Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 201: Competing for the bride price and killing him

Chapter 201: Competing for the bride price and killing him

"Bie Qi (During the Ming Dynasty, the Mongolian tribes called "Princess" "Bie Qi" according to the old system of Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty). Emubu Daiqing Dadaiji came. The slave took a few secret glances. She has a good appearance." The maid laughed and reported to Clete Boller. As the youngest daughter of Turghut Khan, this crystal is twenty years old this year, which is when she is young and beautiful.

"Bah, you're the only one who talks too much", the pretty widow spat at the maid, her cheeks turned red for no reason. She had a bad fate. She lost her husband after her first marriage. As the daughter of the Great Khan, she could not condescend to a mortal, so she has wasted her time till now. Fortunately, my father finally married him off, so he no longer had to guard the empty house alone.

As politicians of the older generation, He and Orlek stubbornly maintained the Mongolian tradition of living by water and grass. They did not build cities, but only set up tents. However, this does not mean that the defense is weak. On the contrary, the old Khan King, who has been fighting for a lifetime, has set up his camp in a very organized manner, with clear functions and well-proportioned arrangements. A three-layer fence was actually erected outside the camp, and one cart after another was connected to form a barrier.

Omobu Daiqing and Shuoqi came to the Turghut tooth tent on the banks of the Agangheba River. Seeing the elite soldiers and tight defenses, they secretly praised: My uncle is really handsome! No wonder he can lead a single army to build a country thousands of miles away.

Dulbert's tribe is not what it used to be, and its strength is far inferior to that of the Torgut tribe, so he sincerely wants to get closer to the Torgut people. He brought a thousand horses, eight thousand sheep, fifty boxes of brick tea, etc. as betrothal gifts. This betrothal gift was extremely generous. Not only that, he also planned to make concessions in the upcoming division of pasture land. When a weak person negotiates with a powerful person, most of them are willing to make concessions to settle matters if possible.

"Cousin," someone called him, and a face that was both honest and resolute appeared in front of Daiqing and Shuoqi of Omubu, interrupting his reverie.

It had been a long time since they had seen each other. It took a long time for Emubu Daiqing and Shuoqi to recognize Shukur Daiqing. They walked up to him with a big smile and said, "It's you, cousin. It's been a long time since I last saw you. You've gained a lot of weight. Look. Come, we are raising people in the pastures of the Ejile River."

"Cousin, no matter what Eqi Ge asks for later, you must agree to it," Shukuer Daiqing warned solemnly.

"Don't worry, cousin, I will definitely satisfy my uncle." Emubu Daiqing and Shuoqi thought the other party was afraid that they would not be able to part with the gift, so they laughed and said.

Seeing him like this, Shukuer Daiqing thought that he understood what he meant and said no more.

"Da Taiji, the Great Khan has been waiting in the Khan tent, please come with me." Uru Chechen Taiji, the general of Orlak's tribe, came over. He was a famous hero of the Torgut tribe. He looked like As powerful and tall as an iron tower.

"I'll see my cousin later. I'll go see my uncle first." Ombu Daiqing and Shuoqi smiled politely at Shukuer Daiqing and walked into the tent.

He saw his uncle and Orlek sitting upright, and his second cousin Gunbuyilden stood aside wearing armor. I couldn't help but wonder, could it be that my second cousin had just returned from the military camp?
"Uncle", "cousin", Omobu Daiqing and Shuoqi greeted politely.

"Come, come to my uncle. I haven't seen you for a few years, but he has become calm." He and Orlek looked kind.

"I also miss my uncle's tightness." Emubu Daiqing and Shuoqi followed the words and stepped forward.

Since we are all relatives, we chat about home affairs.

The strong family ties made a good start for the negotiations. Emu Budaiqing and Shuoqi City presented the gift list and the pasture division map, "Uncle, do you think the amount of the bride price and the pasture division are okay?"

Looking at Orlek, the bride price is very generous, and the division of pasture land is also beneficial to him. My nephew has made huge concessions and is very sincere about the marriage. If he were an ordinary person, he would agree on the spot, but he and Orlek, an unparalleled hero with the world in his heart, would care about this "petty profit"?
"My good nephew, my uncle has one more thing to discuss with you." The great tycoon changed the topic and looked directly at Omubu Daiqing and Shuoqi with bright eyes.

"Oh, uncle, please speak."

"Yangir Khan of Kazakhstan has repeatedly harassed my tribesmen. He is also from Oirat. Kundulun Ubash of the Kashote tribe not only did not help me, but also collaborated with Yangir Khan. I want to raise troops to attack them. Please help. I lend a helping hand."

"You want to invite me to attack Yangjier Khan and Kundulun Ubas together?" Ombu Daiqing and Shuo were stunned and slowly shook their heads, "Uncle, is there some misunderstanding here? I am willing to mediate for you." . "There is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation. Either they die or I die." In an instant, He and Orlek's eyes flashed with murderous intent. "Are the Durbot people willing to advance and retreat together with the Turgut people?" ?”

"Unknown to my uncle, the Dzungars and Oros invaded our tribe back then. Our tribe was forced to move west to Kukwusu, where we were taken in by Mongolian Kundulun Ubas Dataji and Yangir Khan, and we finally had a place to establish ourselves. Mongolians value kindness the most, and we really don't dare to do such ungrateful things!" Omobu Daiqing and Shuoqi flatly refused.

"So you are going to fight against your uncle for an unrelated outsider?" He Orlek's expression turned grim.

"Uncle, forgive me. Kundulun Ubas Dataji, Yangjier Khan and I once swore to the heavenly alliance to watch and help each other. If you decide to raise troops to attack Kazakhstan, I will only meet you in arms."

"Okay, okay, my sister gave birth to a good son!"

He sneered at Orlek and said, "The gift you gave is too little. I want 10,000 horses and 100,000 sheep."

This is nothing to talk about. Is there any reason to have such colorful gifts?
Clay figurines still have earthy nature, not to mention the great and auspicious generation! Emubu Daiqing and Shuoqi were also really angry, "My uncle asked for too many betrothal gifts. I, Dulbert, am poor and can't afford it, so I'm leaving." After saying that, he was ready to pay the bill.

"Kill him!" He Orlek shouted.

Gunbuyilden, who was well prepared, led his soldiers to swarm forward and slashed at them with swords. Omubu Daiqing and Shuo both fell in a pool of blood. Outside the tent, Ulu Chechen also led his army to kill all the followers of Ombu Daiqing and Shuoqi.

The peaceful banks of the Agangkhba River turned into a hell on earth.

Hibiscus is not as good as beauty makeup,
The breeze from the water palace brings the fragrance of pearls and green flowers.

Who cries and covers the autumn fan?
The bright moon hangs in the sky waiting for the king.

When she heard that her cousin and future husband was coming, Clete Borrell started dressing up carefully. She wanted to meet him secretly for a while.

"Don't beg, Tabu Nang (with a horse) has been killed by the Khan." While he was combing his hair, the maid came with the bad news.

"What! Why?" Baoler's body shook.

"It was said that the Great Khan asked Tabu Nang to produce 10,000 horses and 100,000 sheep. But Tabu Nang refused, so the Great Khan killed him."

"Is there any reason to ask for such a heavy betrothal gift? Eqi Ge, you are so cruel! Even if my cousin refuses, you shouldn't kill him." Tears burst out of Baoler's eyes. He hated his father for being so cruel, but also Blame yourself for the misery of your life.

"Don't cry, little sister. It's only because you were born in the house of the Great Khan!" Shukuer Daiqing entered her tent at some unknown time and sighed quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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