Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 179: Feinting a shot at Khampa

Chapter 179: Feinting a shot at Kamba
After retreating from Langkazi and leading Siben Village, someone's self-confidence was greatly hit and he didn't even think about food or drink.

"Khan, victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. Don't take it to heart and eat some food." A gentle voice came from behind.

"I don't want to eat, go, go, take it away." Sultan waved his hand in disgust. Huh? Why does this voice sound so familiar? He looked back and saw Gulisha Tiyanji's pretty face. The beautiful Yanji came to the front line from Yarkand because she missed her relatives. She learned the bad news as soon as she arrived. Her pretty face was pale and bloodless because she had just lost her relatives, but she held a pot of buttermilk and some meat pies with a strong smile. .

The more so, the more touching and embarrassing it is.

"Ji Ji, it was my fault that cost Aman his life. Do you blame me?" At this moment, the Great Khan was like a child who had done something wrong.

"I have never blamed you. You are responsible for the rise and fall of Mongolia. How can you be unhappy for a mere thousand households? Please bring in some food." Gu Lixiati grabbed the meatloaf with her hands and fed it to him.

Suletan felt much more comfortable and started eating and drinking hungrily. After eating and drinking, he said bitterly: "Gulishati, just wait, I will definitely kill Zangba Khan and avenge your brother!"

"The Great Khan has an order. Anyone who beheads Zangba Khan will be promoted to the third level and rewarded with a thousand gold coins." A military order spread throughout the army, declaring Sarula Bilig Khan's determination to kill Zangba Khan. This is the peak showdown between the two heroes, which is difficult for outsiders to understand.

After a period of hard work, the morale of the Mongolian army was restored. Just as the Great Khan was about to order an attack on the city, he suddenly received a secret report from Qianhu Hada, the capital of the Wuyi Army: Another old friend of his, Baili Chieftain of Kham District, had some problems. Restless, he was busy mobilizing troops and generals everywhere.

The vast snowy area is divided into three parts: Uizang, Amdo and Kham. There is a classic saying: the legal domain is "Weizang", the horse domain is "Anduo", and the human domain is "Kham". It means: Buddhism in Uizang is the most prosperous; Amdo has the best horses; Kham has the most beautiful people.

In Tibetan, "Wei" means "center", which generally refers to the Lhasa Valley area, and "Tibet" generally refers to the area west and north of Shigatse. Uizang is the well-deserved center of the snowy region; Amdo is centered on the Qiangtang Plateau and Goluo in Qinghai Province, including most of Qinghai, Gannan and Tianzhu in Gansu, and Aba in Sichuan; Kham is centered on the snowy region of Qamdo and Yushu in Gansu. As the center, it includes Ganzi in Sichuan and Diqing in Yunnan.

Baili Tusi Dunyue Dorje is a blessed person, occupying the beautiful Kham area, very beautiful! There are outstanding people and beautiful mountains and rivers. The steep icebergs and snow ridges, the surging rapids and rivers, the clear blue plateau lakes, the green grasslands full of cattle and sheep; the tough and rugged Kham men, the graceful Tibetan girls, and the colorful ethnic customs are amazing. Like in heaven.

What's more important is that it is the main transportation route from Sichuan to the snowy area. The endless flow of business trips could have brought huge wealth, but it was a pity that Dunyue Duoji didn't know how to run a business. He just wanted to occupy this three-thirds of an acre of land forever and become the emperor of the land. Because he was worried about the Gelug influence infiltrating into his territory, he imprisoned the Gelug monks; later he simply imprisoned monks from other sects, and only allowed the Bon sect monks he believed in to preach; and finally formed a military alliance with Zangba Khan , sealed the Sichuan-Tibet border and did not allow merchants to pass. Without the caravans, the originally prosperous Kham area quickly began to decline.

