason in the world for a father to attack his son? I will tell you when I go back. Batur, if you dare to attack Kazakhstan, I will help you."

He, the old man, took the lead, and all the Taijialedar, Tuoyin, Gumubu, Da'er, Talhun, Sonomuceling, etc. who were attached to him in the Durbot tribe refused.

and Huitaiji Palace in Buxail City, where Batur was listening to a report from his second brother, Mergen Daiqing, who was responsible for raising military supplies for the army.

"Huntaiji, I have raised money and food for the army for three months. However, although our Junggar tribe has gathered troops and horses, the soldiers from other tribes have not yet arrived. It is already July, and when all the tribes gather, I am afraid it will not be until August. , September, Kazakhstan is a long way away, and with such a delay, winter will be here when we arrive. It is better to wait until the early spring of next year to gather troops to attack Kazakhstan," Mergen Daiqing reported.

In this era, the Mongols generally chose March when the grass was growing and the orioles were flying. In this season, the vegetation is lush and the war horses can get enough fodder. It is necessary to return as winter approaches, otherwise there will be heavy snowfall, transportation will be inconvenient, and the horses will be short of food, which will be extremely detrimental to combat.

After hearing this, Batur frowned. It would be safe to attack Kazakhstan in the early spring of next year, but Sultan is unstoppable in the south. Will he give himself such a long time?
"Huntaiji, it's bad! The envoys we sent to Pebok, Morgan and Shuoqi were robbed and killed by Kundulun Ubashi's men." Just as he was thinking about it, the general Kong Jin reported.

It turned out that Kundulun Ubashi was the most loyal person. I heard that Batur sent people everywhere to contact Oirat Getaiji in an attempt to attack Kazakhstan. In order to support his adopted son Yangir Khan, he sent people to rob and kill the messengers of the Junggar tribe. Peiboke, Morgan and Shuoqi are the two small Taijis of the Torgut tribe, and their pastureland is far away from Junggar. The messengers sent by Batur to these two places were killed.

Killing envoys was a taboo in Mongolia, which gave Batur a good excuse to send troops.

In an instant, the honest face of the Wolf King turned murderous. A wolf is a wolf and will always eat meat. He shouted loudly: "Since it is too late to attack Kazakhstan, let's attack Kashiluk first and destroy Kundulun Ubashi. Send an order to the entire army to set off immediately, and then notify our allies to meet up in Kashiluk as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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