Dunyue Duoji didn't care about so much, he just wanted to destroy Gru. The life and death of those untouchables really didn't matter. However, things went against his wishes. He was so militaristic that he suffered a huge defeat in Dangxiong and had to return to his old nest. After the defeat, I should have been dejected, but after passing through Zizhu Mountain in Qamdo and visiting the Buddhist altar of Benpa Zizhu Monastery and the great monk Sangye Lingba, I became confident again, and even re-conceived the idea of ​​capturing Lhasa. Ambition. What the great monk said to the great chieftain has become an unsolved matter in history. Later historians only know that in early 1642, when the weather was freezing and snowing heavily, Chieftain Baili had just returned to Bailiguan Village from Qamdo in Dorje, and he issued two orders. Taoist military orders: One order was sent to the chieftains on the Sichuan-Tibet border to seal the border and no horses or camels were allowed to enter the snowy areas; the other was to recruit the troops of the chieftains affiliated with Kham and Rong districts to meet at their Baili official village.

There are many tribes in the Rong area, known as the Jiarong Eight Tribes. The word "Jiarong" means the Tibetan people who are close to the Han people. They are mainly distributed in the junction area of ​​Aba and Ganzi in Sichuan, with Moduo Mountain as the center. Although affiliated with Baili Tusi, they speak the local dialect Jiarong and are good at agricultural production, so they are called "Rongba" (people from agricultural areas). Although these tribes believe that they are not Tibetans, but Jiarong people, in the eyes of Tibetans they are the descendants of the Zha family, one of the four major surnames of their tribe. Since we are all a family, Chief Baili works hard to take care of the affairs of the cashmere area.

The great chieftain was so powerful in Kang and Rong that after a military order, almost all the chiefs in Kang and the eight major tribes in Rong came, except for a few chieftains such as Chuosijia of the Dajin Department who were ordered to block the border. Nearly 20,000 troops gathered in Bailiguan Village in chaos.

How could such a large-scale operation be hidden from Mongolian spies? After receiving the secret report from Qianhu Hada, the Wuyi military capital, Suletan immediately summoned Sumur, Liu Haogu, Xue Zongzhou, Narisong, and Su He to hold an emergency military meeting.

"Dun Yue Duoji is still determined to be evil, and he is recruiting troops and horses in Kangrong, trying to take advantage of my expedition to Shigatse to plot Lhasa. Please discuss this with me, what should I do?" the Great Khan asked modestly. Since he didn't listen to Xue Zongzhou's words last time and suffered a loss at Langkazi, he has become more open-minded.

"Great Khan, I think we should return to Lhasa quickly," Narisong suggested, and Liu Haogu, Saihan, Mandu Latu, and Boluji all agreed. Sultan nodded, his suggestion was mature and prudent.

"Brother, I think we should fight Zangba Khan as soon as possible. After destroying Zangba Khan, we can deal with the traitor Bai Lina." Sumur also made a suggestion. Su He, Aishan, Lalm, and Sandan generals all gathered together. Agree. Sultan shook his head. This method sounded exciting, but if he failed to attack Zangba for a long time, he would be attacked from both sides. As he grew older, he became less adventurous.

But someone wanted to persuade him to take the risk!
Xue Zongzhou stepped forward to offer advice, "Great Khan, I think you should indeed return to the army, but instead of defending Lhasa, you should sneak all the way east, attack Qamdo, and then attack Bailiguan Village from Qamdu."

Sultan was stunned by this bold proposal, "Xue Qing, Dunyue Duoji wants to concentrate his troops to attack me. You don't advise me to defend, but instead advise me to take the initiative to attack. What's the point?"

"Great Khan, the reason Chief Baili is ready to move is because he thinks that our army is in a fierce battle with Zangba Khan and has no time to pay attention to him. He never expected that you would take the initiative to attack him. This is called a surprise victory; and although his soldiers and horses are numerous, Most of them are chieftain soldiers recruited temporarily and are not strong in combat power. Attack them quickly and do not give them time to train the army."

Sultan thought carefully and finally nodded slowly, "What Xue Qing said is true. Instead of waiting for him to hit me, it is better for me to hit him first."

(End of this chapter)

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